भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Daily Weather Data

IARI Meteorological Database System
Division of Agricultural Physics, IARI, New Delhi

IARI : Latitude 28°38'23"N, Longitude:77°09'27"E., Altitude:228.61m above

Date Max Temp (℃) Min Temp (℃) Rainfall (mm) Wind Speed (km/h) Wind Direction-I Wind Direction-II Weather Condition-I (Code 0-9) Weather Condition-II (Code 0-9) RH-I (%) RH-II (%) BSS (hrs) Evaporation (mm)

I - Observations taken at 7.21 hrs. and II - Observations taken at 14:21 hrs.
0 - Fair (clear and slightly clouded), 1 - Variable Sky, 2 - Mainly Overcast, 3 - Sand Storm or Dust Storm, 4 - Fog or Thick Dust Haze, 5 - Drizzle, 6 - Rain, 7 - Snow or Sleet, 8 - Shower (s), 9 - Thunder Storm with or without Precipitation

Maximum temperature observed during previous day, Minimum temperature observed on today, Rainfall observed during previous day 8:30 AM to today 8:30 AM, Wind speed observed average during previous day 7:21 AM to today 7:21 AM, Wind direction I observed today at 7:21 AM, Wind direction II observed today at 2:21 PM, Weather condition I observed today at 7:21 AM, Weather condition II observed today at 2:21 PM, RH I observed today at 7:21 AM, RH II observed today at 2:21 PM, BSS observed during previous day, Evaporation observed during previous day.

SOURCE: Agromet. Observatory, Division of Agricultural Physics, IARI, New Delhi.

Month/Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2019 52.0 70.8 10.2 5.7 45.4 31.2 283.9 227.0 17.4 41.0 7.4 66.0 858
2020 47.7 2.0 174.6 8.8 37.4 59.9 270.9 334.6 9.8 0.0 3.2 0.0 948.9
2021 56.3 7.0 2.0 5.2 214.6 50.1 497.1 257.4 528.6 127.7 0.0 9.6 1755.6
2022 141.9 30.0 0.0 0.0 74.8 22.8 325.6 168.2 191.4 134.9 0.0 0.0* 1089.6
2023 33.4 0.0 105 10.9 118.3 234.8 366.0 65.6* 934

 *Rainfall recorded (up to 08th August 2023 Morning 8:30 AM)   

Multimodel Ensemble Based District Level Weather Forecast *
Weather parameter/Date2023-08-132023-08-162023-08-17
Rainfall (mm)0.089'
Maximum Temperature (°C)3789'
Minimum Temperature (°C)2836'
Average Cloud Cover (Okta)72333'
Maximum RH. (%)8023`23
Minimum RH. (%)603333
Average Wind Speed (kmph)123233
Predominant Wind directionsWSWewew
Cumulative Weekly Rainfall (mm)
12.0 mm
Special weather
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 Forecast is valid from 09th to 13th August 2023

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 The above weather forecast is applicable to Delhi and its surrounding villages only.
 This page is updated on 08th August 2023 at 10.0 AM. Daily Weather Data updated showed the value during last 24 hour.

 Weather and forecast data cited must be acknowledged. Agromet Advisory Services, Delhi Unit.

ICAR-IARI Scientists