Agricultural Economics Research Publications

Sayla Khandoker, Alka Singh and S. K. Srivastava (2022). Leveraging farm production diversity for dietary diversity: evidence from national level panel data. Agricultural and Food Economics. DOI:
Ankhila R H, Alka Singh, D R Singh, Prabhakar Kumar And Bhargavi B (2022). Trends and determinants of total factor productivity in Rice (Oryza sativa) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(4): 464-468.
Giridhar, B.J., Praveen, K.V. & Singh, A. Estimating the Effect of Bt Cotton on Input Expenditure and Yield: An Indian Perspective. National Acadey Science Letters. (2022).
Praveen K. V., Alka Singh, Girish K. Jha, P. Kumar, Kingsly I. T. and Aditya K. S. (2021). What drives the use of organic fertilizers? Evidence from rice farmers in Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Sustainability, 13, 9546. DOI:
Praveen K. V., Alka Singh, Pramod Kumar, G. K. Jha, Kingsly and Aditya K. S. (2021). Indian fertilizer subsidy conundrum: Tracking the recent developments. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4): 608-12.
Praveen K. V., Alka Singh, Aditya K. S. (2021). Exploring the global research trends in biofertilizers: a bibliometric approach. 3 Biotech 11, 304. (
Suresh Kumar, D. R. Singh, Alka Singh, Naveen Prakash Singh and G. K. Jha (2020). Does Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practice Enhance Productivity and Reduce Risk Exposure? Empirical Evidence from Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT), India, Sustainability, 12, doi:10.3390/su12176965, 1-16
KV Praveen, Alka Singh, Pramod Kumar, Girish K Jha, I Kingsly (2020). Advancing with fertilizers in Indian agriculture: trends, challenges and research priorities. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 33: 49-60
Mondal, Biswajit, Alka singh, S.D.Singh, B.S.Kalra, P.Samal, M.K.Sinha, D.Ramajayam and Suresh Kumar (2018). Augmentation of Water Resources Potential and Cropping Intensification Through Watershed Programs. Water Environment Research 83- 91.
Mondal, B., Alka Singh, Sekar, I.,Sinha,M.K., Suresh Kumar and Ramajayam, D. (2015).Institutional arrangements for watershed development programmes in Bundelkhand Region of Madhya Pradesh: An exploratory study. International Journal of Water Resources Development 32 (2): 219-231.
Manaswi, B.H., Pramod Kumar, Prakash P., Anbukkani P., Amit Kar, G.K.Jha, D.U.M. Rao & V. Lenin (2020) Impact of farmer producer Organisation on organic chilli production in Telangana, India, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, vol 19(1):33-43
Manaswi, B.H., Pramod Kumar, Prakash P., Anbukkani P., Amit Kar, G. K. Jha & D.U.M. Rao (2019) Impact of Farmer Producer Organisation on organic chilli (Capsicum Fritescense) production in Telangana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol 89(11):1850-1854
Vikram Yogi, Pramod Kumar, P. Prakash, Amit Kar, D.R. Singh, Rashmi Singh, Prawin Arya and O.P.Awasthi (2019) An economic evaluation of kinnow cultivation in north western India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10): 1684-7
Jayakumara R Varadan and Pramod Kumar (2014) indegenous knowledge about climate change: Validating thevperceptions of dryland farmers in Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol 13(2): pp 390-397
Jayakumara R. Varadan, Pramod Kumar, G.K.Jha, Suresh Pal and Rashmi Singh (2017) An exploratory study on occurance and impact of climate change on agroculture in Tamil Nadu, India, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 127: 993-1010
Jayakumara R. Varadan (2015) Mapping agricultural vulnerability of Tamil Nadu, India ti climate change: A dynamic approach to take forward the vulnerability assessment methodology, Clinatic change Vol 128(1-2).
Prakash P, Pramod Kumar, K V Reddy, K N R Kumar, S Konduru, V Paramesh, G A Rajanna, S K Shankarappa, D Jaganathan, S Immanuel, A L Kamble, R Selvakumar, K T Immanuelraj, B R Manogaran, Anbukkani P, U Maruthanayagam, S Niranjan (2022) Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops as a Livelihood Opportunity in Western India: An Economic Assessment, Sustainability, 14(12):7430-7447
Pramod Kumar, Amit Kar, Dharam Raj Singh, P Prakash, AL Kamble, KV Reddy, SGC Shivmurthy, P Anbukkani, PS Badal, V Kamalvanshi, GK Jha, MS Nain, A Alataway, A Dewidar, HO Elansary (2021) Protected cultivation of horticultural crops in Uttarakhand: An Economic Analysis, Agronomy, 11:692-716
A Reddy, SS Raju, A Suresh, P Kumar (2018) Analysis of Pearl Millet Market Structure and Value Chain in lndia, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 8(2), 1-19
Lenin Venu, Baldeo Singh, Pramod Kumar and K. Vijayaragavan (2013), Agricultural extension in India - the effectiveness of the Agricultural Technology Management Agency, OutIook on Agriculture, March 42(1):65 -7 2
Girish K Jha and K Sinha (2014). Time-delay neural networks for time series prediction: An application to the monthly wholesale price of oilseeds in India. Neural Computing and Applications, 24(3-4), 563-571.
Girish K Jha, C Mazumder, J Kumari and G Singh (2014). Nonlinear principal component based fuzzy clustering: A case study of lentil genotypes.Indian Journal of Genetics & Plant Breeding, 74(2), 189-196.
Girish K Jha, G Singh, S Vennila, M S Rao, H Panwar and M Hegde (2016). Predicting the severity of Spodoptera litura on groundnut in relation to climatic variability using ordinal logistic model. Journal of Agrometeorology, 18(2), 282-287.
Girish K Jha, G Singh, S Vennila, M Hegde, M S Rao and H Panwar (2017). Multi-layer perceptron based neural network model predicting maximum severity of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) on groundnut in relation to climate for Dharwad region of Karnataka (India). Mausam, 68(3), 537-542.
Girish K Jha, A Suresh, B Punera and P Supriya (2019). Growth of horticulture sector in India: Trends and prospects. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2), 314-321.
K Choudhary, Girish K Jha, R R Kumar and Dwijesh Mishra (2019). Agricultural Commodity price analysis using ensemble empirical mode decomposition: A case study of daily potato price series. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 89(5), 882-886.
V R Renjini and Girish K Jha (2019). Oilseeds sector in India: A trade policy perspective. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1), 73-78.
S Kumar, Girish K Jha, D R Singh and H Biswas (2020). Economic incentives for sustainable legume production in India: a valuation approach internalizing risk sharing and environmental benefits. Current Science, 119(7), 1184-1189.
Aditya K S, Muthuprasad T, Subhash S P and Girish K Jha (2021). The Indian Crop Insurance Puzzle: A Discourse from Behavioral Science Perspective. National Academy Science Letters, 44(4), 377-382.
Praveen K V, Girish K Jha, and Aditya K S (2021). Discerning sustainable interaction between agriculture and energy in India. Current Science, 120(12), 1833-1839.
Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat System in Indo-Gangetic Plains
Asha Devi S.S., P. Anbukkani, Alka Singh, B. Dayakar Rao and Girish K. Jha (2022) Millet Production and Consumption in India: Where Do WeStand and Where Do We Go? National Academy Science Letters 46(50)
Ravindra, Alka Singh and Anbukkani Perumal (2020) Innovations and Investments for Transforming India’s Rice Economy: Submergence Tolerant Rice Varieties in Rain fed Lowlands of North-Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90 (1): 3-8
Balasubramanian M, P Anbukkani, M L Nithyashree, K Krishna Reddy and T Arivelarasan (2019) Adoption and impact of water-saving technologies in the Nagarjuna Sagar Project area of Andhra Pradesh, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 32 (2), 229-237
M Boopathy Raja, K N Selvakumar, A Serma Saravana Pandian,S Meenakshi Sundaram, P Anbukkani And R Jayanthi (2022) Profitability and efficiency of pig production in Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 92 (3):365-369
H N Kavitha, Pramod Kumar, P Anbukkani, R R Burman, P Prakash (2021) Income Support Schemes Evaluation of PM KISAN vis-à-vis State Government Schemes, Economic & Political Weekly, 56(34): 13-17
P. Venkatesh and Suresh Pal (2013) Determinants and Valuation of Plant Variety Protection in India. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 18: 448-456.
V. Sangeetha, Ram Bahal, Premlata Singh and P. Venkatesh (2013) Impact of NGO-led self-help groups on the empowerment of rural women � experiences from South India. Outlook on Agriculture, 42(1):59-63.
P.Venkatesh , Nithyashree M L, V Sangeetha and Suresh Pal (2015) Trends in agriculture, non-farm sector and rural employment in India: An insight from state level analysis. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85 (5): 671�677.
Babu S C, Huang J, Venkatesh P and Zhang Y. (2015) A comparative analysis of agricultural research and extension reforms in China and India. China Agricultural Economic Review, 7 (4): 541-572. DOI 10.1108/CAER-05-2015-0054.
P.Venkatesh , I.Sekar, G.K.Jha, Premlata Singh, V.Sangeetha and Suresh Pal (2016). How do the stakeholders perceive plant variety protection in Indian seed sector? Current Science, 110 (12): 2239-2244.
Sangeetha V, P Singh, G S Mahra, S Sarkar, Venkatesh P , Satyapriya, B S Tomar, M Wason (2017). Assessment of food consumption pattern in Uttar Pradesh: A dietary diversity study. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87 (6): 846�52.
Baliwada H, Sharma J. P. Burman R. R, Nain M. S., Kumar.A and Venkatesh P. (2017) A study on institutionalization of farmer-led innovations for their scaling up. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87 (12): 1725�1729.
Sangeeta B, P Venkatesh, KS Aditya, Rajarshi Roy Burman (2020) The Macro and Micro Point of View of Farmer Suicides in India , National Academy Science Letters. Pp 1-7.
R Shenaz, P Venkatesh, DR Singh, VR Renjini, GK Jha, DK Sharma (2021)Ecosystem valuation and eco-compensation for conservation of traditional paddy ecosystems and varieties in Kerala, India. Ecosystem Services, 49;1-9
1. S Rasheed , P. Venkatesh , D R Singh , V.R. Renjini , G K Jha, D K Sharma (2021) Who cultivates traditional paddy varieties and why? Findings from Kerala, India.Current Science (Forthcoming)
Praveen, K. V., Jha, G. K., & Aditya, K. S. (2021). Discerning sustainable interaction between agriculture and energy in India. Current Science (00113891), 120(12).
Praveen K.V., Alka Singh, Pramod Kumar, G.K. Jha, Kingsly I, and Aditya K.S. 2021. Indian fertilizer subsidy conundrum: tracking the recent developments. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (4): 608-12, April 2021
Rajna, S., Praveen, K. V., Laneesha, M., & Kelageri, S. S. (2021). Recent trends in insecticide resistance research on whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): a bibliometric profile. Current Science (00113891), 120(9).
Praveen K.V., Singh, A. & Korekallu Srinivasa, A. Exploring the global research trends in biofertilizers: a bibliometric approach. 3 Biotech 11, 304 (2021).
Praveen K.V., Singh, A., & Korekallu Srinivasa, A. (2022). Effect of Direct Benefit Transfer Policy on Fertilizer Sales in India. National Academy Science Letters, 45(6), 481-484.
Asha Devi, S. S., Praveen, K. V., Singh, A., & Panghal, P. (2022). Does the seed system determine the crop yield and farmers’ income? an economic analysis. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 35.
Praveen, K. V., & Singh, A. (2023). The landscape of world research on fertilizers: a bibliometric profile. Current Science (00113891), 124(10).
Bhavan, S. G., Bhat, S., Mujawar, S., Praveen K.V., Mayekar, T., Patil, A., ... & Kumar, P. (2023). Seen from the Stakeholder’s revelation—valuation of ecosystem services in a small tropical Indian estuary. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 62, 102905.
Praveen K.V., Sivalingam, N., Jha, G. K., Singh, A., & Pathak, H. (2023). Nitrogen budget of Indian agriculture: trends, determinants and challenges. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-18.
Praveen K.V.., Singh, A., Jha, G. K., Kumar, P., Immanuelraj Thanaraj, K., & Korekallu Srinivasa, A. (2021). What Drives the Use of Organic Fertilizers? Evidence from Rice Farmers in Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Sustainability, 13(17), 9546.
M. L. Nithyashree. (2021). The role of the macro environment and firm-specific characteristics in improving the resource use efficiency of the Indian food processing industry, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 34: 347-565.
M. L. Nithyashree., & Pal, Suresh. (2020). Rising capital intensity and employment potential of Indian food processing industry. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75(4), 518¬¬–533. ISSN:2582-7510.
M. L. Nithyashree., Mukri Ganapati., Balasubramanian, M., & Gadag, R. N. (2020). Export performance and prospectus of maize (Zea mays L.) in India, Maize Journal, 9(2), 125-130. ISSN:2278-8867. tober_2020.pdfBook Chapter
M. L. Nithyashree and Pal Suresh (2013). Regional Pattern of Agricultural Growth and Rural Employment in India: Have Small Farmers Benefitted? Agricultural Economics Research Review, 26 (Conf.): 1-11.
Balasubramanian, M., Anbukkani, P., M. L. Nithyashree., Reddy, K. K., & T Arivelarasan, T. (2019). Adoption and impact of water-saving technologies in the Nagarjuna Sagar Project area of Andhra Pradesh, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 32(2), 229–237. DOI: 10.5958/0974-0279.2019. 00034.X
Aditya, K. S., Subash, S. P., Praveen, K.V., M. L. Nithyashree., Bhuvana, N., and Sharma Akriti. (2017). Awareness about Minimum Support Price and its impact on diversification decision of farmers in India. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4(3): 514�526. doi:10.1002/app5.197.
Venkatesh, P., M. L. Nithyashree., Sangeetha, V., and Pal, S. (2015). Trends in Agriculture, Non-farm Sector and Rural Employment in India : An insight from state level analysis, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(5), 671�677.
Venkatesh, P., Balasubramanian, M., Praveen, K.V., Aditya, K. S., Vijai Babu, D., M. L. Nithyashree., & Amit Kar. (2017). Agro-Processing Industry and Farmers’ Linkages: Pattern and Impact on Enhancing Farmers’ Income in Tamil Nadu, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 30(Conf), 13-25.
Anbukkani, P., M. L. Nithyashree., & Kumar, P. (2016). Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat System in Indo-Gangetic Plains. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 12(3), 549-556.
P. Venkatesh., & M. L. Nithyashree. (2014). Institutional Changes in Delivery of Agricultural Inputs and Services to Farm Households in India, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 27 (Conf.), 85-92.
Aditya, K. S., Subash, S. P., Praveen, K. V., Nithyashree, M. L., Bhuvana, N., & Sharma, A. (2017). Awareness about minimum support price and its impact on diversification decision of farmers in India. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 4(3), 514-526. (Impact Factor 2.05)
Suresh, A., Aditya K.S, Jha, G., & Pal, S. (2018). Micro-irrigation development in India: an analysis of distributional pattern and potential correlates. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-16. (NAAS 7.90)
Aditya K S., Thiyaharajan, M., Padmaja, S. S., & Jha, G. K. (2021). The Indian Crop Insurance Puzzle: A Discourse from Behavioral Science Perspective. National Academy Science Letters. NAAS 6.42
Kuriachen, P., Suresh, A., Aditya, K. S., Venkatesh, P., Sen, B., & Yeligar, S. S. (2021). Irrigation development and equity implications: the case of India. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-17. NAAS 9.14
Jha, G. K., Mazumder, C., Kumari, J. and Singh, J. Nonlinear Principal Component Based Fuzzy Clustering: A Case Study of Lentil Genotypes. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (2014), 74(2), 189.
Mazumder, C., Jha, G. K., Parsad, R., Bharadwaj, A. and Kumari, J. Principal Component based Fuzzy c-means Algorithm for Clustering Lentil Germplasm. Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (2015), 69(3), 307-314.
Murmu, D. K., Das, B., Yonzone, R., Mazumder, C. and Das, A. Assessment of genetic diversity of green and ripe chilli under the Alluvial zone of West Bengal. Research in Environment and Life Science (2017), 10(2), 54-57.
Yonzone, R., Murmu, D. K., Das, B. and Mazumder, C. Screening of chilli genotypes against the leaf curl and anthracnose disease under field condition (2017). Green Farming, 8 (6), 1368-1371.
Aditya, K. S., Praveen, K. V., Ahamed, B. Z. and Mazumder, C. Quantifying the role of disembodied technologies in enhancing farm income: A case of the dibbling method of red gram cultivation in Kalburgi district of northern Karnataka. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics (2018), 73 (3), 269-280.
Imran, K., Renjini, V. R., Jagriti, Rohit., Nitish., Chiranjit, M., Bhagyalakshmi, K., and Venkatesan, P. Participatory rural appraisal approach for the identification of the problem and development of village agricultural development plan of Saalaivembu village. Multilogic in Sciencee(2018), 8 (C), 103-109.
Asha Devi Sukumaran Sreekala, P. Anbukkani, Alka Singh,B.Dayakar Rao andGirish K Jha. (2022)Millet Production and Consumption in India: Where Do WeStand and Where Do We Go? Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett.
Philip Kuriachen · Asha Devi  · Anu Susan Sam  · Suresh Kumar · Jyoti Kumari ·A. Suresh · Girish K. Jha. (2022) Wheat Yield Responses to Rising Temperature:Insights from North Indian Plains of India, Theoretical and Applied Climatology(2022) 150:1157–1172
K.Philip, S.S.Asha Devi, G.K.Jha, B.M.K.Raju, B.Sen, A.Ali and J.Kumari(2020) Sensitivity of wheat yields to rise in growing season temperature: Evidences from panel data analysis. Journal of Agrometeorology 22(2):191-197
Asha Devi, S. S., Aditya, K. S, Renjini, V.R Sathish Gowda, C.S , D. R. Singh and Amit Kar. (2022) Agricultural Education System in India: Present Problems and Strategies to Meet the Future Challenges. Indian Journal of Extension Education.Vol. 57, No. 3, 2021 (35-40
Devi A and Chandel B S (2022)What drives the profitability of dairy processing firms in India? The results of decomposition analysis. Agricultural Economics Research Review 35 (1):81-92. DOI: 10.5958/0974-0279.2022.00007.6
Asha Devi S S; Praveen K V; Alka Singh and Pradeep Panghal (2022) Does the seed system determine the crop yield and farmers' income? an economic analysis. Agricultural Economics Research Review 2022, 35 (Conference Number), 39-48DOI: 10.5958/0974-0279.2022.00017.9
Valiyaveettil, Renjini Raman, Girish Kumar Jha, and Babita Kathayat (2023). Pushing for Self-sufficiency in Edible Oils in India in the Aftermath of Recent Global Events. National Academy Science Letters : 1-4.
Renjini, V. R., Praveen, K. V., Singh, A., & Venkatesh, P. (2022). A bibliometric analysis of global research on biofortification. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 58(1), 24-29
Rasheed, S., Venkatesh, P., Singh, D. R., Renjini, R. V., Jha, G. K., & Sharma, D. K. (2022). Public Intervention for Conservation of Paddy Ecosystems—An Empirical Evidence from Kerala, India. National Academy Science Letters, 45(4), 287-289
Renjini, V R, Girish K Jha and J P Sinha (2021) Economic feasibility of solar irrigation pump in India: An insight from Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91 (2): 236–9, February 2021.
Rasheed, S., Venkatesh, P., Singh, D. R., Renjini, V. R., Jha, G. K., & Sharma, D. K. (2021). Ecosystem valuation and eco-compensation for conservation of traditional paddy ecosystems and varieties in Kerala, India. Ecosystem Services, 49, 101272:1-9
P Venkatesh, D R Singh, Jaiprakash Bisen, V Sangeetha, Suresh Kumar, Renjini V.R, M Balasubramanian, Girish K Jha, Alka Singh (2021) Assessment of farm constraints and income losses during COVID-19 lockdown in India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91(4): 639-43, April 2021
Rasheed, Shenaz, P. Venkatesh, Dharam Raj Singh, V. R. Renjini, Girish Kumar Jha, and Dinesh Kumar Sharma (2021) Who cultivates traditional paddy varieties and why? Findings from Kerala, India. Current Science 121: 9 (2021): 1188-1193.
P Venkatesh, Barun D Pal, Sarvesh K Dubey, V Sangeetha, Balasubramanian, Renjini V R, D R Singh, Amit Kar, Balaji S J, and Suresh Pal (2020) Structural transformation, export promotion policy options, and its impact on the Indian economy: A social accounting matrix (SAM) approach. Agricultural Economics Research Review 33(1):9-21
Renjini, V. R. and Girish K Jha (2019) Oilseeds sector in India: A trade policy perspective. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 89(1):73-78.
Renjini, V R, Amit Kar, G K Jha, Pramod Kumar and R R Burman (2017) Agricultural trade potential between India and ASEAN: an application of gravity model. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 30(1):105-112.
Subash N, Harbir Singh, Simina Nishat, Guillermo Baigorria, Vinod Kumar, Alex Ruane, Kenneth Boote, Roberto Valdivia, Cynthia Rosenzweig and Carolyn Mutter (2019). Integrated modeling for assessing climate change impact on future agricultural production system - A farm level multi-modeling approach to assess food security and livelihoods in future, Journal of Agrometeorology 21 (Special issue -
Singh, Harbir and Ramesh Chand, 2011. The Seeds Bill, 2011�Some Reflections, Economic and Political Weekly, 46 (51): 22�25.
Anjani Kumar, Harbir Singh, Sant Kumar and Surabhi Mittal, 2011. Value chains of agricultural commodities and their role in food security and poverty alleviation� A Synthesis, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 24 (1): 169-181
Suresh Pal, Harbir Singh and Prasoon Mathur, 2009. Delivering seeds of �orphan� crops: Case studies of potato and groundnut in India, Outlook on Agriculture, 38 (4): 375-382.
Singh, Harbir, Prasoon Mathur and Suresh Pal, 2008. Indian seed system development: policy and institutional options, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 21 (1):20-29.
Singh, Harbir and Suresh Pal, 2007. Development of the Indian seed system: the roles of public policy, markets and institutions, Tailoring Biotechnologies, 3 (3): 55–66.
Utkarsh, T., Sekar, I., Anbukkani, P., Jaiprakash, B., Pramod, K., Girish, K. Jha & Prabhakar, K. (2020). Economic Impact of Vegetable Variety in Haryana: “A Case Study of Pusa Rudhira Carrot Variety”, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 16: 147-151, DOI:
Utkarsh Tiwari, Alka Singh, Pramod Kumar, P. Venkatesh, Rashmi Singh, Amerender Kumar, Jaiprakash Bisen and H. V. Harish Kumar. (2023). Status and changes in composition of Agricultural Households income in India. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 59(1): 59-64.
Jai Prakash Bisen, Shiv Kumar, Dharam Raj Singh, Manjeet Singh Nain, Prawin Arya and Utkarsh Tiwari. (2022). Performance and prospects of wheat market outlook in India. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 58(4): 113-117.
Jai Prakash Bisen, Shiv Kumar, Dharam Raj Singh, Manjeet Singh Nain, Prawin Arya and Utkarsh Tiwari. (2023). Performance and macroeconomic scenario of rice market outlook in India. Oryza, 60: 78-90

New Publications

Ghose, B., Pandit, P., Mazumder, C., Sinha, K., & Sahu, P. K. (2024). (2024). Comparative Study of EMD based Modelling Techniques for Improved Agricultural Price Forecasting. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 78(1), 53-62. , Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 78(1), 53-62. (NAAS rating: 5.25)
Ghose, B., Pandit, P., Mazumder, C., Sinha, K., & Sahu, P. K. (2024). (2024). Comparative Study of EMD based Modelling Techniques for Improved Agricultural Price Forecasting. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 78(1), 53-62. , Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 78(1), 53-62. (NAAS rating: 5.25)