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*Parray, R. A., & Bhattacharya, T. K. (2022). Effectiveness of Ethyl Acetate, 1-Octanol, and Soy Biodiesel in Stabilizing Ethanol�Diesel Fuel Blends and Performance of Compression Ignition Engine on Stabilized Fuel Blends. ACS Omega. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c03501 [NAAS Rating: 9.51] [IF: 4.132] |
*Mirzakhaninafchi, H., Mani, I., Hasan, M., Nafchi, A. M., Parray, R. A., & Kumar, D. (2022). Development of Prediction Models for Soil Nitrogen Management Based on Electrical Conductivity and Moisture Content. Sensors, 22(18), 6728.[NAAS Rating: 9.576] NAAS Rating 9.35; IF: 3.187] |
Shivashimpar,A., *Parray,R, A., Mani, i., Kushwaha, H, L., Lande, S., Mirzakhaninafchi,H., Khura, T., Sarkar,S., Pandey, R (2022). On-Farm Cropping Sensor-Based Smart Device for Cutting Energy Measurement of Cereal Crops. Agronomy Journal [NAAS Rating : 8.84; IF:2.65] |
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*Parray, R. A., Mani, I., Kumar, A., Khura, T., & Verghese, E. (2018). Web based machinery fleet size selection model for paddy-wheat cropping system. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(4), 568-572.[ NAAS Rating : 6.37] |
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Shukla, L., Lande, S. D., *Parray, R. A., Suman, A., Annapurna, K., Mani, I., & Vikram. (2019). Recycling flower waste to humus rich compost using effective microbial consortium and mechanical intervention.The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(7), 140-146.[ NAAS Rating : 6.37] |
*Pachpinde, P., Sharma, P. K., Mani, I., Parray, R. A., & Namita. (2019). Design and development of hybrid solar dryer for flowers. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11), 85-89.[ NAAS Rating : 6.37] |
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Aradwad, P. P., Kumar, T. A., Dubey, A., & Mani, I. (2021). Development of microcontroller-based data logger for real-time monitoring of drying and storage of food grains. Agricultural Engineering Today, 45(1), 1-10. |
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Sahoo, M., Titikshya, S., Aradwad, P., Kumar, V., & Naik, S. N. (2022). Study of the drying behaviour and color kinetics of convective drying of yam (Dioscorea hispida) slices. Industrial Crops and Products, 176, 114258. |
Kumar, T. A., Aradwad, P. P., Thirupathi, V., Rajkumar, P., & Viswanathan, R. (2021). Briquetting of mango seed shell: effect of temperature, pressure and binder. Agricultural Engineering Today, 45(4), 23-28. |
Yadav, R. S., Jha, S. K., Sinha, J. P., Aradwad, P., Gaikwad, N., TV, A. K., & Samuel, D. V. K. (2019). Cross-flow thin bed drying characteristics of maize (Zea mays) using continuous sample weight measurement. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(3), 458-62. |
Dubey, A., Sharma, P. K., Mani, I., Parray, R. A., Aradwad, P., & TV, A. K. (2021). Validation of thin layer drying models in solar-powered air-inflated grain dryer. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(3). |
Rajeev Kumar, Raheman H. (2018) Detection of flow of seeds in the seed delivery tube and choking of boot of a seed drill, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 153: 266-277. NAAS Rating: 9.17 |
Rajeev Kumar, Pramod Kumar Sahoo, Anil K Choudhary and Indra Mani (2020) Design, development and performance evaluation of tractor-drawn raised-bed pulse planter for precision sowing of Pigeonpea, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 90(9): 164-173. |
Arun Kumar T V, Pramod P Aradwad, Pranita Jaiswal, Santosha Rathod, P K Sahoo, Indra Mani. 2022. Development and evaluation of battery operated ginger washer suitable for small and marginal farmers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(9): 1071-1075. |
Arun Kumar T V, Pramod P. Aradwad, V. Thirupathi, P. Rajkumar, R. Viswanathan. 2021. Briquetting of mango seed shell: effect of temperature, pressure and binder. Agricultural Engineering Today, 45(4): 23-28. |
Arun Kumar, T. V., Indra Mani, Pramod, A., D. V. K. Samuel, S. K. Jha, P. K. Sahoo, J. P. Sinha and Abhijit Kar. 2018. Effect of extrusion technique on antinutritional factors of sorghum-soya blends. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88(3): 420-8. |
Arun Kumar, T. V., D. V. K. Samuel, S. K. Jha and J. P. Sinha. 2015. Twin Screw Extrusion of sorghum and soya blends: a response surface analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 17: 649-662 |
Pramod P Aradwad, Arun Kumar T V, Indra Mani and P K Sahoo. 2022. Design and Development of Cumin Destalker Machine. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 81: 705-711. |
Pramod P. Aradwad, Arun Kumar T. V., P. K. Sahoo, IndraMani. 2021. Key issues and challenges in spice grinding. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 5: 100347. |
Yogesh Kumar, Arun Kumar, Rajesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Rajesh Kumar Singh. 2021. The combined effects of multiple emulsion, plant gel, and fibers from pea pods on the characteristics of low-fat meat batter. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(4): e15298. |
Dhritiman Saha, Arun Kumar T. V., Swati Sethi, Indore Navnath. 2020. Physical Properties, Pasting Characteristics and Rheological Behaviour of Paddy Varieties Suitable for Flaking. Food Science and Engineering, 1(2): 85-94. |
Manju Bala, T. V. Arun Kumar, Surya Tushir, S. K. Nanda, R. K. Gupta. 2019. Quality protein maize based muffins: influence of non-gluten proteins on batter and muffin characteristics. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56: 713–723. |
Manju Bala, Chandan Solanki, Arun Kumar T V, Surya Tushir, Ramesh Kumar. 2019. Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of HQPM 5 quality protein maize (Zea mays). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (3): 463–8. |
N.L. Kushwaha, Rajput, J., Elbeltagi, A., Elnaggar, A.Y., Sena, D.R., Vishwakarma, D.K., Mani, I., Hussein, E.E., (2021) Data Intelligence Model and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms-Based Pan Evaporation Modelling in Two Different Agro-Climatic Zones: A Case Study from Northern India. Atmosphere 12:1654. (NAAS Rating: 8.26) |
N.L. Kushwaha, Elbeltagi, A., Mehan, S., Malik, A., Yousuf, A., (2022) Comparative study on morphometric analysis and RUSLE-based approaches for micro-watershed prioritization using remote sensing and GIS. Arab J Geosci 15, 564. (NAAS Rating: 7.825) |
N.L., Kushwaha, Rajput, J., Sena, D.R., Elbeltagi, A., Singh, D.K., Mani, I., 2022. Evaluation of Data-driven Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms for Modelling Daily Reference Evapotranspiration. Atmosphere-Ocean 62, 1–22. (NAAS Rating: 7.82) |
N.L. Kushwaha,, Rajput, J., Shirsath, P.B., Sena, D.R., Mani, I., 2022. Seasonal climate forecasts (SCFs) based risk management strategies: A case study of rainfed rice cultivation in India. Journal of Agrometeorology 24, 10–17. (NAAS Rating: 6.45) |
Elbeltagi, A., Kushwaha, N.L., Rajput, J., Vishwakarma, D.K. et. al. (2022) Modelling daily reference evapotranspiration based on stacking hybridization of ANN with meta-heuristic algorithms under diverse agro-climatic conditions. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess. (NAAS Rating: 9.45) |
Abd-Elaty, I., Kushwaha, N. L., Grismer, M. E., Elbeltagi, A., & Kuriqi, A. (2022). Cost-effective management measures for coastal aquifers affected by saltwater intrusion and climate change. Science of The Total Environment, 836, 155656. (NAAS: 13.96) |
Vishwakarma, D.K., Pandey, K., Kaur, A., Kushwaha, N.L., Kumar, R., Ali, R., Elbeltagi, A., Kuriqi, A., 2022. Methods to estimate evapotranspiration in humid and subtropical climate conditions. Agricultural Water Management 261:107378. (NAAS Rating: 10.45) |
Elbeltagi, A., Di Nunno, F., Kushwaha, N.L., de Marinis, G., Granata, F., 2022. River flow rate prediction in the Des Moines watershed (Iowa, USA): a machine learning approach. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess. (NAAS: 9.50) |
Elbeltagi, A., Raza, A., Hu, Y., Al-Ansari, N., Kushwaha, N.L., Srivastava, A., Kumar Vishwakarma, D., Zubair, M., 2022b. Data intelligence and hybrid metaheuristic algorithms-based estimation of reference evapotranspiration. Appl Water Sci 12, 152. (NAAS: 9.80) |
Ahmed Elbeltagi, Muhammad Rizwan Aslam, Ali Mokhtar, Proloy Deb Ghali Abdullahi Abubakar, N. L. Kushwaha, Luan Peroni Venancio, Anurag Malik, Navsal Kumar, Jinsong Deng (2020), Spatial and temporal variability analysis of green and blue evapotranspiration of wheat in the Egyptian Nile Delta from 1997 to 2017. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 594, March 2021, 125662. (NAAS: 10.50) |