Das, T.K.*, Paul, A. K. and Yaduraju, N. T. 2014. Density-effect and economic threshold of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) in soybean. Journal of Pest Science. 87(1): 211-220. NAAS 11.13 |
Dodamani, B. M. and Das, T.K.*2013. Density and nitrogen effects on interference and economic threshold of common lambsquarters in wheat. Journal of Pest Science. 86: 611-619. NAAS 11.13 |
Baghel, J. K., Das, T. K.*, Pankaj, Mukherjee, I., Nath, C. P., Bhattacharyya, R., Ghosh, S. and Raj, R. 2020. Impacts of conservation agriculture and herbicides on weeds, nematodes, herbicide residue and productivity in direct-seeded rice. Soil and Tillage Research. 201:104634. NAAS 10.68 |
Bhattacharyya, R., Bhatia, A., Das, T. K*., Lata S., Kumar, A., Tomer, R., Singh, G., Kumar, S., and Biswas, A.K. 2018. Aggregate–associated N and global warming potential of conservation agriculture-based cropping of maize-wheat system in the north-western Indo–Gangetic Plains. Soil and Tillage Research. 182:66-77. NAAS 10.68 |
Bhattacharyya, R., Das, T. K.*, Das, S., Dey, A., Patra, A.K., Agnihotri, R., Ghosh, A. and Sharma, A.R. 2019 Four years of conservation agriculture affects topsoil aggregate-associated 15nitrogen but not 15nitrogen use efficiency by wheat in a semi-arid climate. Geoderma. 337: 333-340. NAAS 10.34 |
Das, T.K., Nath, C.P., Das, S.,Biswas,S., Bhattacharyya R., Sudhishri, S., Raj, R., Singh, B., Kakralia, S.K., Rathi, N., Sharma, A.R., Dwivedi, B.S., Biswas, A.K. and Chaudhari, S.K. 2020. Conservation Agriculture in rice-mustard cropping system for five years: Impacts on crop productivity, profitability, water-use efficiency, and soil properties. Field Crops Research. 250:107781. NAAS 9.87 |
Das, T.K., Saharawat, Y.S., Bhattacharyya, R., Sudhishri, S., Bandyopadhyay, K. K.*, Sharma, A.R. and Jat, M. L. 2018. Conservation agriculture effects on crop and water productivity, profitability and soil organic carbon accumulation under a maize-wheat cropping system in the North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Field Crops Research .215:222-231. NAAS 9.87 |
Susha, V.S., Das, T.K.*, Nath, C.P., Pandey, R., Paul, S. and Ghosh, S. 2018. Impacts of tillage and herbicide mixture on weed interference, agronomic productivity and profitability of a maize – wheat system in the North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Field Crops Research. 219:180-191. NAAS 9.87 |
Das, T.K., Bhattacharyya, R.*, Sudhishri, S., Sharma, A.R., Saharawat, Y.S., Bandyopadhyay, K. K., Sepat, S., Bana, R. S., Aggarwal, P., Sharma, R. K., Bhatia, A., Singh, G., Kar, A., Singh Billu, Singh P., Pathak, H., Vyas, A.K. and Jat, M.L. 2014. Conservation agriculture in an irrigated cotton-wheat system of the western Indo-Gangetic Plains: crop & water productivity and economic profitability. Field Crops Research. 158: 24-33. NAAS 9.87 |
Das, T.K., Bhattacharyya, R.*, Sharma, A. R., Das, S., Saad, A. A., and Pathak, H. 2013. Impacts of conservation agriculture on total soil organic carbon retention potential under an irrigated agro-ecosystem of the western Indo-Gangetic Plains. European Journal of Agronomy. 51: 34–42. NAAS 9.38 |
Rana, K.S., Singh, G., Singh, R. and Rana, D.S. 2001 Evaluation of Oleiferous brassicas staggered sowing and fertility levels for improvement of potato -based intercropping systems Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 71(7): 431-437 6.23 |
Rana, K.S., Giri, G., Rana, D.S. and Pachauri, D.K. 2004 Effect of sunflower (Helianthus annus) residue management on productivity, economics and nutrient balance sheet of sunflower and maize (Zea-mays) based cropping system Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 74 (6):305-310 6.23 |
Rana. K.S., Giri. G and Rana, D.S. 2007 Direct and residual effect of Phosphorus and sulphur on yield trend, system productivity, economics and balance sheet of Indian mustard�sunflower-urdbean cropping system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 77(7):408-414. 6.23 |
Kumar, A., Rana, K.S., Choudhary, A.K., Bana, R.S., Sharma, V.K., Prasad, S., Gupta, G., Choudhary, M., Pradhan, A., Rajpoot, S.K., Kumar, A., Amit Kumar and Tyagi, V. 2021. Energy budgeting and carbon footprints of zero-tilled pigeonpea�wheat cropping system under sole or dual crop basis residue mulching and Zn-fertilization in a semi-arid agro-ecology. Energy 231: 120862, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy. 2021.20862 (NAAS rating 14.9) |
Ankit, Ram Swaroop Bana, K.S. Rana, Raj Singh, Samarth Godara, Minakshi Grover, Achchhelal Yadav, Anil K. Choudhary, Teekam Singh, Mukesh Choudhary, Ruchi Bansal, Nirupma Singh, Vipin Mishra, Amresh Choudhary, Akshay Kumar Yogi. 2022. No-tillage with residue retention and foliar Sulphur nutrition enhances productivity, mineral biofortification and crude protein in rainfed pearl millet under Typic haplustepts. Plants 2022, 11, 943. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11070943. (NAAS rating 10.4) |
Kumar, A., Rana, K.S., Choudhary, A.K., Bana, R.S., et al. 2022. Sole- or Dual-Crop Basis Residue Mulching and Zn Fertilization Lead to Improved Productivity, Rhizo-modulation and Soil Health in Zero-Tilled Pigeonpea–Wheat Cropping System. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-021-00723-6. (NAAS rating=9.3) |
Choudhary, M., Rana, K.S., Bana, R.S., Parihar C.M., and Kantwa, S.R. 2021. Conservation agriculture practices and sulphur fertilization effects on productivity and resource-use efficiency of rainfed mustard (Brassica juncea). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (1): 49-53. (NAAS rating=6.23) |
Choudhary, M., Rana, K.S., Bana, R.S., Ghasal, P.C., Choudhary, G.L., and Verma, R. 2018. Energy budgeting and carbon footprint of pearl millet – Mustard cropping system under conventional and conservation agriculture in rainfed semi-arid agro-ecosystem. Energy. 141:1052-1058. (NAAS rating = 14.9) |
Kumar, S., Choudhary A.K., Rana, K.S., Sarkar, A. and Singh, M. 2018. Bio-fortification potential of global wild annual lentil core collection. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0191122. https://doi.org/ 10.1371/ journal. pone. 0191122. (NAAS rating = 8.81) |
Choudhary, M., Rana, K.S., Meena, M.C., Bana, R.S., Jakhar, P., Ghasal, P.C., and Verma, R.K. 2019. Changes in physico-chemical and biological properties of soil under conservation agriculture based pearl millet –mustard cropping system in rainfed semi-arid region. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65(7) : 911-927. (NAAS Rating = 8.25) |
Shivay, Y.S., Krogstad, T. and Singh, B.R. 2010. Mineralization of copper, manganese and zinc from rock mineral flour and city waste compost for efficient use in organic farming. Plant and Soil 326(1): 425–435. DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0023-0 |
Shivay, Y.S., Kumar, D., Prasad, R. and Ahlawat, I.P.S. 2008. Relative yield and zinc uptake by rice from zinc sulphate and zinc oxide coatings onto urea. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 80(2): 181–188. DOI 10.1007/s10705-007-9131-5 |
Shivay, Y.S., Kumar, D. and Prasad, R. 2008. Effect of zinc-enriched urea on productivity, zinc uptake and efficiency of an aromatic rice-wheat cropping system. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 81(3): 229–243. DOI 10.1007/s10705-007-9159-6 |
Shivay, Y.S., Prasad, R. and Rahal, A. 2008. Relative efficiency of zinc oxide and zinc sulphate-enriched urea for spring wheat. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 82: 259–264. DOI 10.1007/s10705-008-9186-y. |
Shivay, Y.S., Kumar, D. and Prasad, R. 2008. Relative efficiency of zinc sulfate and zinc oxide-coated urea in rice-wheat cropping system. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39(7 & 8): 1154–1167. DOI: 10.1080/00103620801925869. |
Shivay, Y.S. and Prasad, R. 2012. Zinc-coated urea improves productivity and quality of Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) under zinc stress condition. Journal of Plant Nutrition 35: 928–951. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01904167.2012.663444. |
Shivay, Y.S., Prasad, R. and Pal, M. 2014. Effect of conditioning zinc sulfate heptahydrate (ZnSHH) with zinc oxide (ZnO) and neem oil on growth, productivity, zinc biofortification of grain and zinc uptake by basmati rice. Journal of Plant Nutrition 37: 1873–1884. DOI:10.1080/01904167.2014.911887. |
Shivay, Y.S., Prasad, R. and Pal, M. 2014. Effect of levels and sources of sulfur on yield, sulfur and nitrogen concentration and uptake and S-use efficiency in basmati rice. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45(18): 2468–2479. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2014.941472. |
Shivay, Y.S., Pooniya, V., Pal. M., Ghasal, P.C., Bana, R.S. and Jat, S.L. 2019. Coated urea materials for improving yields, profitability and nutrient use efficiencies of aromatic rice. Global Challenges 3(12): 1900013. https://doi.org/10.1002/gch2.201900013. Impact Factor of 4.306. |
Shahane, A.A., Shivay, Y.S., Prasanna, R. and Kumar, D. 2020. Nutrient removal by rice–wheat cropping system as influenced by crop establishment techniques and fertilization options in conjunction with microbial inoculation. Scientific Reports 10: 21944. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78729-w. [NAAS rating: 10.01] |
Kumar, D., Devakumar, C., Kumar, R., Das, A., Panneerselvam, P. and Shivay, Y.S. 2010. Effect of neem-oil coated prilled urea with varying thickness of neem-oil coating and nitrogen rates on productivity and nitrogen-use efficiency of lowland irrigated rice under Indo-Gangetic plains. Journal of Plant Nutrition 33:1939–1959, 201. |
Kumar, D., Devakumar, C., Kumar, R., Panneerselvam, P., Das, A., and Shivay, Y.S. 2011. Relative efficiency of prilled urea coated with major neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) oil components in lowland irrigated rice of the Indo-Gangetic plains, Archives of Agronomy & Soil Science, 57(1):61–74. |
Kumar, D., Shivay, Y.S. Dhar, S., Kumar, C. and Prasad, R. 2013. Rhizospheric Flora and the Influence of Agronomic Practices on Them: A Review. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: Biological Sciences, 83(1): 1–14. DOI 10.1007/s40011-012-0059-4. |
Prasad, R., Shivay, Y.S. and Kumar, D. 2014. Agronomic biofortification of cereal grains with iron and zinc. In Donald L. Sparks, editor: Advances in Agronomy 125: 55–91. |
Kashiri, H.O. and Kumar, D. 2017. Coating of essential oils onto prilled urea retards its nitrification in soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science . 63 (1): 96-105. |
Shivay, Y.S., Kumar, D. and Prasad, R. 2008. Relative efficiency of zinc sulfate and zinc oxide-coated urea in rice-wheat cropping system. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39: 1154–1167. |
Mahajan, G.R., Pandey, R.N., Sahoo, R.N., Gupta, V.K., Datta, S.C. and Kumar, D. 2017. Monitoring nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) using hyperspectral remote sensing. Precision Agriculture 18(5): 736 – 761. , DOI 10.1007/s11119-016-9485-2. |
Kumar, R., Devakumar, C., Kumar, D., Panneerselvam, P., Kakkar, G. and Arivalagan, T. 2008. Influence of edaphic factors on the mineralization of neem oil coated urea in four Indian soils. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56 (21):10183–10191. |
Kumar, R., Devakumar, C., Sharma, V., Kakkar, G., Kumar, D. And Panneerselvam, P. 2007. Influence of physicochemical parameters of Neem (Azadirachta indica A Juss) oils on nitrification inhibition in soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55, 1389–1393. |
Prasad, R., Shivay, Y.S. and Kumar, D. 2013. Zinc fertilization of cereals for increased production and alleviation of zinc malnutrition in India. Agricultural Research 2:111–118. DOI 10.1007/s40003-013-0064-8. |
Shiva Dhar, Barah, B. C., Vyas, A.K. and Uphoff, N. T. 2015. Comparing System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) with standard recommended practices in the north western plain zone of India.Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 62(7): 994-1006. |
Dibakar Mahanta, R.K. Rai, Shiva Dhar, E. Varghese, A. Rajab, T.J. Purakayasthaa.2018. Modification of root properties with phosphate solubilizing bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhiza to reduce rock phosphate application in soybean.Ecological Engineering, 111:31–43 |
Mahanta, D., Rai, R. K., Shiva Dhar, Raja. A, Purakayastha T. J. and Varghese, E. 2014 Influence of phosphorus and biofertilizers on soybean and wheat root growth and properties.Field Crops Research. 166:1-9 |
R Raj, A Kumar, IS Solanki, Shiva Dhar, A Dass, AK Gupta, V Kumar,Vikash Kumar, CB Singh, RK Jat, UC Pandey.2017.Influence of crop establishment methods on yield, economics and water productivity of rice cultivars under upland and lowland production ecologies of Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains.Paddy and Water Environment 15 (4): 861-877 |
Shiva Dhar, S. D. Gupta, A. Singh and R. L. Arya 2001. Performance of grasses with cutting management under seasonal waterlogged conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 71 (11): 698-701 |
Shiva Dhar, Gupta, S. D., Tripathi, S.N. and Rai, S. K. 2003. Response of sorghum varieties to nitrogen and sowing time. Range management & Agroforestry 24(2):132–34. |
Shiva Dhar, Das, S. K., Sunil Kumar and Singh, J. B. 2007. Productivity of forage sorghum as influenced by tillage and soil moisture conservation practices in sorghum-gram cropping system. Range Management and Agroforestry 28(2A):173-175. |
Shiva Dhar, Das, S. K., Sunil Kumar and Singh, J. B. 2008. Effect of tillage and soil moisture conservation practices on crop yields of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and soil properties under rainfed conditions of central India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 78(12):1042-1047. |
Shiva Dhar, Shukla, N. P. and Burman, D. 2005. Productivity of alley and sole cropping of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum) – sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and forage bushes under different moisture regimes in hot sub-humid region of central India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 75 (11): 712 – 6. |
Venkatesh Paramesh, Shiva Dhar, Anchal Dass, Bipin Kumar, Amit Kumar, Diaa O. El-Ansary and Hosam O. Elansary .2020. Role of Integrated Nutrient Management and Agronomic Fortification of Zinc on Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Quality of Wheat. Sustainability 12:3513 ; doi:10.3390/su12093513 |
Dass, Anchal and Bhattacharyya, R. 2017. Wheat residue mulch and anti-transpirants improve productivity and quality of rainfed soybean in semi-arid north-Indian plains. Field Crops Research 2010: 9-19. NAAS rating 9.87 |
Dass, Anchal, Shekhawat, K., Choudhary, Anil K., Sepat, S., Rathore, S.S, Mahajan, G. and Chauhan, B.S. 2017. Weed management in rice using crop-competition. Crop Protection. 95: 45�52. NAAS rating 8.17 |
Dass, Anchal, Sudhishri, S., Lenka, N.K. and Pantaik, U.S. 2011. Runoff capture through vegetative barriers and planting methodologies to reduce erosion, and improve soil moisture, fertility and crop productivity in southern Orissa, India. Nutrient Cycling in Agro-ecosystems 89: 45-57. NAAS rating 8.85 |
Dass Anchal and Chandra, S. 2013. Irrigation, spacing and cultivar effects on net photosynthetic rate, dry matter partitioning and productivity of rice under system of rice intensification in Mollisols of northern India. Experimental Agriculture 49(4):504-523. NAAS rating 8.01 |
Dass, Anchal, Chandra, S., Choudhary, A.K., Singh, G. and Sudhishri, S. 2016. Influence of field re-ponding pattern and plant spacing on rice root-shoot characteristics, yield, and water productivity of two modern cultivars under SRI management in Indian Mollisols. Paddy and Water Environment 14:45�59. NAAS rating 7.27 |
Dass, Anchal, Chandra, S, Uphoff, N., Choudhary, A. K., Bhattacharyya, R. and Rana, KS. 2017. Agronomic fortification of rice grains with secondary and micronutrients under differing crop management and soil moisture regimes in the north Indian Plains. Paddy and Water Environment 15(4): 745–760. NAAS rating 7.26 |
Rana, D.S., Dass, Anchal (Corresponding author)., Rajanna, G.A and Choudhary, Anil K. 2018. Fertilizer phosphorus solubility effects on Indian mustard–maize and wheat–soybean cropping systems productivity. Agronomy Journal 110 (6) 2608-2618. NAAS Rating 7.81 |
Dass, Anchal, Lenka, N.K. Patnaik, U.S. and Sudhishri, S. 2008. Influence of integrated nutrient management on production, economics and soil properties in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L ) under on-farm conditions in eastern ghats of Orissa. Indian Journal Agricultural Sciences 78 (1)40- 43. NAAS Rating 6.25 |
49. Dass, A., Dey, Debjani, Lal, S.K. and Rajanna, G. A. 2019. Tank-mix insecticide and herbicide application effects on weeds, insect-pest menace and soybean productivity in semi-arid northern plains of India. Legume Research 42(3): 385-391. NAAS Rating 6.34 |
Dass, Anchal, Nain, A.S., Sudhishri, S., and Chandra, S. 2012. Simulation of maturity duration and productivity of two rice varieties under system of rice intensification using DSSAT v 4.5/CERES-Rice model. Journal of Agro-meteorology, 14(1):26-30. NAAS Rating 6.64 |
Bana, R.S., Singh, D., Nain, M.S., Kumar, H., Kumar, V. and Sepat, S. 2020. Weed control and rice yield stability studies across diverse tillage and crop establishment systems under on-farm environments. Soil and Tillage Research 204 (2020) 104729. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2020.104729. (NAAS rating = 13.37) |
Bana, R.S., Bamboriya, S., Kumar, V., Godara, S., Gaydon, D.S., Laing, A.M., Dhakar, R.K., Shivay, Y.S., Meena, V.S. and Singh, D. 2023. Identifying optimum residue levels under long-term conservation agriculture for greater crop and water productivity, sustainability and carbon sequestration of rice-wheat cropping system using APSIM model. Soil & Tillage Research https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2023. 105745. (NAAS Rating = 13.37) |
Bana, R.S., Grover, M., Singh, D. et al. 2023 Enhanced pearl millet yield stability, water use efficiency and soil microbial activity using superabsorbent polymers and crop residue recycling across diverse ecologies. European Journal of Agronomy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2023. 126876. (NAAS Rating = 11.72) |
Bana, R.S., Jat, G.S., Grover, M. et al. 2022. Foliar nutrient supplementation with micronutrient-embedded fertilizer increases biofortification, soil biological activity and productivity of eggplant. Scientific Reports 2022, (NAAS rating = 11) |
Bana, R.S., Faiz, M.A., Sangwan, S., Choudhary, A.K., Bamboriya, S.D., Godara, S. and Nirmal, R.C. 2023. Triple-zero tillage and system intensification lead to enhanced productivity, micronutrient biofortification and moisture-stress tolerance ability in chickpea in a pearlmillet-chickpea cropping system of semi-arid climate. Scientific Reports 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-36044-0 (NAAS rating = 11) |
Bana, R.S., Grover, M., Kumar, V. et al. 2021. Multi-micronutrient foliar fertilization in eggplant under diverse fertility scenarios: Effects on productivity, nutrient biofortification and soil microbial activity. Scientia Horticulturae 294 (2022) 110781. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110781 (NAAS Rating = 10.34) |
Bana et al. 2022. Seed Germination Ecology of Chenopodium album and Chenopodium murale. Biology 2022, 11(11), 1599; https://doi.org/10.3390/biology11111599 (NAAS Rating 11.17) |
Bana, R.S.*, Bansal. R., Dikshit, H.K., Srivastava, H., Priya, S., Kumar, S., Aski, M.S., Kumari, N.K.P., Gupta, S. and Kumar, S. 2023. Seed nutritional quality in lentil (Lens culinaris) under different moisture regimes. Frontiers in Nutrition 10:1141040. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1141040 (NAAS Rating = 12.59) |
Bana, R.S., Bamboriya, S.D., Padaria, R.N. et al., 2022. Planting Period Effects on Wheat Productivity and Water Footprints: Insights through Adaptive Trials and APSIM Simulations. Agronomy 2022, 12, 226. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010226 (NAAS Rating = 9.95) |
Bana et al. 2022. Zinc-Coated Urea for Enhanced Zinc Biofortification, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield of Basmati Rice under Typic Fluvents. Sustainability 2022, 14, 104. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010104 (NAAS Rating = 9.89) |
Pooniya, V., Shivay, Y.S., Rana, A., Nain, L., Prasanna, R. (2012) Enhancing soil nutrient dynamics and productivity of Basmati rice through residue incorporation and zinc fertilization. European Journal of Agronomy 41:28-37. (NAAS rating 11.72) |
Pooniya, V*., Biswakarma, N., Parihar, C.M., Swarnalakshmi, K., Lama, A., Zhiipao, R.R., Nath, A., Pal, M., Jat, S.L., Satyanarayana, T., Majumdar, K., Jat, R.D., Shivay, Y.S., Kumar, D., Ghasal, P.C., Singh, K. 2020. Six years of conservation agriculture and nutrient management in maize-mustard rotation: impact on soil properties, system productivity and profitability. Field Crops Research 260: 108002. (NAAS rating 12.15) |
Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Biswakarma, N., Jat, S.L., Kumar, D., Parihar, C.M., Swarnalakshmi, K., Lama, A., Verma, A.K., Roy, D., Das, K., Majumdar, K., Satyanarayana, T., Jat, R.D., Ghasal, P.C., Ram, H., Jat, R.K., Nath, A. (2021). Long-term conservation agriculture and best nutrient management improve productivity and profitability coupled with soil properties of a maize–chickpea rotation. Scientific Reports 11, 10386. (NAAS rating 11.00) |
Biswakarma, N., Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Kumar, D., Shivay, Y.S., Das, T.K., et al. 2023. Identification of a resource-efficient integrated crop management practice for the rice-wheat rotations in South Asian Indo-Gangetic Plains. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Netherlands) – accepted (NAAS rating 12.58). |
Pooniya, V., Palta, J.A., Chen, Y., Delhaize, E. and Siddique, K.H.M. (2019) Impact of the TaMATE1B gene on above and below-ground growth of durum wheat grown on an acid and Al3+-toxic soil. Plant and Soil 1-12. (NAAS rating 10.99) |
Biswakarma, N., Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Kumar, D., Verma, A.K., Shivay, Y.S., Lama, A., Choudhary, A.K., Meena, M.C., Bana, R.S., Pal, M., Das, K., Sudhishri, S., Jat, R.D., Swarnalakshmi, K. (2021). Five years integrated crop management in direct seeded rice–zero till wheat rotation of north-western India: Effects on soil carbon dynamics, crop yields, water productivity and economic profitability. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 318: 107492. (NAAS rating 12.58) |
Pooniya, V*., Zhiipao, R.R., Biswakarma, N. et al. 2022. Conservation agriculture-based integrated crop management sustains productivity and economic profitability along with soil properties of the maize-wheat rotation. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-022-05962-w. (NAAS rating 11.00) |
Zhiipao, R.R., Pooniya, V*., Biswakarma, N., Kumar, D., Shivay, Y.S., Dass, A. et al. 2023. Timely sown maize hybrids improve post-anthesis dry matter accumulation, nutrient acquisition, and crop productivity. Scientific Reports 13, 1688. (NAAS rating 11.00) |
Zhiipao, R.R., Pooniya, V*., Kumar, D., Biswakarma, N., Shivay, Y.S., Dass, A. et al. 2023. Above and below-ground growth, accumulated dry matter and nitrogen remobilization of wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes grown in PVC tubes under well- and deficit-watered conditions. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1087343. (NAAS rating 12.63) |
Pooniya, V*. and Shivay, Y.S. (2012) Summer green-manuring crops and zinc fertilization on productivity and economics of basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.). Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 58:6, 593-616. (NAAS rating 9.09) |
Raj, R., Das, T.K., Chakraborty, D., Bhattacharyya, R., Babu, S., Govindasamy, P., Kumar, V., Ekka, U., Sen, S., Ghosh, S., Roy, A. and Sharma, T. 2022. Soil physical environment and active carbon pool in rice–wheat system of South Asia: Impact of long-term conservation agriculture practices. Environmental Technology & Innovation 29: 102966 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2022.102966 (NAAS Score 13.76). |
Raj, R., Das, T.K., Pankaj, Banerjee, T., Ghosh, A., Bhattacharyya, R., Chakraborty, D., Prasad, S., Babu, S., Kumar, V., Sen, S. and Ghosh, S. 2022. Co-implementation of conservation tillage and herbicides reduces weed and nematode infestation and enhances the productivity of direct-seeded rice in North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 6:1017013 doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.1017013 (NAAS Score 11.01). |
Raj, R., Das, T.K., Kaur, R., Shekhawat, K., Singh, R. and Singh, V.K. 2020. Effects of nitrogen and densities on interference and economic threshold of Phalaris minor in wheat. Crop Protection. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro. 2020.105215 (NAAS Score 9.04). |
Raj, R., Kumar, A., Solanki, I.S., Dhar, S., Dass, A., Gupta, A.K., Kumar, V., Singh, C.B., Jat, R.K. and Pandey, U.C. 2017. Influence of crop establishment methods on yield, economics and water productivity of rice cultivars under upland and lowland production ecologies of Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains. Paddy and Water Environment, 15: 861-877 (NAAS Score 7.55). |
Raj, R., Das, T.K., Kaur, R., Singh, R. and Shekhawat, K. 2018. Invasive noxious weed management research in India with special reference to Cyperus rotundus, Eichhornia crassipes and Lantana camara. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88 (2): 181-196. (NAAS Score: 6.37). |
Raj, R., Das, T.K., Pankaj, Ghosh, A., Bhattacharyya, R., Chakraborty, D., Prasad, S., Banerjee, T., Kumar, V., Sen, S., Ghosh, S., Roy, A. and Rathi, N. 2022. Weed management in direct-seeded rice under a long-term conservation agriculture-based rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 92 (7): 886–91 https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v92i7.116246 (NAAS Score 6.37). |
Kaur Ramanjit, T.K. Das, Tirthankar Banerjee, Rishi Raj, Raj Singh, Suman Sen (2020). Impacts of sequential herbicides and residue mulching on weeds and productivity and profitability of vegetable pea in North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. (2020).Scientia Horticulturae. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2020.109456 |
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Rishi Raj , T.K. Das, Kaur Ramanjit , Kapila Shekhawat , Raj Singh , V.K. Singh. (2020).Effects of nitrogen and densities on interference and economic threshold of Phalaris minor in wheat. Crop Protection135: 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2020.105215 |
Ramanjit Kaur, Rishi Raj, T K Das, Raj Singh, Manpreet Jaidka and Kapila Shekhawat . Managing weeds using sequential herbicides in maize for improving crop growth and productivity under irrigated conditions in North-Western India Maydica electronic publication � 2020, 65 M-11 |
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Rathore S.S., Chaudhary D.R., Boricha G.N., Ghosh A., Bhatt B.P., Zodape S.T., Patolia J.S. 2009. Effect of seaweed extract on the growth, yield and quality of soybean (Glycine max) under rainfed conditions. South African Journal of Botany. 75 . 351�355. (NAAS 7.6 ) |
Rathore, S S, Karunakaran, K and Prakash, B . 2010. Alder based farming system, a traditional farming practice in Nagaland for amelioration of jhumland: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 9 (4):677-680 . (NAAS 7.27 ) |
Rathore SS, N Krose, Moa Naro, Kapila Shekhawat & BP Bhatt. 2012. Weed management through salt application: An indigenous method from shifting cultivation areas, Eastern Himalaya, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 11(2): 354-357. (NAAS 7.27) |
Rathore SS, Chaudhary DR, Vaisya LK, Shekhawat Kapila and Bhatt BP 2014. Schoenite and potassium sulphate: Indigenous potassic fertilizer for rainfed groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 13 (1), 222-226. (NAAS 7.27) |
Rathore Sanjay Singh, Kapila Shekhawat, Om Prakash Premi, Basant Kumar Kandpal and Jitendra Singh Chauhan. 2014. Biology and management of the fast-emerging threat of broomrape in rapeseed�mustard. Weed Biology and Management 14, 145�158 (2014) doi:10.1111/wbm.12049. (NAAS 7.0) |
Kapila Shekhawata, S.S. Rathore, B.K. Kandpal, O.P. Premi, Dhiraj Singh, Bhagirath Singh Chauhan .2016. Crop establishment techniques affect productivity, sustainability, and soil health under mustard-based cropping systems of Indian semi-arid regions. Soil & Tillage Research 158 . 137�146. (10.68) |
Rathore S S, Kapila Shekhawat, B K Kandpal and O P Premi.2017. Improvement of physiological and productivity traits of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) micro-irrigation and fertigation under hot semi-arid eco-region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (9): 1257�62. |
Rathore S S, Kapila Shekhawat, B K Kandpal and O P Premi.2017. Improvement of physiological and productivity traits of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) micro-irrigation and fertigation under hot semi-arid eco-region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (9): 1257�62. (NAAS 6.25) |
124. Sanjay Singh Rathore, Subhash Babu, Kapila Shekhawata, Raghavendra Singh, S.K. Yadav,Vinod K. Singh, Chandu Singh 2022. Designing energy cum carbon-efficient environmentally clean production system for achieving green economy in agriculture. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Volume 52, Part B, August 2022, 102190 (NAAS 13.0) |
Rathore S.S., Kapila Shekhawat, Anchal Dass, O.P. Premi, B.S. Rathore and V.K. Singh. 2019. Deficit Irrigation Scheduling and Superabsorbent Polymerhydrogel Enhance Seed Yield, Water Productivity And Economics of Indian Mustard Under Semi-Arid Ecologies. Irrigation And Drainage. DOI: 10.1002/ird.2322. (NAAS 7.02) |
Shekhawat Kapila, S.S. Rathore, B.K. Kandpal, O.P. Premi, Dhiraj Singh, Bhagirath Singh Chauhan. 2016. Crop establishment techniques affect productivity, sustainability, and soil health under mustard-based cropping systems of Indian semi-arid regions Soil and Tillage Research 158, 137–146 JID: SO50 8.62 |
Shekhawat Kapila and Shivay Y.S. 2012. Residual effects of nitrogen sources, sulphur and boron levels on mungbean (Vigna radiata) in a sunflower (Helianthus annuus)-mungbean system Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science JID: A245 7.12 |
A. Dass, Kapila Shekhawat, A K Choudhary, Seema Sepat , S. S. Rathore, Gulshan Mahajan, B. S. Chauhan. Weed management in rice using crop competition-a review. Crop Protection. 95, 45-52 JID:C141 7.65 |
Shekhawat Kapila, Shivay Y S and Kumar D. 2008. Productivity and nutrient uptake of spring sunflower (Helianthus annuus) as influenced by nitrogen sources, sulphur and boron levels. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 78 (1), 90-94. JID: 1024 6.17 |
Rathore SS, Kapila Shekhawat, O P Premi, B K Kandpal and J S Chauhan. 2014. Biology and management of the fast emerging threat of broomrape in rapeseed-mustard. Weed Biology and Management. 14 (3): 145-158. JID: WO14 6.50 |
Shekhawat Kapila, Shivay Y.S. and Kumar D. 2009. Effect of nitrogen sources, sulphur and boron on growth parameters and productivity of spring sunflower Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 14(3), 290-298. JID: I075 5.18 |
Shekhawat Kapila, S.S. Rathore, O.P. Premi, B.K. Kandpal and Dhiraj Singh 2016. Sustaining higher mustard productivity through conservation agriculture in semi-arid regions of India. Research on Crops 17 (1): 57-62. JID: RO39 4.75 |
Rathore S S, Kapila Shekhawat, B K Kandpal and O P Premi.2017. Improvement of physiological and productivity traits of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) micro-irrigation and fertigation under hot semi-arid eco-region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (9): 1257–62. (NAAS 6.25) |
Rathore S S, Kapila Shekhawat, Bhagawat Singh Rathore, R K Singh , O P Premi MI and B K Kandpal. 2018. Deficit irrigation scheduling and levels of hydrogel Brassica juncea) under semi-arid conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (9): 1474–6. (NAAS 6.25) |
Rathore S.S., Kapila Shekhawat, Anchal Dass, O.P. Premi, B.S. Rathore and V.K. Singh. 2019. Deficit Irrigation Scheduling and Superabsorbent Polymerhydrogel Enhance Seed Yield, Water Productivity And Economics of Indian Mustard Under Semi-Arid Ecologies. Irrigation And Drainage. DOI: 10.1002/ird.2322. (NAAS 7.02) |
Singh, R. K., Singh, Sandip Kumar and Singh, L. B. (2007). Integrated nitrogen management in wheat using chemical and bio-fertilizers. Indian Journal of Agronomy, Vol. No. 52 (2): 124-126 (NAAS 6.0). |
Singh, Rajiv K., Rathore, S. S., Ram, Hardev, Shekhwat, Kapila, Singh, Chandu and Upadhyay, Pravin K. (2019). Agronomic interventions for high seed productivity and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (7): 1532–6 (NAAS 6.23). |
Ram, Hardev, Singh, Rajiv Kumar, Pal, Govind, Kumar, Rakesh, Yadav, Y.R. and Yadav, T. (2017). Response of wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes to different tillage practices for improving productivity and seed quality in eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (10): 1324–8 (NAAS 6.6). |
Ram, H., Singh, R.K., Pal, G., Agarwal, D.K. and Kumar, R. (2018). Effect of tillage practices and genotypes on growth, seed yield and nutrient uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (11): 1765–69 (NAAS 6.23). |
Singh, Udai B., Malviya, Deepti, Wasiullah, Singh, Shailendra, Imrana, Mohd., Pathaka, Neelam, Alam, Manzar, Rai, Jai P., Rajiv K. Singh, Sarma, B..K., Sharma, P.K. and Sharma, Arun K. (2016). Compatible salt-tolerant rhizosphere microbe-mediated induction of phenylpropanoid cascade and induced systemic responses against Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoemaker causing spot blotch disease in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Applied Soil Ecology 108: 300-306 (NAAS 9.45). |
Singh, Udai B., Malviya, Deepti, Wasiullah, Singh, Shailendra, Pradhan, Jatindra K., Singh, Bhanu P., Roy, Manish , Imram, Mohd., Pathak, Neelam, Baisyal, B.M., Rai, Jai P., Sarma, B.K., Singh, Rajiv K., Sharma, P.K., Kaur, Saman Deep, Manna, M.C., Sharma, Sushil K. and Sharma, Arun K. (2016). Bio-protective microbial agents from rhizosphere eco-systems trigger plant defense responses provide protection against sheath blight disease in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Microbiological Research 192: 3 |
Singh, Chandu, Boraiah, K. M., Singh, Rajiv K.,, Kumar, S. P. Jeevan, Singh, Gyanendra and Chand, Ramesh (2018). Comparative study of floral biology using detergent and confirm self-incompatibility system in protogynous lines of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (8): 1190–7 (NAAS 6.23). |
Ghosh, A., Singh, R. K., Singh, O.N. and Samal, P. (2018). Developing efficient weed management practices for higher productivity and profitability in aerobic rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation Technology development for efficient weed management in aerobic rice cultivation at water deficient regions in India, India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (10): 1532–6 (NAAS 6.23). |
Rathore, S. S., Shekhawat, Kapila, Singh, R. K., Upadhyay, Pravin K., Shekhawat, Ravindar and Premi, O.P (2019). Effect of nano-particles on growth, productivity, profitability of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) under semi-arid conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (7): 1145–50 (NAAS 6.23). |
Upadhyay, P.K.,Sen, A., Rathore, S.S., Kumar, B., Singh, R.K., Prasad, S.K., and Sankar, A. 2019. Scientific validation of indigenous organic formulation-panchagavya for sustaining rice productivity and residual effect in rice-lentil system under hot semi-arid eco-region of middle Indo-Gangetic plains. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 18 (1): 104-113 (NAAS 7.27)) |
Upadhyay P K*, Sen A, Rathore S S, Kumar B, Singh R K, Prasad S K and Sankar A. 2019. Scientific validation of indigenous organic formulation-panchagavya for sustaining rice productivity and residual effect in rice-lentil system under hot semi-arid eco-region of middle Indo-Gangetic plains. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 18(1): 104-113. |
Upadhyay P K*, Sen A, Prasad S K, Singh Y, Srivastava J P, Singh S P and Singh R K. 2019. Effect of panchagavya and recommended dose of fertilizers on growth, nutrient content and productivity of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa) under middle Gangetic plain of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(6): 931�936. |
Upadhyay, P.K., Sen, A., Singh, Y., Singh, R.K., Prasad, S.K., Sankar, A., Singh, V.K., Dutta, S.K., Kumar, R., Rathore, S.S., Shekhawat, K., Babu, S., Singh, R.K., Kumar, B., Dey, A., Rajanna, G.A., Kulshekaran, R. 2022. Soil Health, Energy Budget, and Rice Productivity as Influenced by Cow Products Application With Fertilizers Under South Asian Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains Zone. Frontiers in Agronomy 3, 758572. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2021.758572. |
Dutta, D., Singh, V. K., Upadhyay, P. K*., Meena, A. L., Kumar, A., Mishra, R. P., Dwivedi, B. S., Shukla, A. K., Yadav, G. S., Tewari, R. B., Kumar, V., Kumar, A., & Panwar, A. S. (2022). Long-term impact of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil organic carbon dynamics in a rice-wheat system. Land Degradation & Development, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4267 |
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Rajanna, G.A., Dass, A., Suman, A., Babu, S., Venkatesh, P., Singh, V.K., Upadhyay, P.K., Sudhishri, S., 2022. Co-implementation of tillage, irrigation, and fertilizers in soybean: Impact on crop productivity, soil moisture, and soil microbial dynamics. Field Crops Research 288, 108672. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2022.108672. |
Gupta, G., Dhar, S., Kumar, A., Choudhary, A.K., Dass, A., Sharma, V.K., Shukla, L., Upadhyay, P.K., Das, A., Jinger, D., Rajpoot, S.K., Sannagoudar, M.S., Kumar, A., Bhupenchandra, I., Tyagi, V., Joshi, E., Kumar, K., Dwivedi, P., Rajawat, M.V.S. 2022. Microbes-mediated integrated nutrient management for improved rhizo-modulation, pigeonpea productivity, and soil bio-fertility in a semi-arid agro-ecology. Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 924407. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.924407. |
Rathore, S.S.; Babu, S.; Singh, V.K.; Shekhawat, K.; Singh, R.K.; Upadhyay, P.K.; Hashim, M.; Sharma, K.C.; Jangir, R.; Singh, R. Sulfur Sources Mediated the Growth, Productivity, and Nutrient Acquisition Ability of Pearlmillet–Mustard Cropping Systems. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14857. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142214857. |
Upadhyay P K*, Kumari E, Sen A, Raha P, Singh R K, Choudhary S K, Singh R K and Singh Y. 2016. Effects of Xanthium strumarium L. extract, anilofos and butachlor on weeds, yield, yield attributes and nutrient uptake of transplanted rice. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 45(1): 227-232. |
Rathore, S. S., Babu, S., El-Sappah, A. H., Shekhawat, K., Singh, V. K., Singh, R. K., Upadhyay, P. K. and Singh, R. Integrated agroforestry systems improve soil carbon storage, water productivity, and economic returns in the marginal land of the semi-arid region. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 29, 103427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2022.103427. |
Parihar, C.M., Parihar, M.D., Sapkota, T.B., Nanwal, R.K., Singh, A. K., Jat, S. L., Nayak, H.S., Mahala, D. M., Singh, L.K., Kakraliya, S.K., Stirling, C. M. and Jat M.L*. 2018. Long-term impact of conservation agriculture and diversified maize rotations on carbon pools and stocks, mineral nitrogen fractions and nitrous oxide fluxes in Inceptisol of India. Science of the Total Environment 640�641:1382-1392.NAAS JrnID: S019; (NAAS Rating: 16.75). |
Parihar, C. M., Jat, S. L., Singh, A. K., Kumar, B., Rathore, N.S., Jat, M. L., Saharawat, Y. S and Kuri, B.R. 2018. Energy auditing of long-term conservation agriculture based irrigated intensive maize systems in semi-arid tropics of India. Energy 142: 289-302. NAAS JrnID: E048; (NAAS Rating: 14.86 ). |
Parihar, C. M., Jat, S. L., Singh, A. K., Majumdar, K., Jat, M. L., Saharawat, Y. S., Pradhan S., and Kuri, B.R. 2017. Bio-energy, biomass water-use efficiency and economics of maize-wheat-mungbean system under precision-conservation agriculture in semi-arid agro-ecosystem. Energy 119:245-256.NAAS JrnID: E048; (NAAS Rating: 14.86 ). |
Parihar, C. M., Yadav, M. R., Jat, S. L., Singh, A. K., Kumar, B., Pradhan S., Chakraborty, D., Jat, M. L., Jat, R. K., Saharawat, Y. S. and Yadav, O. P. 2016. Long term effect of conservation agriculture in maize rotations on total organic carbon, physical and biological properties of a sandy loam soil in north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Soil & Tillage Research 161: 116-128.NAAS JrnID: S060; (NAAS Rating: 13.37). |
Parihar, C. M., Singh, A. K., Jat, S. L., Ghosh, A., Dey, A., Nayak, H.S., Parihar, M.D., Mahala, D. M., Yadav, R. K., Rai, V., Satayanaryana, T. and Jat, M. L. 2019. Dependence of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition on nutrient management options under conservation agriculture in a sub-tropical Inceptisol. Soil & Tillage Research 190: 50-60. NAAS JrnID: S060; (NAAS Rating: 13.37). |
Parihar, C. M., Singh, A. K., Jat, S. L., Dey, A., Nayak, H.S., Mandal, B.N., Saharawat, Y.S., Jat, M. L. and Yadav, O. P. 2020. Soil quality and carbon sequestration under conservation agriculture with balanced nutrition in intensive cereal based system. Soil and Tillage Research.202: 104653. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2020.104653.NAAS JrnID: S060; (NAAS Rating: 13.37). |
Parihar, C.M., Jat, S.L., Singh, A.K., Kumar, B., Yadvinder-Singh, Pradhan, S., Pooniya, V., Dhauja, A., Chaudhary, V., Jat, M.L., Jat, R.K. and Yadav, O.P. 2016. Conservation agriculture in irrigated intensive maize-based systems of north-western India: Effects on crop yields, water productivity and economic profitability. Field Crops Research 193:104-116.( NAAS JrnID: F010; NAAS Rating: 12.15). |
Parihar, C. M., Nayak, H.S., Rai, V., Jat, S. L., Parihar, N., Aggarwal, P and Mishra, A.K. 2019. Soil water dynamics, water productivity and radiation use efficiency of maize under multi-year conservation agriculture during contrasting rainfall events. Field Crops Research 241: 107570.(NAAS JrnID: F010; NAAS Rating: 12.15). |
Parihar, C. M., Jat, S. L., Singh, A. K., Ghosh, A., Rathore, N.S., Kumar, B., Pradhan, S., Majumdar, K., Satyanarayana, T., Jat, M. L., Saharawat, Y. S., Kuri, B.R., and Saveipune, D. 2017. Effects of precision conservation agriculture in a maize-wheat-mungbean rotation on crop yield, water use and radiation conversion under a semiarid agro-ecosystem. Agricultural Water Management 192: 306-319. (NAAS JrnID: A0100; NAAS Rating: 12.61). |
Parihar, C.M., Jat, S.L., Singh, A. K., Datta, A., Parihar, M.D., Varghese, E.., Bandyopadhyay, K.K., Nayak, H.S., Kuri, B.R. and Jat M.L. 2018. Changes in carbon pools and biological activities of a sandy loam soil under long-term conservation agriculture and diversified cropping systems. European Journal of Soil Science 69: 902-912. (NAAS JrnID: E137; NAAS Rating: 10.18). |
Singh, T., Rana, K.S., Shivay, Y.S., Ramanjaneyalu, A.V. and Anshu Rahal. Productivity and sustainability of mustard (Brassica juneea L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris L.) intercropping system as affected by moisture conservation practices and fertility levels under rainfed conditions. 2009. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. Vol. 55 (2): 183-196 |
Singh, T., Shivay, Y.S. and Singh, S. 2004. Effect of date of transplanting and nitrogen on productivity and nitrogen use indices in hybrid and non-hybrid aromatic rice. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 52 (3) : 245-252 |
Teekam Singh, Bhawani Shankar Satapathy, Priyanka Gautam, Banwari Lal, Upendra Kumar, Kanchan Saikia and K. B. Pun. 2017. Comparative efficacy of herbicides in weed control and enhancement of productivity and profitability of rice. Experimental Agriculture pp. 1�19 doi: 10.1017/S0014479717000047 |
Teekam Singh, Ram Swaroop Bana, Bhabani Sankar Satapathy, Banwari Lal, Akshay Kumar Yogi and Raj Singh. 2022. Energy Balance, Productivity and Resource-Use Efficiency of Diverse Sustainable Intensification Options of Rainfed Lowland Rice Systems under Different Fertility Scenarios. Sustainability 14, 3657. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14063657 |
Teekam Singh and K B Pun. 2019.Technological interventions to enhance rice productivity and profitability in rainfed lowlands of Asom. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (7): 1126–32 |
Teekam Singh and K B Pun. 2018. Technological interventions to enhance rice productivity and profitability in rainfed lowlands of Asom. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (7): 1126�32 |
T. Singh, Rana KS and Satapathy BS. 2014. Productivity, compatibility and economics of mustard (Brassica juncea) and lentil (Lens esculenta) intercropping system as influenced by moisture conservation practices and fertility levels under rainfed conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (6): 770-773 |
Teekam Singh. Effect of seeding density on suppression of weeds and performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum) . Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (8): 1011-1013 |
Teekam singh, B.S. Satapathy and K.B. Pun. 2018. Influence of seeding density on seedling growth, productivity and profitability of rice (Oryza sativa) under rainfed lowland. Indian Journal of Agronomy 63(1): 56-59 |
Teekam Singh. 2022. Assessment of critical period for weeding and yield loss in direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92(2): 212–6 |
Yadav, GS, Das, A , Kandpal, B K, Babu, Subhash*, Lal, Rattan, Datta, M, Das, B, Singh R, Singh VK, Mohapatra, KP, Chakraborty, M.2021. The food-energy-water-carbon nexus in a maize-maize-mustard cropping sequence of the Indian Himalayas: An impact of tillage-cum-live mulching. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.111602 (NAAS Score: 20.0) |
Yadav, G.S., Babu, Subhash*, Das, A., Mohapatra, K.P., Singh, R., Avasthe, R.K., Roy S. 2020. No-till and mulching enhance energy use efficiency and reduce carbon footprint of a direct-seeded upland rice production system. Journal of Cleaner Production. doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122700 (NAAS Score: 15.30) |
Babu, Subhash*, Mohapatra, K.P., Das, A., Yadav, G.S., Tahasildar, M., Singh, R., Panwar, A.S., Yadav, V. and Chandra, P. 2020. Designing energy-efficient, economically sustainable and environmentally safe cropping system for the rainfed maize-fallow land of the Eastern Himalayas. Science of The Total Environment https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137874 (NAAS Score: 13.96) |
Babu Subhash*, Singh R, Yadav D, Rathore S S, Raj R, Avasthe R, Yadav S K, Das A, Yadav V, Yadav B, Shekhawat K, Upadhyay P K, Yadav D K, Singh V K. 2022. Nanofertilizers for agricultural and environmental sustainability. Chemosphere https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133451 (NAAS Score: 13.09) |
Yadav, G.S., Kandpal ,B.K., Das, A., Babu, Subhash*, Mohapatra, K.P., Devi, A.G., Devi ,H.L., Chandra, P., Singh R., Barman, K.K. 2021. Impact of 28-year-old agroforestry systems on soil carbon dynamics in Eastern Himalayas. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.111978 (NAAS Score: 12.79) |
Singh, Raghavendra, Babu, Subhash*, Avasthe, R.K., Yadav, G.S., Das, A., Mohapatra, K.P., Kumar, A., Singh, V.K., Chandra, P. 2021. Crop productivity, soil health, and energy dynamics of Indian Himalayan intensified organic maize-based systems. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 9 (2): 260-270. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2020.11.003 (NAAS Score: 12.06) |
Babu, Subhash*, Mohapatra, K.P., Yadav, G.S., Lal, R., Singh, R., Avasthe, R.K., Das, A., Chandra, P., Gudade, B.A. and Kumar, A. 2020. Soil carbon dynamics in diverse organic land use systems in North Eastern Himalayan ecosystem of India. Catena. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.104785 (NAAS Score: 11.20) |
Yadav, G.S., Babu, Subhash*, Das, Anup, Datta , M., Mohapatra, K.P. Singh, R., Singh, VK., Rathore, S.S., Chakraborty, M.2021 Productivity, soil health, and carbon management index of Indian Himalayan intensified maize-based cropping systems under live mulch based conservation tillage practices. Field Crops Research https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108080 ( NAAS Score: 11.22) |
Babu, Subhash*, Singh, R., Avasthe, R.K., Yadav, G.S., Mohapatra, K.P., Selvan, T., Das, A., Singh, V.K. Valente, D. and Petrosillo, I. 2020. Soil carbon dynamics in Indian Himalayan intensified organic rice-based cropping sequences. Ecological Indicators 114 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106292 (NAAS Score: 10.96) |
Babu, Subhash*, Singh, R., Avasthe, R.K., Yadav, G.S., Das, A., Singh, V.K., Mohapatra, K.P., Rathore, S.S., Chandra, P. and Kumar, Amit .2020. Impact of land configuration and organic nutrient management on productivity, quality and soil properties under baby corn in Eastern Himalayas. Scientific Reports 10, 16129 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-73072-6 (NAAS Score: 10.38) |
Govindasamy P, Sarangi D, Provin T, Hons F and Bagavathiannan M. 2021. Thirty-Six Years of No-Tillage Regime Altered Weed Population Dynamics in Soybean (Glycine max L.). Agronomy Journal. 113:2926-2937. (NAAS 8.24) |
Govindasamy P, Mowrer J, Rajan N, Provin T, Hons F and Bagavathiannan, M. 2021. Soil carbon dynamics is improved under long-term (36 years) no-till sorghum production in a sub-tropical environment. Soil use and management. 37:37-48. (NAAS 8.95) |
Govindasamy P, Singh V, Palsaniya DR, Srinivasan R, Chaudhary M, Kantwa SR. 2020. Herbicides application effect on weed control, soil health parameters and yield of Egyptian clover [Trifolium alexandrinum L.]. Crop Protection 139: 105389. (NAAS 8.57) |
Govindasamy P, Sarangi D, Provin T, Hons F, and Bagavathiannan M. 2020. No-Tillage Altered Weed Species Dynamics in a Long-Term (36-Years) Grain Sorghum Experiment in Southeast Texas. Weed Science 68:476-484. (NAAS 8.71) |
Govindasamy P, Mowrer J, Rajan N, Provin T, Hons F and Bagavathiannan M. 2021. Influence of long-term (36 years) tillage practices on soil physical properties in a grain sorghum experiment in Southeast Texas. Archives Agronomy and Soil Science 67:234-244. (NAAS 9.09) |
Hanamant M. Halli, Prabhu Govindasamy*, Mukesh Chaudhary, Srinivasan R, Mahendra Prasad, Wasnik VK, Yadav V K, Singh AK, Sunil Kumar, Vijay D, and Pathak HS. 2022. Range grasses to improve soil properties, carbon sustainability, and fodder security in degraded lands of semi-arid regions. Science of the total environment. 851 (2): 158211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158211. (NAAS 16.75) |
Sunil Kumar *, Palsaniya DR, Kiran Kumar T, Misra AK, Shahid Ahmad, Sarker A, Louhaichi M, Hassan S, Liguori G, Ghosh PK, Govindasamy P, Mahawer SK, Bhargavi HA. 2020. Morphological variability, genetic diversity, survival, and performance of Opuntia ficus-indica L. in a semi-arid region of India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. pp 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/03650340.2022.2031998. (NAAS 9.09) |
Avijit Ghosh, Mahanta S.K., Manna M.C., Sultan Singh, Ranjan Bhattacharrya, Tyagi V.C., Singh J.B., Ram S.N., Srinivasan R., Singh A.K., Ajita Gupta, Prabhu G., Rokde S.N. 2021. Long-term grazing mediates soil organic carbon dynamics by reorienting enzyme activities and elemental stoichiometry in semi-arid tropical inceptisol. Journal of soil science and Plant Nutrition. pp 1-18 https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-021-00742-3. (NAAS 9.87) |
Halli, H.M., Angadi, S., Kumar, A., Govindasamy, P., Madar, R., Baskar V, D.C., Elansary, H.O., Tamam, N., Abdelbacki, A.M. and Abdelmohsen, S.A., 2021. Assessment of Planting Method and Deficit Irrigation Impacts on Physio-Morphology, Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Maize (Zea mays L.) on Vertisols of Semi-Arid Tropics. Plants, 10(6), p.1094. (NAAS 9.94) |
Prabhu Govindasamy, Sonu Kumar Mahawer, Jason Mowrer, Muthukumar Bagavathiannan, Mahendra Prasad, Srinivasan Ramakrishnan, Hanamant M Halli, Sunil Kumar, and Amresh Chandra. 2022. Comparison of Low-cost Methods for Soil Water Holding Capacity. Communications in soil science and plant analysis. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2022.2112216. (NAAS 7.33) |
V.Tyagi, Singh R.K. and Nagargade M. 2020. Effect of precision nitrogen management on yield and nitrogen use efficiency in different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 90 (9): 1663–9. |
Singh D.N., Bohra J.S., Tyagi V., Singh T., Banjara T.R. and Gupta G. 2021. A review of India’s fodder production status and opportunities. Grass and Forage Sciences. 00:1–10. |
Kumar A., Choudhary A.K., Bana R.S., Sharma V.K., Gupta G., Rajpoot S.K., Bhupenchandra I., Choudhary M., Jakhar P., Kumar A., Kumar A., Kishor P., Pradhan A., Tyagi V., Kumar K. 2022. Sole- or Dual-Crop Basis Residue Mulching and Zn Fertilization Lead to Improved Productivity, Rhizo-modulation and Soil Health in Zero- Tilled Pigeonpea–Wheat Cropping System. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. doi.org/10.1007/s42729-021-00723-6 |
Bindra,P., Nagargade, M., Sahu, B. K., Shukla, S. K., Pathak, A.D., Kaur, K., Kumar, P., Kataria, S and Shanmugam V.2022. Porous Silica Biofiber: A Reusable, Sustainable Fertilizer Reservoir. ACS Omega.7(6):4832–4839.https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.1c05245 |
Shukla S. K., Jaiswal V. P., Sharma L., Dwivedi A. P., Nagargade M.2022. Integration of Bio-products and NPK Fertilizers for Increasing Productivity and Sustainability of Sugarcane-Based System in Subtropical India. Sugar Tech.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12355-022-01182-8 |
Nagargade, M., Singh, M.K., Tyagi, V.2018.Ecologically sustainable integrated weed management in dry and irrigated direct-seeded rice. Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research. 8(4):319-331. |
Mahanta, D., Bhattacharyya, R., Mishra, P.K, Gopinath, K.A., Channakeshavaih, C., Krishnan, J., Raja, A., Tuti, M.D., Pandey, B.M., Varghese, E., Bisht, J.K., Bhatt, J.C., 2017. Influence of a six-year organic and inorganic fertilization on the diversity of the soil culturable microrgansims under legume crops in the mid-Himalayas. Applied Soil Ecology 120, 229-238. |
Tuti, M.D., Prakash, V., Pandey, B.M., Bhattacharyya, R., Mahanta, D., Bisht, J.K., Kumar, M., Mina, B.L., Kumar, N., Bhatt, J.C., Srivastva, A.K., 2012. Energy budgeting of colocasia-based cropping systems in the Indian sub-Himalayas. Energy 45, 986-993. |
Mahanta, D., Rai, R.K., Mishra, S.D., Raja, A., Purakayastha, T.J., Varghese, E., 2014. Influence of phosphorus and biofertilizers on soybean and wheat root growth and properties. Field Crops Research 166, 1-9. |
Choudhary, M., Panday, S.C., Meena, V.S., Singh, S., Yadav, R.P., Mahanta, D., Mondal, T., Mishra, P.K., Bisht, J.K., Pattanayak, A., 2018. Long-term effects of organic manure and inorganic fertilization on sustainability and chemical soil quality indicators of soybean-wheat cropping system in the Indian mid-Himalayas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 257, 38–46. |
Mahanta, D., Rai, R.K., Dhara, S., Varghese, E., Raja, A., Purakayastha, T.J., 2018. Modification of root properties with phosphate solubilizing bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhiza to reduce rock phosphate application in soybean-wheat cropping system. Ecological Engineering 111, 31-43. |
Panday, S.C., Choudhary, M., Singh, S., Meena, V.S., Mahanta, D., Yadav, R.P., Pattanayak, A., Bisht, J.K., 2018. Increasing farmer’s income and water use effficiency as affected by long-term fertilization under a rainfed and supplementary irrigation in a soybean-wheat cropping system of Indian mid-Himalaya. Field Crops Research 219, 214–221. |
Mahanta, D., Bhattacharyya, R., Gopinath, K.A., Tuti, M.D., Jeevanandan, K., Chandrashekara, C., Raja, A., Mina, B.L., Pandey, B.M., Mishra, P.K., Bisht, J.K., Srivastva, A.K., Bhatt, J.C., 2013. Influence of farmyard manure application and mineral fertilization on yield sustainability, carbon sequestration potential and soil property of gardenpea-french bean cropping system in the Indian Himalayas. Scientia Horticulturae 164, 414-427. |
Choudhary M, S.C. Panday, V.S. Meena, S. Singh, R.P. Yadav, A. Pattanayak, D. Mahanta, J.K. Bisht, J. Stanley, 2020. Long-term tillage and irrigation management practices: Strategies to enhance crop and water productivity under rice-wheat rotation of Indian mid-Himalayan Region. Agricultural Water Management 232, 106067. |
Mahanta, D., Bhattacharyya, R., Sahoo, D.C., Tuti, M.D., Gopinath, K.A., Raja, A., Mina, B.L., Pandey, B.M., Bisht, J.K., Srivastva, A.K., Bhatt, J.C., 2015. Optimization of farmyard manure to substitute mineral fertilizer for sustainable productivity and higher carbon sequestration potential and profitability under gardenpea-french bean cropping system in the Indian Himalayas. Journal of Plant Nutrition 38, 1709-1733. |
Tuti M.D., R.S. Pal, D. Mahanta, B.M. Pandey, J.K. Bisht, 2020. Soil Chemical and Biological Activities under Vegetable Intensive Colocasia-based Cropping System in Indian Sub-Himalayas. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 51, 948–962. |