R.S. Katrain, HP Research Publications

Mast Ram Dhiman, Siddharth Moudgil, Chander Parkash, Raj Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, S.S. Sindhu and Arun Agarwal.2018. Analysis of nuclear DNA content and ploidy levels in 3x � 4x Lilium (Lilium � elegans L.) progenies by flow cytometry. ISRAEL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES, 2018 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/22238980-00001054) (NAAS Rating: 6.91)
Monika G. Totad, R. R. Sharma, Shruti Sethi, Alka Joshi, M. K. Verma, V. K. Sharma, Surinder Singh, M. R. Dhiman and Sarika Jaiswal. 2020. Genotypic variability in nutritional and functional attributes of blueberry varieties grown in northern-western Himalayas. Journal of Food Science and Technology., http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13197-020-04261-4. 1.8. (NAAS = 7.85)
Parkash Chander, Kumar Sandeep, Singh Rajender, Kumar Ajay, Thakur Nisha, Kumar Satish, Dey Shyam Sundar, Bhatia Reeta, Dhiman Mast Ram, Kumar Raj. 2019. Introgression of �Ogura� cytoplasm in cabbage alters its nutritional quality and antioxidant activities. Zemdirbyste Agriculture 106(3): 273�280.(NAAS=6.75)
Abhay Kumar Gaurav, Namita, D V S Raju, Markandey Singh, Bhupinder Singh,S Gopala Krishnan, S V Amitha Mithra, Sapna Panwar, Mohar Singh and M R Dhiman.2018. Genetic characterization of Rosa species using morphological markers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (9): 1396�1402, September 2018/Article (NAAS Rating=6.22).
Sandeep Kumar, Ramesh Kumar, Dharminder Kumar, Nidhish Gautam, Navjot Singh, Chander Parkash, Mast Ram Dhiman & YR Shukla. 2017. Heterotic potential, potence ratio, combining ability and genetic control of yield and its contributing traits in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01140671.2016.1270336: 1-16. NAAS rating: 6.65
R.R. Sharma, V.R. Sagar, M.R. Dhiman, K.K. Parmanick and K. Kumar. 2016. Response of ‘Royal Delicious’ apple to the staggered pre-harvest fruit-bagging. Indian J. Hort. 73(1), March 2016: 109-113 (NAAS Rating: 6.11)
Chander Parkash, S.S.Dey, Reeta Bhatia and M.R.Dhiman. 2015. Indigenously developed SI and CMS lines in hybrid breeding of cabbage. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(2): 212-217. (NAAS rating= 6.11 )
R Bhatia, M.R.Dhiman, Chander Parkash and S S Dey. 2013. Genetic variability and character association in tulip (Tulipa gesneriana ) for various quantitative traits. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83 (7): 773-780.
M.R.Dhiman, Chander Parkash and S.S.Sindhu. 2012. Development and evaluation of intervarietal hybrids of Asiatic lily (Lilium x elegans Thunb.). Indian J. Genet., 72(4): 475-479 (NAAS rating: 6.6)
R. R. SHARMA, R. K. PAL, D. SINGH, J. SINGH, M. R. DHIMAN and M. R. RANA. 2012. Relationships between storage disorders and fruit calcium contents, lipoxygenase activity, and rates of ethylene evolution and respiration in ‘Royal Delicious’ apple (Malus _ domestica Borkh.). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 87 (4) 367–373. (NAAS rating: 7.0)
Chander Parkash, Sandeep Kumar, Rajender Singh, Ajay Kumar, Satish Kumar, Shyam Sundar Dey, Reeta Bhatia and Raj Kumar (2018). �Ogura�‑based �CMS� lines with different nuclear backgrounds of cabbage revealed substantial diversity at morphological and molecular levels. 3 Biotech 8:27 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-017-1047-4
Chander Parkash, Kumar Sandeep, Singh Rajender, Kumar Ajay, Thakur Nisha, Kumar Satish, Dey Shyam Sundar, Bhatia Reeta, Dhiman Mast Ram, Kumar Raj. 2019. Introgression of �Ogura� cytoplasm in cabbage alters its nutritional quality and antioxidant activities. Zemdirbyste Agriculture 106(3): 273�280
Reeta Bhatia, S.S. Dey, Chander Parkash, Kanika Sharma, Shritika Sood, Raj Kumar (2018). Modification of important factors for efficient microspore embryogenesis and doubled haploid production in field grown white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) genotypes in India. Scientia Horticulturae 233: 178�187
Dey S. S., R. Bhatia, Kanika Sharma, Ila Bhardwaj, Chithra Devi Pandey, Chander Parkash and Raj Kumar (2019). Frequent introgression of European cauliflowers in the present day cultivated Indian cauliflowers and role of Indian genotypes in the evolution of tropical cauliflower. Euphytica 215:23 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-019-2346-0.
S.S. Dey, R. Bhatia, Ila Bhardwaj, Vibha Mishra, Komal Sharma, Chander Parkash, Sandeep Kumar, V.K. Sharma and Raj Kumar (2017). Molecular-agronomic characterization and genetic study reveals usefulness of refined Ogura cytoplasm based CMS lines in hybrid breeding of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.). Scientia Horticulturae 224 (2017) 27�36
Bhatia R., S.S. Dey, Shritika Sood, Kanika Sharma, Chander Parkash, Raj Kumar (2017). Efficient microspore embryogenesis in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) for development of plants with different ploidy level and their use in breeding programme. Scientia Horticulturae 216: 83–92
Shyam Dey, Reeta Bhatia, Chander Parkash, Saharsh Sharma, Manish Dabral, Vibha Mishra, Ila Bhardwaj, Komal Sharma, Vinod Sharma, Raj Kumar (2017). Alteration in important quality traits and antioxidant activities in Brassica oleracea with Ogura cybrid cytoplasm. Plant Breeding DOI:10.1111/pbr.12478
Bhatia R., S. S. Dey, Shritika Sood, Kanika Sharma, V. K. Sharma, Chander Parkash and Raj Kumar (2016). Optimizing protocol for efficient microspore embryogenesis and doubled haploid development in different maturity groups of cauliflower (B. oleracea var. botrytis L.) in India. Euphytica 212:439–454
Chander Parkash, S.S. Dey, R. Bhatia, and M.R. Dhiman (2015). Indigenously developed SI and CMS lines in hybrid breeding of cabbage. Indian J. Horticulture 72(2):212-217
Dey, S. S., R. Bhatia, , S. Sharma, , K. Sharma, Raj Kumar, V.K. Sharma, and Chander Parkash (2015). Genetic divergence and interaction among CUPRAC, FRAP and total phenolics content in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 75:79-85
Kumar Sandeep, Kumar Ramesh, Kumar Dharminder, Gautam Nidhish, Singh Navjot, Parkash Chander, Dhiman Mast Ram and Shukla YR. 2017. Heterotic potential, potence ratio, combining ability and genetic control of yield and its contributing traits in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 45(3): 175-190.
Kumar Sandeep, Kumar Ramesh and Dogra Rajesh Kumar. 2018. Heterotic potential, potence ratio, combining ability and genetic control of seed vigour traits for yield improvement in cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88(5): 771-778.
Kumar Ramesh, Kumar Sandeep, Kumar Dharminder and Gupta RK. 2014. Characterization of cucumber genotypes through principal component and regression analyses. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84(6): 110–114.
Parkash Chander, Kumar Sandeep, Singh Rajender, Kumar Ajay, Kumar Satish, Dey Shyam Sundar, Bhatia Reeta and Kumar Raj. 2018. ‘Ogura’‑based ‘CMS’ lines with different nuclear backgrounds of cabbage revealed substantial diversity at morphological and molecular levels. 3 Biotech 8:27 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-017-1047-4.
Parkash Chander, Kumar Sandeep, Singh Rajender, Kumar Ajay, Thakur Nisha, Kumar Satish, Dey Shyam Sundar, Bhatia Reeta, Dhiman Mast Ram, Kumar Raj. 2019. Introgression of ‘Ogura’ cytoplasm in cabbage alters its nutritional quality and antioxidant activities. Zemdirbyste Agriculture 106(3): 273-280.
Dhiman Mast Ram, Moudgil Siddharth, Parkash Chander, Kumar Raj, Kumar Sandeep, Sindhu SS and Agarwal Arun. 2019. Analysis of nuclear DNA content and ploidy levels in 3x × 4x Lilium (Lilium× elegans L.) progenies by flow cytometry. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 1 (aop): 1-9. Doi.org/10.1163/22238980-00001054.