R.S. Pusa Bihar Research Publications

K. K. Singh, J.N Singh, S.K.Lal and S.K. Sharma, 2007, Seed treatment with chloropyriphos on field emergence and seed yield in Pusa Vishal mungbean (Vigna radiata ). Indian Journal of Agri. Sciences 77(11) :744 -747
Kumar Kant Singh and S.K.Sharma,2009, Effect of Distillery Effluent Based Pressmud Compost on Seed Yield and Seed Quality Attributes in Rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivar Pusa Basmati No-1. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 8(4):67-71
K. K. Singh, Y.V. Singh and S.K. Sharma,2010, Influence of biofertilizers and urea application on grain yield and quality attributes in rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 9(4):271-276
Y.V. Singh, K.K. Singh and D.W.Dhar,2011, Impact of rice-wheat under organic farming cropping system on productivity. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 10(3): 226-232
Y.V. Singh, Imtiyaj Ahmad and K.K.Singh, 2012, Influence of microbial inoculants on yield, economics and nutrient uptake by basmati rice and soil properties. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 11(2):165-173
A.K Jha, K.K.Singh and Mayank Rai, 2012, Influence of value added fertilizer on production and productivity of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) in indo- gangatic plains of eastern Uttar Pradesh Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 11(4): 297-301
Priyanka Suryavanshi, Y.V. Singh, K.K. Singh and Y.S. Shivay,2012, Relative efficiency of methods of cropestablishment in rice (Oryza sativa) Indian Journal of Agronomy 57(3): 291-297
Priyanka Suryavanshi, Y.V. Singh, K.K. Singh and Y.S. Shivay,2012, Crop growth and methane emission dynamics of soil under different methods of transplanting of rice Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 11(4): 311-314
Y.V. Singh, K.K. Singh and S.K.Sharma,2013, Influence of crop nutrition and varieties under two systems of cultivation on quality, seed yield of rice and water use. Rice Science 20(2):129-138
S.K.Sharma1, Suruchi Tyagi2, Y V Singh3, B S Tomar4 and K K Singh5 ,2015,Productivity and profitability of aerobic rice (Oryza sativa) as influenced by varieties and integrated nitrogen management Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85 (11): 1435–9