Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Research Publications

Lungmuana, Ahmed, N., Gorai, T. and Datta, S.C. (2018) Soil carbon stability assessment by humus desorption using simple first order exponential equation in a toposequence of Western Himalayan region. National Academy Science Letters. doi10.1007/s40009-018-0609-2.
Gorai, T., Ahmed,N., Patra, A.K., Sahoo, R.N., Sarangi,A., Meena, M.C. and Sharma R.K. (2017). Site Specific Nutrient Management of an Intensively Cultivated Farm Using Geostatistical Approach. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Biological Sciences.87, 477-488.
Cresser, S.M, Ahmed,N., Smart,R.P, Arowolo T., Calver,J.L.and Chapman,P. (2006) Predicting Gran alkalinity and calcium concentrations in river waters over a national scale using a novel modification to the G-BASH model. Environmental Pollution 143, 361-366.
Ahmed,N., Varadachari,C., Ghosh,K. (2002) Soil clay-humus complexes I, alkali dissolution, TEM and XRD studies. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40: 691-703.
Ahmed, N., Varadachari,C., Ghosh,K. (2002) Soil clay-humus complexes II, Bridging cations and DTA studies. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40: 705-713.
Mhalla, B, Ahmed, N., Datta, S.P.,Golui, D, Singh, Man and Shrivastava, M. (2021) Solubility Relationship of Metals in Acid Soils of Kumaon Himalaya Region of India. Communications In Soil Science And Plant Analysis.
Das Abhishek, Ahmed, Nayan, Ray Prasenjit, Ray Sanjay Kumar, Purakayastha, Tapan Joyti , Biswas Sunanda, Bhattacharyya, Ranjan, Bandyapadhyay Kali Kinkar (2021). Soil genesis and classification of some tea-growing soils of upper Brahmaputra valley of Assam. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. (Accepted).
Raj Mukhopadhyay, K.M.Manjaiah S.C.Datta and BinoySarkar 2019 Comparison of properties and aquatic arsenic removal potentials of organically modified smectite adsorbents. Journal of hazardous Materials 377, 124-131
Kirti Saurabh, Manjaiah K. M., Samar Chandra Datta, Ahammed Shabeer Thekkumpurath and Rajesh Kumar 2019. Nanoclay polymer composites loaded with urea and nitrification inhibitors for controlling nitrification in soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (4), 478�491
Kumararaja, P., K. M. Manjaiah, S.C. Datta, T.P. Ahammed Shabeer and Binoy Sarkar 2018. Chitosan-g-poly(acrylic acid)-bentonite composite: a potential immobilizing agent of heavy metals in soil. Cellulose. 25 (7): 3985-3999
Ramesh, T., K.M. Manjaiah, Abinandan Sudharsanamb, Arunachalam Ayyanadarc, Rajasekar Karunanithid, Nishant Anandrao Deshmukhe, Ngachan Shishom Vanao 2018. Evaluating organic carbon fractions, temperature sensitivity and artificial neural network modeling of CO2 efflux in soils: Impact of land use change in subtropical India. Ecological Indicators. 93, 129-141
Raj Mukhopadhyay, Manjaiah K.M., S.C. Datta, R.K. Yadav, Binoy Sarkar 2017. Inorganically modified clay minerals: preparation, characterization, and arsenic immobilization in contaminated water and soil. Applied Clay Science 147, 1-10.
Ganeshamurthy AN, Manjaiah KM and Rao AS (1998). Mobilization of nutrients in tropical soils through worm casting: availability of micronutrients. Soil Biol. Biochem. 30(13): 1839-1840
Sandeep, S., K.M.Manjaiah, Mayadevi, M.R. and Singh, A.K. 2016. Monitoring temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition under maize - wheat cropping systems in semi arid India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188(8): 451
Sonalika Sahoo, K.M.Manjaiah, S.C.Datta, Ahmed Shabeer, T.P. and Jitendra Kumar 2014. Kinetics of metribuzin release from bentonite- polymer composites in water. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 49, 591–600
Sreenivasa Chari, M., Manjaiah, K.M., Sachdev, P. and Sachdev, M.S. (2012) 134Cs transfer factors to Green gram and Soybean as influenced by waste mica. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 104: 46-54
Manjaiah KM and Dhyan Singh (2001). Soil organic matter and biological properties after 26 years of maize-wheat-cowpea cropping as affected by manure and fertilization in a cambisol in semiarid region of India. Agriculture. Ecosystems Environ. 86(2): 155-162.
Singh, P, Purakayastha, TJ*, Mitra, S, Bhowmik, A, Tsang, DCW (2020) River water iriigation with heavy metal load influences soil biological activities and risk factors. Journal of Environmental Management 270, 110517. (NAAS IF 14.91).
Purakayastha, TJ*, Pathak, H, Kumari, S, Biswas, S, Chakrabarty, B, Padaria, RN, Kamble, K, Pandeya, M, Sasmal, S, Singh, A (2019) Soil health card development for efficient soil management in Haryana, India. Soil and Tillage Research 191, 294-305. (NAAS IF 13.37).
Yadav, R, Purakayastha, TJ*, Khan, MA, Kaushik, S (2017) Long-term impact of manuring and fertilization on enrichment, stability and quality of organic carbon in Inceptisol under potato-based cropping systems. Science of the Total Environment 609, 1535-1543. (NAAS IF 16.75).
Biswas, S, Hazra, GC., Purakayastha, TJ*, Saha, N, Mitran, T, Singha Roy, S, Basak, N, Mandal, B (2017) Establishment of critical limits of indicators and indices of soil quality in rice-rice cropping systems under different soil orders. Geoderma 292,34-48. (NAAS IF 13.42).
Purakayastha, TJ*, Das, KC, Gaskin, J, Harris, K, Smith, JL, Kumari, S (2016) Effect of pyrolysis temperatures on stability and priming effects of C3 and C4 biochars applied to two different soils. Soil and Tillage Research 155,107-115. (NAAS IF 13.37).
Purakayastha, TJ*, Kumari, S, Pathak, H (2015) Characterisation, stability and microbial effects of four biochars produced from crop residues. Geoderma 239-240, 293-303. (NAAS IF 13.42).
Purakayastha,TJ*, Rudrappa, L, Singh, D, Swarup, A, Bhadraray, S (2008) Long- term impact of fertilizers on soil organic carbon pools and sequestration rates in maize- wheat-cowpea cropping system. Geoderma 144, 370-378. (NAAS IF 13.42).
Purakayastha TJ*, Huggins, DR, Smith JL (2008) Carbon sequestration in native Prairie, perennial grass, no-till, and cultivated Palouse silt loam. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72, 534-540. (NAAS IF 8.93).
Rudrappa, L, Purakayastha, TJ*, Singh, D, Bhadraray, S (2006) Long-term manuring and fertilization effects on soil organic carbon pools in a Typic Haplustept of semi-arid sub-tropical India. Soil and Tillage Research 88,180-192 (NAAS IF 13.37)
Purakayastha, TJ*, Chhonkar, PK (2001) Influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum L.) on mobilization of zinc in wetland rice (Oryza sativa L.). Biology and Fertility of Soils 33, 323-327. (NAAS IF 12.61).
Golui D, Datta SP, Dwivedi BS, Meena MC and Trivedi VK (2020) Prediction of free metal ion activity in contaminated soils using WHAM VII, baker soil test and solubility model. Chemosphere 243, 125408
Ghosh A, Bhattacharyya R, Meena MC, Dwivedi BS, Geeta-Singh, Agnihorti R and Sharma C (2018) Long-term fertilization effects on soil organic carbon sequestration in an Inceptisol. Soil & Tillage Research 177, 134-144.
Das D, Dwivedi BS, Datta SP, Datta SC, Meena MC, Agarwal BK, Shahi DK, Singh M, Chakraborty D and Seema-Jaggi (2019) Potassium supplying capacity of a red soil from eastern India after forty-two years of continuous cropping and fertilization. Geoderma 341, 76-92
Mandal N, Dwivedi BS, Meena MC, Dhyan-Singh, Datta SP, Tomar RK, Sharma BM (2013) Effect of induced defoliation in pigeonpea, farmyard manure and sulphitation pressmud on soil organic carbon fractions, mineral nitrogen and crop yields in a pigeonpea-wheat cropping system. Field Crops Research 154, 178-187.
Barman M, Datta SP, Rattan RK and Meena MC (2020) Critical limits of deficiency of nickel in intensively cultivated alluvial soils. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20, 284-292.
Choudhary Mukesh, Rana KS, Meena MC, Bana RS, Jakhar P, Ghasal PC and Verma RK (2019) Changes in physico-chemical and biological properties of soil under conservation agriculture based pearl millet – mustard cropping system in rainfed semi-arid region. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (7), 911-927.
Raghavendra M, Singh YV, Meena MC, Gaind S, Das TK and Verma RK (2020) Potassium and crop residue management options for augmenting growth, productivity and crop-soil quality aspects in zero till maize-wheat rotation. CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water 48, 1900316.
Meena R, Datta SP, Golui D, Dwivedi BS and Meena MC (2016) Long term impact of sewage irrigation on soil properties and assessing risk in relation to transfer of metals to human food chain. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 14269-14283
Mishra R, Datta SP, Annapurna K, Meena MC, Dwivedi BS, Golui D and Bandyopadhayay KK (2019) Enhancing the effectiveness of zinc, cadmium, and lead phytoextraction in polluted soils by using amendments and microorganisms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 17224–17235
Ghosh A, Bhattacharyya R, Dwivedi BS, Meena MC, Agarwal BK, Mahapatra P, Shahi DK, Salwani R and Agnihorti R (2016) Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition as affected by long-term fertilization under a soybean based cropping system in a sub-tropical Alfisol. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233, 202-213.
Anil, Ajin S.; Sharma, V. K.*; Jiménez-Ballesta, R.; Parihar, C.M.; Datta, S. P.; Barman, Mandira; Chobhe, Kapil A.; Kumawat, Chiranjeev; Patra, Abhik and Jatav, Surendra Singh (2022) Impact of long-term conservation agriculture practices on phosphorus dynamics under maize-based cropping systems in a sub-tropical soil. Land,11: 1488 (NAAS: 9.40 /IF:3.40)
Didawat R. K.; Sharma V. K.*; Nath D. J.; Patra, Abhik; Kumar, Sarvendra; Biswas, D. R.; Chobhe, K. A.; Bandyopadhyay, K. K.; Trivedi, Ankita; Chopra, Indu; Dutta, Ashik; Mohapatra, K. K. and Anil, Ajin S (2022) Soil biochemical properties and nutritional quality of rice cultivated in acidic inceptisols using long-term organic farming practices. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, on 31st May, 2022 (NAAS: 9.09 / IF: 3.09)
Patra, Abhik; Sharma, Vinod Kumar*; Nath, Dhruba Jyoti; Dutta, Asik; Purakayastha, Tapan Jyoti; Kumar, Sarvendra; Barman, Mandira; Chobhe, Kapil Atmaram; Nath, Chaitanya Prasad and Kumawat, Chiranjeev (2022) Long-term impact of integrated nutrient management on sustainable yield index of rice and soil quality under acidic Inceptisol. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, (NAAS: 9.09 / IF: 3.09)
Patra, Abhik; Sharma, V. K.*; Nath, D. J., Purakayastha, T. J., Barman, Mandira; Kumar, Sarvendra; Chobhe, Kapil Atmaram; Dutta, Asik; and Anil, Ajin S. (2022) Impact of long term integrated nutrient management (INM) practice on aluminium dynamics and nutritional quality of rice under acidic Inceptisol. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 68 (1): 31-43 (NAAS: 9.09 / IF: 3.09)
Kumawat, Chiranjeev; Sharma, V. K*.; Barman, Mandira; Meena, M. C.; Dwivedi, B. S.; Kumar, Sarvendra; Chakraborty, D.; Anil, Ajin S and Patra, Abhik (2022) Phosphorus forms under crop residue retention and phosphorus fertilization in maize-wheat rotation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 53(2): 257-267 (NAAS: 7.33/ IF: 1.33)
Patra, Abhik; Sharma, Vinod Kumar*; Nath, Dhruba Jyoti; Ghosh, Avijit; Purakayastha, Tapan Jyoti; Barman, Mandira; Kumar, Sarvendra; Chobhe, Kapil Atmaram, Anil, Ajin S. and Rekwar, Ravindra Kumar (2021) Impact of soil acidity influenced by long-term integrated use of enriched compost, biofertilizers, and fertilizer on soil microbial activity and biomass in rice under acidic soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21:756-767 (NAAS: 9.87/ IF: 3.87)
Chakraborty, Ranabir: Sharma, V. K.*, Das, D., Biswas, D. R., Mahapatra, P., Shahi, D. K., Barman, Mandira; Chobhe, Kapil A. and Anil, Ajin S. (2021) Fertility status in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under long-term nutrient management practices in an Alfisol. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(8):1190-93 (NAAS: 6.37)
Sharma, V. K.*; Meena, M.C.; Dwivedi, B.S.; Kumar, Sarvendra; Chobhe, Kapil A.; Dey, Abir; Anil, Ajin S and Mohankumar K. T. (2021) Wheat roots influenced by crop residue and phosphorus under maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91 (11): 1650-54 (NAAS: 6.37)
Patra, Abhik; Sharma, Vinod Kumar*; Purakayastha, Tapan Jyoti; Barman; Mandira, Kumar; Sarvendra, Chobhe, Kapil Atmaram; Debashis, Chakraborty; Nath, Dhruba Jyoti and Anil, Ajin S (2020) Effect of long-term integrated nutrient management (INM) practices on soil nutrients availability and enzymatic activity under acidic Inceptisol of North-Eastern Region of India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 51 (9): 1137-1149 (NAAS: 7.33 / IF:1.33 )
Sharma, V. K*., Pandey, R. N., Kumar, Sarvendra; Chobhe, Kapil Atmaram and Chandra, Suresh (2016) Soil test crop response based fertilizer recommendations under integrated nutrient management for higher productivity of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum) under long term experiment. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86 (8):1076-81 (NAAS: 6.37)
Dutta, Debashis., Singh, V. K., Upadhyay, P. K., Meena, A. L., Kumar, A., Mishra, R. P. and Panwar, A. S.2022. Long‐term impact of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil organic carbon dynamics in a rice‐wheat system. Land Degradation & Development.33: 1862-1877.
Dutta, Debashis., Meena, A. L., Kumar, A., Subash, N., Mishra, R. P., Ghasal, P. C. and Panwar, A. S. 2022.Influence of Different Nutrient Management Practices and Cropping Systems on Organic Carbon Pools in Typic Ustochrept Soil of Indo-Gangetic Plains in India. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.22: 1403–1421
Dutta, Debashis., Singh, DK, Subash N, Ravisankar, N, Kumar, V, Meena AL and Panwar AS. 2018. Effect of long-term use of organic, inorganic and integrated management practices on carbon sequestration and soil carbon pools in different cropping systems in Tarai region of Kumayun hills. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.84:523-29.
Dutta Debashis, Ravisankar N, Meena, AL, Mishra, RP, Jat N K, Kumar A, Ghasal P C. and Panwar AS.2018. Long-term influence of different production systems on potassium buffering capacity of Typic Ustochrept soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition.42: 1472-1482.
Dutta, Debashis., Meena AL, Mishra, R. P, Ghasal, PC, Kumar A, Chaudhary, J. and Panwar, AS.2020. Long Term Effect of Organic, Inorganic and Integrated Nutrient Management on Phosphorous Dynamics under Different Cropping Systems of Typic Ustochrept Soil of India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.51: 2746-2763
Subash,N, Dutta, Debashis , Ghasal, PC, Punia,P; Mandal,VP, Brahmadut, Ved Prakash Chaudhary,VP.2023. Relevance of climatological information on spatial and temporal variability of Indian Summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) in recent El Nino ˜ years and its impact on four important kharif crops over India. Climate Services 30: 100370.
Dutta,Debashis,Niwas,R and Gopal M.2012. Comparative Persistence of Thiacloprid in Bt-Transgenic cabbage (Brassica oleracea cv. capitata) vis-à-vis non-transgenic crop and its decontamination. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.89: 1027-1031.
Ravisankar, N., Ansari, M. A., Shamim, M., Prusty, A. K., Singh, R., PanwarAS, Dutta Debashis, Bhaskar S, Bindhu JS, Sanjay MK, Kaur J, Varghese C, Dash S, Bhowmik A, Bal SK.2022. Sustainable livelihood security of small farmers improved through a resilient farming system in the semiarid region of India. Land Degradation & Development.33: 2830-2842.
Meena, A.L., Pandey, R.N., Kumar, D., Sharma, V.K., Dutta, Debashis., Karwal, M., Mishra, R.P. and Panwar, A.S.2022. Impacts of 13-years-long term rice based organic farming system on fractions and forms of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in Indo- Gangectic Plains of India. Soil Research.61: 159-175
Panwar AS, Ansari MA, Ravisankar N, Babu S, Prusty AK, Ghasal PC, Choudhary J, Shamim M, Singh R, Raghavendra KJ, Dutta Debashis, Meena AL, Chauhan GC, Ansari MH, Singh R, Aulakh CS, Singh DK, Sharma PB.2022. Effect of organic farming on the restoration of soil quality, ecosystem services, and productivity in rice–wheat agro-ecosystems. Frontiers in Environmental Scientist. 10: 972394
Barman, M., Datta, S.P.,* Rattan, R.K. and Meena, M.C. (2013) Sorption and desorption of nickel in soils in relation to its availability to plants, Agrochimica, LVII: 235-249.
Barman, M., Datta, S.P.* and Rattan, R.K. (2014) Identification of the solid phase in relation to the solubility of nickel in alluvial soils, Journal of Environmental Biology, 35: 901-906.
Barman, M., Shukla, L.M., Datta, S.P.* and Rattan, R.K. (2014) Effect of applied lime and boron on the availability of nutrients in an acid soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 37: 357–373.
Barman, M., Datta, S.P.,* Rattan, R.K. and Meena, M.C. (2015) Chemical fractions and bioavailability of nickel in alluvial soils, Plant Soil Environment, 61:17–22.
Barman, M., Datta, S.P.* (2017) Assessing phytotoxic limits of nickel in intensively cultivated alluvial soils, Journal of Environmental Biology, 39:358-364.
Barman, M., Datta, S.P*., Rattan, R.K. and Meena, M.C. (2020) Critical limits of deficiency of nickel in intensively cultivated alluvial soils, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 20: 284-292.
Alam, K., Barman, M.,* Datta, S.P., Kumar, S., Annapurna, K., Shukla, L., Chakraborty, D. (2020) Efficacy of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms in utilizing native phosphorus in an alluvial soil of North India Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, (Accepted).
Dissipation behaviour of bifenthrin in water at different pH levels under laboratory conditions. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry pp 1-9
Adsorption and kinetic studies for removal of basic dyes using pillared bentonites Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 29 (Jan) 47-53 2022
Kinetics and equilibrium study for adsorptive removal of cationic dye using agricultural waste-raw and modified cob husk. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (2020).10.1080/03067319.2020.1826458
Kinetics and equilibrium studies for methylene blue removal from simulated wastewater effluents using agricultural waste, Parthenium hysterophorus L. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology Vol. 27, July 2020, pp. 274-282
Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles from Combretum indicum and their characterization Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 28 (Nov) 730- 734 2021
Organobentonite as an efficient and reusable adsorbent for cationic dyes removal from aqueous solution Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 80 80-86 2021
Persistence of pendimethalin in/on wheat, straw, soil and water. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (2015) Vol. 95 (5): 694-699
Dissipation of fipronil in water under laboratory conditions. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (2009) 83 (6):838-41.
Fate of fipronil in cotton and soil under tropical climate conditions. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (2011) 86 (2):242-5.
Evaluation of leaching behaviour of pendimethalin in sandy loam soil. Enviromental Monitoring and Assessment. (2009)160(1-4):123-26
Kumar S., Patra, A.K., Dhyan S. and Purakayastha, T.J. (2014) Long-term chemical fertilization along with farmyard manure enhances resistance and resilience of soil microbial activity against heat stress. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 200:156–162. (Impact factor- 4.15)
Debnath, S., Patra, A.K., Ahmed, N., Kumar S. and Dwivedi, B.S. (2015) Assessment of microbial biomass and enzyme activities in soil under temperate fruit crops in North Western Himalayan Region. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 15 (4): 848-866. (Impact factor- 3.60)
Bhattacharyya, R., Bhatia, A., Das, T.K., Lata, Kumar S., Tomer, A., Ritu., Singh, G., Kumar S. and Biswas A.K. (2018) Aggregate–associated N and global warming potential of conservation agriculture-based cropping of maize-wheat system in the north-western Indo–Gangetic Plains. Soil & Tillage Research, 182: 66-77. (Impact factor- 7.42)
Modak, K., Biswas, D.R., Ghosh, A., Pramanik, P., Das, T.K., Das, S., Kumar, S., Krishnan, P. and Bhattacharyya, R. (2020) Zero-tillage and residue retention impact on soil aggregation and carbon stabilization within aggregates in subtropical India. Soil and Tillage Research 202, 104649, (Impact factor- 7.42)
Sharma, A., Kumar, S., Mir, J.I., Kumar, R., Sharma, O.C., Lal, S., Kumawat, K.L., Ahmed, N., Singh, D.B., Ganie, M.A. and Razvi, S. (2021) Restricting depletion of soil organic carbon by amending nutrient-N input to soils. Land Degradation & Development. (Impact factor- 4.37)
Sharma A., Kumar, S., Khan, S.A., Kumar, A., Mir, J.I., Sharma, O.C., Singh, D.B. and Arora, S. (2021) Plummeting anthropogenic environmental degradation by amending nutrient-N input method in saffron growing soils of north-west Himalayas. Scientific Reports, 11: 2488. (Impact factor- 4.99)
Vishwanath, Kumar, S., Purakayastha, T.J., Datta, S.P., Rosin K.G., Mahapatra, P., Sinha, S.K and Yadav, S.P. (2022) Impact of forty-seven years of long-term fertilization and liming on soil health, yield of soybean and wheat in an acidic Alfisol. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 68: 531-546. (Impact factor- 3.09
Amresh K., Kumar Sarvendra, Venkatesh, K., Singh, N. K., Mandal, P.K. and Sinha, S.K. (2022) Physio‑molecular traits of contrasting bread wheat genotypes associated with 15N influx exhibiting homeolog expression bias in nitrate transporter genes under different external nitrate concentrations. Planta (2022) 255:104. (Impact factor- 4.54)
Vikram, K. V., Meena, S. L., Kumar, S., Ranjan, R., Nivetha, N., and Paul, S. (2022). Influence of medium-term application of rhizobacteria on mustard yield and soil properties under different irrigation systems. Rhizosphere, 24, 100608. (Impact factor- 3.43)
Dey, S., Purakayastha, T. J., Sarkar, B., Rinklebe, J., Kumar, S., Chakraborty, R., Datta, ., Lal, K. and Shivay, Y. S. (2023). Enhancing cation and anion exchange capacity of rice straw biochar by chemical modification for increased plant nutrient retention. Science of The Total Environment, 886, 163681. (Impact factor- 10.75)
Biswas, S*., Singh, P., Rahaman, R., Patil, K.V. (2023). Soil quality and crop productivity under 34 years old long-term rainfed rice-based cropping system in an Inceptisol of sub-tropical India. Frontiers in Soil Science. 3:1155712. doi: 10.3389/fsoil.2023.1155712.
Ghorai, P.S., Biswas, S*., Purakayastha, T.J., Ahmed, N., Das, T.K., Prasanna, R., Gawade, B.H., Bhattacharyya, K., Singh, P., Das, S. (2022). Indicators of soil quality and crop productivity assessment at a long term experiment site in the lower Indo-Gangetic plains. Soil Use and Management 022;00:1–18.DOI: 10.1111/sum.12847.
Biswas, S*., Das, T. K., Bhattacharyya, R., Das, S., Dwivedi, B.S. (2021). Biological soil quality and seasonal variation on enzyme activities under conservation agriculture-based rice-mustard system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Soil Research
Biswas, S*., Kundu, D.K., Mazumdar, S.P., Saha, A.R., Majumder, B., Ghorai, A.K., Ghosh, D., Yadav, A.N. and Saxena, A.K. 2018. Long term effect of manure and fertilization on activity and diversity of bacteria in sub-tropical Inceptisol with rice-wheat-jute cropping system. Journal of Environmental biology 39 (3), 379-386.
Biswas, S., Hazra, G. C., Purakayastha, T. J., Saha, N., Mitran, T., Singha Roy S., Basak, N., Mandal, B. 2017. Establishment of critical limits of indicators and indices of soil quality in rice-rice cropping systems under different soil orders. Geoderma 292, 34-48.
Das, T. K., Nath, C.P., Das, S., Biswas, S., Bhattacharyya, R., Sudhishri, S., Raja, R., Singh, B., Kakralia, S. K., Rathi, N., Sharma, A. R., Dwivedi, B.S., Biswas, A. K., Choudhari, S.K. (2020). Agriculture in rice-mustard cropping system for five years: Impacts on crop productivity, profitability, water-use efficiency, and soil properties. Field Crops Research 250, 107781.
Purakayastha, T.J., Bera, T., Bhaduri, D., Sarkar, B., Mandal, S., Wade, P., Kumari, S., Biswas, S., Menon, M., Pathak, H., Tsang, D.C.W. 2019. A review on biochar modulated soil condition improvements and nutrient dynamics concerning crop yields: Pathways to climate change mitigation and global food security. Chemosphere, 227, 345-365.
Purakayastha, T.J., Pathak, H., Kumari, S., Biswas, S., Chakrabarti, B., Padaria, R.N., Kamble, K., Pandey, M., Sasmal, S., Singh, A. 2019. Soil health card development for efficient soil management in Haryana, India. Soil & Tillage Research, 191, 294-305.
Das, R., Purakayastha, T.J., Das, D., Ahmed, N., Kumar, R., Biswas, S.,Walia, S.S., Singh, R., Shukla, V.K., Yadava, M.S., Ravisankar, N., Datta, S.C. 2019. Long-term fertilization and manuring with different organics alter stability of carbon in colloidal organo-mineral fraction in soils of varying clay mineralogy. Science of the Total Environment, 684, 682-693.
Purakayastha, T.J., Das, R., Kumari, S., Shivay, Y.S., Biswas, S., Kumar, D., Chakrabarti, B. 2019. Impact of continuous organic manuring on mechanisms and processes of the stabilisation of soil organic C under rice�wheat cropping system, Soil Research, 58(1), 73-83d.
Conservation Agriculture in rice-mustard cropping system for five years: Impacts on crop productivity, profitability, water-use efficiency, and soil properties TK Das, CP Nath, S DAS*, S Biswas, R Bhattacharyya, S Sudhishri, R Raj, ... Field Crops Research 250, 107781
Priming maize seeds with cyanobacteria enhances seed vigour and plant growth in elite maize inbreds V Sharma, R Prasanna, F Hossain, V Muthusamy, L Nain, S Das*, ... 3 Biotech 10 (4), 1-15
Response of oxidative stability of aggregate-associated soil organic carbon and deep soil carbon sequestration to zero-tillage in subtropical India K Modak, A Ghosh, R Bhattacharyya, DR Biswas, TK Das, S Das*, G Singh Soil and Tillage Research 195, 104370
Four years of conservation agriculture affects topsoil aggregate-associated 15nitrogen but not the 15nitrogen use efficiency by wheat in a semi-arid climate ARS Ranjan Bhattacharyya, T.K. Das,, S. Das*, Abir Dey, A.K. Patra, R ... Geoderma 337, 333-340
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