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Ravinder Kaur, Rajesh Srivastava, Rajeev Betne, Kamal Mishra and D. Dutta (2004) Integration of linear programming and a watershed scale hydrologic model for proposing an optimized land use plan and assessing its impact on soil conservation � A case study of Nagwan watershed in the Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand, India. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 18 (1), 73 - 98. (if: 9.545) |
Ravinder Kaur, Omvir Singh, R. Srinivasan, S.N. Das and Kamal Mishra (2004)Comparison of a subjective and a physical approach for identification of priority areas for soil and water management in a watershed � A case study of Nagwan watershed in Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand, India. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 9(2), 115-127.(if: 7.253) |
Ravinder Kaur and Rupa Rani (2006) Spatial characterization and prioritization of heavy metal contaminated soil-water resources in peri-urban areas of National Capital Territory (NCT), Delhi. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 123 (1-3), 233-247.(if: 7.959) |
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Ravinder Kaur and Sunita Rabindranathan (1999) Ground validation of an algorithm for estimating surface suspended sediment concentrations from multi-spectral reflectance data. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 27 (4), 235-251(If:6.81) |
Ravinder Kaur (2008) Planning length of long-term field experiments through decision support systems - A Case study. Applied Ecology & Environmental Research, 6(2), 63-78 (If: 6.72) |
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Gurjar, D.S., Kaur, R., Singh, K.P. and R. Singh (2019). Nutrients and heavy metals accumulation in spike and bulb parts of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) under varied wastewater-groundwater irrigation regimes, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1): 87-91. |
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Sharma, P., Meena, R.S., Kumar, S., Gurjar, D.S., Yadav, G.S. and Kumar, S. (2019). Growth, yield and quality of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) as influenced by integrated nutrient management under alley cropping system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11): 1876-80. |
Shaloo, Rishi P. Singh, Himani Bisht, Rajni Jain, Truptimayee Suna, Ram S. Bana, Samarth Godara, Yashbir S. Shivay, Nirupma Singh, Jatin Bedi, Shbana Begam, Manisha Tamta, and Shweta Gautam (2022) Crop-Suitability Analysis Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geospatial Techniques for Cereal Production in North India, Sustainability 14, no. 9: 5246. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095246 |
Shaloo, Himani Bisht, Bipin Kumar, V. K. Prajapati and Man Singh (2023) Spatio-temporal analysis of water requirement of maize (Zea mays L.) in Haryana state of India, Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol. No. 25 (1): 140 – 144, https://journal.agrimetassociation.org/index.php/jam. |
Shaloo, Himani Bisht, Rajni Jain and Rishi Pal Singh (2022) Cropland suitability assessment using multi criteria evaluation techniques and geo-spatial technology: A review, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92 (5): 554–62. |
H. Bisht, Shaloo, Bipin Kumar, D. K. Singh, and A. K. Mishra (2023) Sensitivity Analysis of Wheat Cultivar HD2967 to Weather Parameters Using CERES-Wheat Model, J. Agr. Sci. Tech. (2023) Vol. 25(3): 661-672 |
Himani Bisht, Shaloo, Truptimayee Suna, Lata Vishnoi, Shweta Gautam and D. K. Singh (2023) Drought assessment and trend analysis using SPI and SPEI during southwest monsoon season over Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India, MAUSAM, 74(1), 119-128. |
Bisht, H., Singh, D.K., Shaloo, Mishra, A.K., Sarangi, A., Prajapati, V.K., Singh, M. And Krishnan, P. 2019. Heat unit requirement of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different thermal and moisture regimes. Journal of Agrometeorology, 21 (1):36-41. |
P Anbukkani, Shaloo and Suresh Pal (2020) Adoption and impact of technology in the rice-wheat system, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (1): 31–4. |
Rakesh Kumar, D.R. Singh, Shiv Kumar, V.P. Chahal, Khyaliram Chaudhary and Shaloo (2015) Migratory sheep production system and its impact on livelihood security of sheep households in Ajmer district of Rajasthan, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences Vol. 85 (5): 522-524. |
Dhull, Paramjeet; Lohchab, R. K; Kumar, Sachin; kumari Mikhhlesh; Shaloo and Bhankhar A. K. (2023) Anaerobic Digestion: Advance Techniques for Enhanced Biomethane/Biogas Production as a Source of Renewable Energy. Bioenerg. Res. |
Rosin K G, S Kumar, N Patel, K Lal, R Kaur and V K sharma (2020).Soil fertility and productivity of wastewater irrigated eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) under improved land water management strategies. Indian journal of Agricultural Sciences.90 (10): 1959–63 |
Sarvendra Kumar, A K. Patra , D. Singh , T. J. Purakayastha , K G Rosin and M. Kumar (2013). Balanced Fertilization along with Farmyard Manures Enhances Abundance of Microbial Groups and Their Resistance and Resilience against Heat Stress in a Semi-arid Inceptisol. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44:15, 2299-2313, DOI:10.1080/00103624.2013.803562 |
Kumar, S., Sharma, A., Sharma, V.K., Ahmed, N., Rosin, K.G. and Sharma, O.C. (2018). Integrated fertilization: An approach for higher apple (Malus domestica) productivity and ecological health of soil. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88: 222-227. |
Kumar, S., Sharma, A., Sharma, V.K., Rosin, K.G. and Kumar D.(2018). Enhancement of apple (Malus domestica) productivity and soil health through organic fertilization and bio- inoculants under north-western Himalayan region of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88:1463-68. |
Khajanchi Lal, P. S. Minhas, R. K. Yadav and K. G. Rosin (2020) GHG mitigation from sewage effluents: C sequestration after reuse in different urban cropping systems, Carbon Management, 11:3, 281-290, DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2020.1752060 |
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Rosin, K.G., R. Kaur, N. Patel, T.B.S. Rajput and Sarvendra Kumar. (2017). Yield and Irrigation Water Use Efficiency of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria sicenaria L.) In Response to Different Irrigation Methods and Planting Geometries. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(5): 2475-2481. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.605.277 |
K G Rosin, Ravinder Kaur, SD Singh, P Singh, DS Dubey. (2013). Groundwater vulnerability to contaminated irrigation waters - A case of peri-urban agricultural lands around an industrial district of Haryana, India. Procedia Environmental Sciences. Elsevier. 18 (200-210) |
Khajanchi Lal, P.S. Minhas, Shipra, R.K. Chaturvedi and R.K. Yadav. 2008. Extraction of Cadmium and Tolerance of Three Annual Cut Flowers on Cd-contaminated Soils. Bioresource Technology 99: 1006-1011. NAAS Score 12.67 |
Khajanchi -Lal, P.S. Minhas, R.K. Yadav. 2015. Long-term impact of wastewater irrigation and nutrient rates II.Nutrient balance, nitrate leaching and soil properties under peri-urban cropping systems. Agricultural Water Management 156: 110�117. NAAS Score 9.54 |
Minhas, P.S., Khajanchi-Lal, R.K. Yadav, S.K. Dubey, R.K. Chaturvedi. 2015. Long term impact of waste water irrigation and nutrient rates: I. Performance, sustainability and produce quality of peri urban cropping systems. Agricultural Water Management 156: 100�109. NAAS Score 9.54 |
Khajanchi Lal, R.K. Yadav, Ravinder Kaur, D.S. Bundela, M. Inayat Khan, Madhu Chaudhary, R.L. Meena, S.R. Dar and Gurbachan Singh. 2013. Productivity, Essential Oil Yield, and Heavy Metal Accumulation in Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) under Varied Wastewater-Groundwater Irrigation Regimes. Industrial Crops and Product. 45: 270� 278. NAAS Score 10.19 |
Minhas, P.S., R.K. Yadav, K. Lal and R.K. Chaturvedi. 2015. Effect of long-term irrigation with wastewater on growth, biomass production and water use by Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.) planted at variable stocking density Agricultural Water Management 152:151-160. NAAS Score 9.54 |
Defo, Célestin; Ravinder Kaur, Anshu Bharadawaj, Khajanchi Lal & Paritosh Kumar. 2017. Modelling approaches for simulating wetland pollutant dynamics. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 47: 1371-1408 NAAS Score 11.98 |
Dagar, J.C., Khajanchi Lal, Jeet Ram, Mukesh Kumar, S.K. Chaudhari, R.K. Yadav, Sharif Ahamad, Gurbachan Singh, Amarinder Kaur. 2016. Eucalyptus geometry in agroforestry on waterlogged saline soils influences plant and soil traits in North-West India. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233: 33–42 NAAS Score 9.95 |
Krishnan, P., R.K. Sharma, Anchal Dass, Ankur Kukreja, Ravi Srivastava, Ruchika Jain Singhal, K.K. Bandyopadhyay, Khajanchi Lal, K.M. Manjaiah, R.S. Chhokar, S.C. Gill. 2016. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127: 324-335. NAAS Score 9.17 |
Gurbachan Singh, D. S. Bundela, Madhurama Sethi, Khajanchi Lal, and S. K. Kamra. 2010. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System for Appraisal of Salt-Affected Soils in India. J Environ Qual. 39: 5-15. NAAS Score 8.58 |
Kamra, S.K., Khajanchi Lal, O.P. Singh and J. Boonstra 2002. Effect of pumping on temporal changes in ground water quality. Agricultural Water Management 56: 169-178. NAAS Score 9.54 |
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Uprety, D.C., Dwivedi, N., Jain, V. and Mohan. R. 2002. Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on the stomatal parameters of rice cultivars. Photosynthetica . Vol. 40, (2):315-319.(NAAS 8.3) |
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Kumar B., Sharma R., Singh S. B., 2012. Evaluation of harvest residues of cyhalofop-butyl in paddy soil. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 89(2): 344-347 |
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Bisht, H., Shaloo, Kumar, B., Singh, D. K. and A. K. Mishra. 2023. Sensitivity Analysis of Wheat Cultivar HD2967 to Weather Parameters Using CERES-Wheat Model. J. Agr. Sci. Tech., 25(3): 661-672. (NAAS rating: 7.28) |
Bisht, H., Shaloo, Suna, T., Vishnoi, L., Gautam, S. and Singh, D. K. 2023. Drought assessment and trend analysis using SPI and SPEI during southwest monsoon season over Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India. MAUSAM, 74, 1 (January, 2023), 119-128. (NAAS rating: 6.64) |
Bisht, H., Singh, D.K., Shaloo, Mishra, A.K., Sarangi, A., Prajapati, V.K., Singh, M. And Krishnan, P. 2019. Heat unit requirement of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different thermal and moisture regimes. Journal of Agrometeorology, 21 (1): 36-41. (NAAS rating: 6.55) |
Bisht, H., Gautum, S., Puranik, H.V. And Nain, A.S. 2019. Agro-ecological zonation of Uttarakhand using geo-spatial techniques. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89 (11): 40-44. (NAAS rating: 6.37) |
Shaloo, Bisht, H.*, Kumar, B., Prajapati, V. K. and Singh, M. 2023. Spatio-temporal analysis of water requirement of maize (Zea mays L.) in Haryana state of India. Accepted in Journal of Agrometeorology. 25 (1) : 140 - 144 (NAAS rating: NAAS rating: 6.55) *Corresponding Author |
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Prajapati, V. K., Khanna, M., Singh, M. Kaur, R., Sahoo, R. N. and Singh, D. K. (2021) Evaluation of time scale of meteorological, hydrological and agricultural drought indices. Nat Hazards. 109(1): 89-109. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-021-04827-1. |
Shaloo, Bisht Himani, Sarangi A., Prajapati V. K., Mishra A. K. and Singh Man (2021) Water Requirement and its Trend for Rice and Wheat Crops in Haryana State, India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 10(2): 203-209. |
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Brahmanand, P.S., Kumar, A., Ghosh, S., Roy Chowdhury, S., Singandhupe, R.B., Singh, R., Nanda, P., Chakraborthy, H.C., Srivastava, S.K. and Behera, M.S. 2013. Challenges to Food Security in India. Current Science, 104 (7). 841-846. |
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Brahmanand, P.S., Behera, B., Srivastava, S.K., Singandhupe, R.B. and Mishra, A. 2021. Cultivated Land Utilisation Index vis-a-vis Cropping Intensity for Planning Crop Diversification and Water Resource Management in Odisha: A critical analysis. Current Science. 120(7): 1217-1224. |
Das, M., Brahmanand, P.S. and Laxminarayana, K. 2021. Performance and efficiency services for the removal of hexavalent chromium from water by common macrophytes. International Journal of Phytoremediation. https://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2021.1878104. |
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