भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Water Technology Centre(WTC)      (16 scientists)

Dr Neeta Dwivedi


Field of Specialisation : Plant Physiology,abiotic stress&climate change

Dr Neeta Dwivedi

Sr. Scientist

M.Sc. : Christ Church College,Kanpur University

Ph.D : C S Azad University Kanpur,

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : WST Faculty

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Goel S, Singh K, Singh B, Grewal S, Dwivedi N, Alqarawi AA, Singh N.K,. (2019) Analysis of genetic control and QTL mapping of essential wheat grain quality traits in a recombinant inbred population. PLoS ONE 14(3):e0200669. https://doi.org/ 10.1371/ journal.pone.0200669. (NAAS rating 8.7)
  1. Ali Mohammad, Susama Sudhishri,, Das T. K, Man Singh, Ranjan Bhattacharyya, Anchal Dass, Manoj Khanna Sharma V. K, Neeta Dwivedi, Mukesh Kumar (2018)Water balance in direct-seeded rice under conservation agriculture in North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains of India Irrigation Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-018-0590-z (NAAS rating 7.8)
  1. Dwivedi N, Singh Dwivedi N, Nautiyal PC, Singh K and Singh.I (2016) Evaluation of maize(Zea maize) hybrid for leaf thermostability, photosynthetic rate, stem reserve and productivity, under rain dependent conditions Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86(10)1426-1432 (NAAS 6.22)
  1. Dwivedi N,SinghvK, Nautiyal PC, Goel S and Rosin KG (2016) Differential response of antioxidant enzymes to water deficit stress in maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids during two leaf stage. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 86 (6) 703-17 ( NAAS rating :6.22)
  1. Uprety , D.C, Sen. S, Dwivedi.N (2010) Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide on grain quality in crop plants. Physiol Mol Biol Plants. Vol.16, 3:215227.(NAAS 7.54)
  1. Uprety, D.C., Dwivedi, N., Raj, A., Jaiswal S and Paswan G. (2009) Study on the response of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species of wheat to the elevated CO2. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. Vol. 15, 2(NAAS 7.54)
  1. Sujatha, K. B., Uprety, D.C., Nageswara Rao, D., Raghuveer Rao, P. Dwivedi, N. (2008). Up regulation of photosynthesis and sucroseP synthase in rice under elevated carbon dioxide and temperature conditions. Plant Soil Environment 54: 155-62 (NAAS 7.34)
  1. Uprety, D.C., Dwivedi, N., Jain, V. and Mohan. R. 2002. Effect of elevated carbon dioxide on the stomatal parameters of rice cultivars. Photosynthetica . Vol. 40, (2):315-319.(NAAS 8.3)
  1. Uprety, D.C., Dwivedi, N., Mohan, R. and Paswan, G. 2001. Effect of elevated CO2 concentration on leaf structures of Brassica juncea under water stress. Biologia Plantarum. Vol. 44, (1), 149-152.(NAAS 7.38))
  1. Uprety, D.C., Dwivedi, N. and Mohan, R. (1998) Characterization of CO2 responsiveness in Brassica oxycamp interspecific hybrid. J. Crop Sci. & Agron. (Germany). 80; 7-13.(NAAS 8.9)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Identified maize hybrids through field evaluations for leaf thermo-stability, photosynthetic rate, stem reserves and higher productivity under drought conditions
  1. Identified maize hybrids through field evaluations for leaf thermo-stability, photosynthetic rate, stem reserves and higher productivity under drought conditions
  1. Major QTLs identified for yield and contributing traits from WL711/C306 RIL population
  1. Screening of wheat genetic stock for identification of Tolerant RIL from WL711/C306 population
  1. Developed Instruction material for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Outstanding Scientist Award: In 10th International conference ICAHFS 2019 (21-22 December 2019) Hotal Hans , New Delhi.
  1. Best Poster Award in International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Farming Systems and Rural Livelihood during 10-13 February, 2015 to Dwivedi N, Singh K, Shukla S, Kaur R, on Effect of Drought stress on yield and photosynthetic related tr
  1. Member of Advisory Board: (National) International Conference on Stewardship towards sustainability (STS-2019) Rising burden on environment & agriculture 6th & 7th September 2019
  1. Best paper award in 7Th International Conference on AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE AND PLANT SCIENCES, June 28-29, 2018, Hotel Landmark, The Mall, Shimla (H. P.), India.
  1. Co-Chaired Technical session 5 : In 10th International conference ICAHFS 2019 (21-22 December 2019) Hotal Hans , New Delhi.