M.Sc. : Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Ph.D : ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
Google Scholar
PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Nematology
Berliner, J., Alfred-Daniel, J., Balaji Rajkumar, Gowda, H.C., Manimaran, B., Rashid Parvez, Khan, M.R., Mhatre, P.H. and Guru-Pirasanna-Pandi, G. (2023). Fauna associated with wheat cultivation in high altitudes of Nilgiris, Current Science, 124 (4): 426-433 (NAAS rating: 7.00)
Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only
- Kumar, U., Berliner, J., Adak, T., Rath, P.C., Dey, A., Pokhare, S.S., Jambhulkar, N.N., Pannerselvam, P., Kumar, A. and Mohapatra, S.D. 2017. Non-target effect of continuous application of chlorpyrifos on soil microbes, nematodes and its persistence under sub-humid tropical rice-rice cropping system. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 135: 225�235. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.10.003.
- Ghosh A., Singh O.N., Berliner J., Pokhare S.S. (2021) System of Crop Rotation: A Prospective Strategy Alleviating Grain Yield Penalty in Sustainable Aerobic Rice Production. International Journal of Plant Production. DOI: 10.1007/s42106-021-00163-3.
- Berliner, J., Mhatre, P.H., Vetrivel Kalai, P., Kalaiarasan, P., Pervez, R. and Manimaran, B. 2021. Nematode Trophic Diversity in the Pristine and Cultivated Fields of Nilgiris using Sedgewick-Rafter Slides. Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(2):149-154.
- Bhattacharyya, P., Dash, P. K., Swain, C. K., Padhy, S. R., Roy, K. S., Neogi, S., Berliner, J., Adak, T., Pokhare, S. S., Baig, M. J. and Mohapatra, T. 2018. Mechanism of plant mediated methane emission in tropical lowland rice. Science of the Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.141.
- Adak, T., Munda, S., Kumar, U., Berliner, J., Pokhare, S. S., Jambhulkar, N. N. and Jena, M. 2016. Effect of elevated CO2 on chlorpyriphos degradation and soil microbial activities in tropical soil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. P. 188:105. DOI 10.1007/s10661-016-5119-4.
- Sahoo, S., Adak, T., Bagchi, T., Kumar, U., Munda, S., Saha, S., Berliner, J., Jena, M. and Mishra, B. B. 2016. Non-target effects of pretilachlor on microbial properties in tropical rice soil. Environmental science and pollution research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-6026-x.
- Totan Adak, Arup Kumar Mukherjee, Berliner J, Somnath S. Pokhare, Manoj Kumar Yadav, Manas Kumar Bag, Srikanta Lenka, Sushmita Munda & Mayabini Jena. 2019. Target and non-target effect of commonly used fungicides on microbial properties in rhizospheric soil of rice. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2019.1653457.
- Bagchi, T., Sanghamitra, P., Berliner, J., Chattopadhyay, K., Sarkar, A., Kumar, A., Ray, S. and Sharma, S.G. 2016. Assessment of physiochemical, functional and nutritional properties of raw and traditional popped rice. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 15 (4): 659-668.
- Berliner, J., Pokhare, S., Mishra, C., Sahoo, S., Munda, S., Adak, T., Bose, L., Marandi, B., Subudhi, H., Patra, B., & Manimaran, B. 2022. Comprehensive periodic evaluation of Oryza sativa germplasms for resistance against rice root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne graminicola. ORYZA-An International Journal of Rice, 59(2), 162166. Retrieved from https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/OIJR/article/view/125279.
- Berliner, J., Mhatre, P.H., Vetrivel Kalai, P., Kalaiarasan, P., Pervez, R. and Manimaran, B. 2021. Nematode Trophic Diversity in the Pristine and Cultivated Fields of Nilgiris using Sedgewick-Rafter Slides. Indian Journal of Nematology, 51(2):149-154.
Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :
- Diagnostic Kit: Guruprasannapandi G, Basana Gowda G, Patil NB, Adak T, Berliner J, Mohapatra SD, Rath PC and Jena M. 2016. Diagnostic guide for rice insect pests and nematodes (English). NRRI Pocket Diary no., Cuttack, India, pp. 32.
- Database: Rath, P.C., Berliner, J., Pokhare, S.S., Mishra, C.D., Meena, K.S., Manimaran, B., Adak, T., Bose, L.K., Marandi, B.C., Subudhi, H.N., Dash, S.K., Meher, J., Kar, M., Pradhan, S.K., Guruprasannapandi, G., Gowda, B.G., Prasanthi, G., Annamalai, M., Patil, N.K.B. and Jambhulkar, N.N. 2021. NRRI Meloidogyne graminicola database. https://icar-nrri.in/m-graminicola-nematodes-database/.
- Genetic stock: Mukherjee, A. K., Adak, T., Pokhare, S. and Berliner, J. 2015. Ceratorhiza oryzae-sativae submitted to the Microbial Type Culture Collection and Gene Bank (MTCC) with registration number MTCC12231
- Methodology: Berliner, J., Manimaran, B., Mhatre, P. H., Vetrivel Kalai, P. and Kalaiarasan, P. 2021. Sedgewick-Rafter counting slides: A tool for nematode biodiversity study. In: Book of extended abstracts - vol- iii, International conference on global perspectives in crop protection for food security from December 8-10, 2021 at TNAU, Coimbatore. P: 42-43.
- Methodology: Mhatre, P. H., Venkatasalam, E. P., Divya, K. L., Sudha, R., Jenifer, J., Bairwa , A. and Berliner, J. 2017. In-vitro soil less culture of potato cyst and root knot nematode. ICAR-CPRS Newsletter, 67: 2.
Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :
- Dr Vasantharaj David Young Scientist Award - 2020
- Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Junior Research Fellowship :2006-2008
- Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) Senior Research Fellowship :2008-2011
- Kameswara Roa award for best oral presentation for PhD work
- AZRA Fellowship award during AZRA Silver Jubilee International Conference, 2014