भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

R.S. Karnal, Haryana      (8 scientists)

Dr Mukesh Kumar Singh


Field of Specialisation : Farm Machinery and Power

Dr Mukesh Kumar Singh


M.Sc. : College of Agricultural Engineering, JNKVV, Jabalpur, (MP)

Ph.D : College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan

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Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Singh, Mukesh K, Singh, S. P., Singh M. K. and Ekka U. (2019). Battery assisted four-wheel weeder for reducing drudgery of farmers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89 (9): 14348.
  1. Singh, S. P., Singh, Mukesh K., Ekka U and Singh M K (2019). e- Powered Multi-purpose two-row seeder for smallholders. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89 (12): 20915.
  1. Singh, K P, Mehta, C R, Singh, Mukesh K., Tripathi, H and Singh, RS (2016). Effect of Conservation Agricultural Practice on Energy Consumption in Crop Production
  1. Kushwaha, H. L., Dass, A. , Khura T. K. , Sahoo P K , Singh, Mukesh K. and Mani, I. (2019). Design, development and performance evaluation of manual planter for system of wheat intensification. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89 (4): 67887.
  1. Ekka, U., Singh, N., Bharti, N., Sahoo, P. K. and Singh, Mukesh K. (2019). Design of seed metering system for jute seeds. CIGR, Vol. 21 (3).
  1. Singh, K P, Mehta, C R, Singh, Mukesh K., Tripathi, H and Singh, RS (2016). Effect of Conservation Agricultural Practice on Energy Consumption in Crop Production System in India. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa, And Latin America 47(4):21-26
  1. Singh, K. P., Poddar, Rahul R., Agrawal, K. N., Hota, Smrutilipi and Singh, Mukesh K. (2015). Development and evaluation of multi millet thresher. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 7 (2) : 939 - 948
  1. Singh, Mukesh K., Tiwari, G. S., Mehta, A. K., Sharma, A. K., Mathur, S. M. and Rathod, R. K. (2020).Development and Optimization of Furrow Opener for Planting of Seed Spices. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 9(5): 2002-2009.
  1. Singh, S P, Kumar, Adarsh, Kushwaha1, H.L., Ekka, Utpal, Singh, M. K. and Singh, K.K. (2021). Versatile electric prime mover for agriculture: A solution for small farmers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (5): 73943. (NAAS-6.23)
  1. Singh, S.P., Ekka, U., Singh, M.K., Jain A.K. (2022).Mini Electric Prime Mover for Increasing Productivity of Sugarcane Farmers. Sugar Tech (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12355-021-01083-2

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Technology: Battery assited four wheel weeder
  1. Technology: Digital calibration system for fluted roller metering mechanism
  1. Technology: Manually operated planter for system of wheat intensification
  1. Technology: Battery assisted seeder for spinach, coriander and wheat seed
  1. Technology: Pusa mini electric prime mover (commercialized)

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Incentive award for best hindi technical bulletin on 03/01/2022.
  1. Best Research Paper award-2019 from RASSA on10.01.2022.
  1. Best Innovation Award -2018 from Royal Association for Science led-socio cultural advancement (RASSA), New Delhi
  1. Awarded for shabd gyan evam prashan manch in hindi gyan pratiyogita, 2016 organized by Division of Agricultura Engineering, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
  1. Best paper award for paper on Gender-friendly farm equipment: A potential for reducing cost of cultivation, National Convention-cum-Seminar on Doubling farmers income and farm profitability by 2022 at BBAU, Lucknow on 29.10.2017.