M.Sc. : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Ph.D : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Google Scholar
PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultural Statistics
No. of Students Guided : - M.Sc : 5
Ph.D : 3
Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only
- Girish K Jha and K Sinha (2014). Time-delay neural networks for time series prediction: An application to the monthly wholesale price of oilseeds in India. Neural Computing and Applications, 24(3-4), 563-571.
- Girish K Jha, C Mazumder, J Kumari and G Singh (2014). Nonlinear principal component based fuzzy clustering: A case study of lentil genotypes.Indian Journal of Genetics & Plant Breeding, 74(2), 189-196.
- Girish K Jha, G Singh, S Vennila, M S Rao, H Panwar and M Hegde (2016). Predicting the severity of Spodoptera litura on groundnut in relation to climatic variability using ordinal logistic model. Journal of Agrometeorology, 18(2), 282-287.
- Girish K Jha, G Singh, S Vennila, M Hegde, M S Rao and H Panwar (2017). Multi-layer perceptron based neural network model predicting maximum severity of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) on groundnut in relation to climate for Dharwad region of Karnataka (India). Mausam, 68(3), 537-542.
- Girish K Jha, A Suresh, B Punera and P Supriya (2019). Growth of horticulture sector in India: Trends and prospects. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2), 314-321.
- K Choudhary, Girish K Jha, R R Kumar and Dwijesh Mishra (2019). Agricultural Commodity price analysis using ensemble empirical mode decomposition: A case study of daily potato price series. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 89(5), 882-886.
- V R Renjini and Girish K Jha (2019). Oilseeds sector in India: A trade policy perspective. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1), 73-78.
- S Kumar, Girish K Jha, D R Singh and H Biswas (2020). Economic incentives for sustainable legume production in India: a valuation approach internalizing risk sharing and environmental benefits. Current Science, 119(7), 1184-1189.
- Aditya K S, Muthuprasad T, Subhash S P and Girish K Jha (2021). The Indian Crop Insurance Puzzle: A Discourse from Behavioral Science Perspective. National Academy Science Letters, 44(4), 377-382.
- Praveen K V, Girish K Jha, and Aditya K S (2021). Discerning sustainable interaction between agriculture and energy in India. Current Science, 120(12), 1833-1839.
Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :
- Time-delay neural network (TDNN) model for agricultural price forecasting
- Particle swarm optimization (PSO) based neural network for time series forecasting
- Non-linear principal component based fuzzy clustering for genotypes grouping
- Pearl Millet Genetic stock: J Kumari, S Pandey, S K Jha, S S Chauhan, Girish K Jha and CT Satyavathi (2014). NSS-7809 (IC0283734; INGR13056), a Pearl Millet (Pennisetum squamulatum) germplasm with popping traits. Indian Journal of Plant Genetics Resources
- R Package: A Lama, Girish K Jha, K N Singh and B Gurung (2019) BayesBEKK: Bayesian estimation of bivariate volatility model. (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/BayesBEKK/index.html)
Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :
- BOYSCAST Fellowship, DST, Government of India for one year post-doctoral research at University of Manitoba, Canada in 2008.
- NEWS India-UK Fellowship: Newton-Bhabha Virtual Centre on Nitrogen Efficiency of Whole-cropping Systems funded by DBT, Govt. of India and BBSRC, United Kingdom
- Member of Editorial Board, Agricultural Economics Research Review, Agricultural Economics Research association (India).
- International Travel Grant to attend 29th ICAE in Milan, Italy.
- International Travel Grant to attend 30th ICAE in Vancouver, Canada.