भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Dr (Mrs) Nimisha Sharma


Field of Specialisation : Scion/rootstock interaction studies in mango for various traits Mango and Citrus Improvement

Dr (Mrs) Nimisha Sharma

Sr. Scientist

M.Sc. : SKRAU Bikaner Rajasthan

Ph.D : SKRAU Bikaner Rajasthan

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Fruit Science Horticulture

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   2

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Sharma N, Shivran M, Singh N, Dubey AK, Singh SK, Sharma N, Gupta R, Vittal H, Singh BP, Sevanthi AM, Singh NK. Differential gene expression associated with flower development of mango (Mangifera indica L.) varieties with different shelf-life. Gene Expression Patterns. 2023 Mar 1;47:119301.
  1. Vittal H, Sharma N*, Dubey AK, Shivran M, Singh SK, Meena MC, Kumar N, Sharma N, Singh N, Pandey R, Bollinedi H. Rootstock-mediated carbohydrate metabolism, nutrient contents, and physiological modifications in regular and alternate mango (Mangifera indica L.) scion varieties. Plos one. 2023 May 3;18(5):e0284910.
  1. Sharma N and Sharma N.In silico identification and comparative analysis of β-carotene protein in mango (Mangifera indica L.). National Academy of Science Letters. 2023.pp1-5. Springer Nature
  1. Shivran M, Sharma N* et al.Development of Ripening Gene-Specific Markers and their Association with Shelf-Life in Mango (Mangifera indica L.) varieties.2023.pp1-6.Springer Nature
  1. Shivran M, Sharma N*, Dubey AK, Singh SK, Sharma N, Muthusamy V, Jain M, Singh BP, Singh N, Kumar N, Singh N. Scion/Rootstock Interaction Studies for Quality Traits in Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Varieties. Agronomy. 2023 Jan;13(1):204.
  1. Shivran M, Sharma N*, Dubey AK, Singh SK, Sharma N, Sharma RM, Singh N, Singh R. Scion–Rootstock Relationship: Molecular Mechanism and Quality Fruit Production. Agriculture. 2022 Nov 28;12(12):2036.
  1. Sharma N, Singh AK, Singh SK, Mahato AK, Srivastav M, Singh NK. Comparative RNA sequencing based transcriptome profiling of regular bearing and alternate bearing mango (Mangifera indica L.) varieties reveals novel insights into the regulatory mechanisms underlying alternate bearing. Biotechnology Letters. 2020 Mar 19:1-6. (IF-2.2)
  1. Sharma N, Singh SK, Mahato AK, Ravishankar H, Dubey AK, Singh NK. Physiological and molecular basis of alternate bearing in perennial fruit crops. Scientia horticulturae. 2019 Jan 3;243:214-25. (IF-3.4)
  1. Iquebal MA, Jaiswal S, Mahato AK, Jayaswal PK, Angadi UB, Kumar N, Sharma N, Singh AK, Srivastav M, Prakash J, Singh SK. MiSNPDb: a web-based genomic resources of tropical ecology fruit mango (Mangifera indica L.) for phylogeography and varietal differentiation. Scientific reports. 2017 Nov 2;7(1):1-9. (IF-3.6)
  1. Lal S, Singh AK, Singh SK, Srivastav M, Singh BP, Sharma N, Singh NK. Association analysis for pomological traits in mango (Mangifera indica L.) by genic-SSR markers. Trees. 2017 Oct 1;31(5):1391-409. (IF-2.6)Mahato AK, Sharma N, Singh A, Srivastav M, Singh SK, Singh AK, Sharma TR, Singh NK. Leaf transcriptome sequencing for identifying genic-SSR markers and SNP heterozygosity in crossbred mango variety �Amrapali�(Mangifera indica L.). PloS one. 2016 Oct 13;11(10):e0164325. (IF-3.0)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. The Institute Varieties Identification Committee for Release and SVRC has identified two hybrids Pusa Deepshikha (Amrapali x Sensation) and Pusa Manohari (Amrapali x Lal Sundari).
  1. The Institute Varieties Identification Committee for Release has identified two rootstocks Pusa Moolbrant 1(PAM1) and Pusa Mool Brant 2 (PAM2) for dwaring traits.
  1. Extraction of high quality DNA of mango for PAC biosequencing has been standarized
  1. Genome sequencing of mango variety Amrapali
  1. using ddRAD sequencing SNP chip of mango was developed

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Awarded Gold Medal for M.Sc. Biotechnology in 2006Awarded Gold Medal for B.Sc. Agriculture in 2004.
  1. Awarded Chaudhary Charan Singh Award in 2004Awarded Bhamashah Award, Mewar Foundation in 2004.
  1. Awarded Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Merit Scholarship for Ph.D. Biotechnology during 2007- 2009.Distinction Certificate for ABC Scientific writing workshop 20th August 2020 to 3 September, 2020.Member on the Transgenic Biosafety Committee IISR, Lucknow.
  1. Best oral presentation on flowering mechanism in perennial fruits crop in International Conference organized by DRASS July, 2020.� Best Oral Presentation (First) Award in International Conference on Recent Progress in Biological Science organized by DBT at Department of Zoology, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasii, Tamil Nadu, 4-5th March, 2022. Title: �Differential Pathway Analysis to Explore Irregular Bearing Phenomenon in Mango (Mangifera indica L.)�
  1. Best Oral Presentation (First) Award in International Conference on Postharvest Disease Management and Value Addition.� at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, 18-20th August, 2021.Title: �In-silico mining of ripening related genes for shelf-life studies in mango (Mangifera indica L.)�.