भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Vegetable Science      (18 scientists)

Dr Amish K. Sureja


Field of Specialisation : Vegetable Breeding (Carrot, Pumpkin)

Dr Amish K. Sureja

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : ICAR-IARI, Pusa, New Delhi

Ph.D : ICAR-IARI, Pusa, New Delhi

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : VEGETABLE SCIENCE

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   5

   Ph.D :   1

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Nagar, A., Sureja, A.K., Munshi, A.D., Bhardwaj, R., Kumar, S. and Tomar, B.S. (2017) Heritability, correlation and genetic divergence for different seed traits in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(11): 151923. NAAS rating 6.25 (I030)
  2. Nagar, A., Sureja, A.K. and Munshi, A.D. (2017) DUS characterization of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) genotypes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87(6): 776784. NAAS rating 6.25 (I030)
  3. Bhutia, N.D., Sureja, A.K., Arya, L., Munshi, A.D. and Verma, M. (2017) Transferability of sponge gourd EST-SSR markers for genetic diversity assessment of Luffa species. Indian Journal of Horticulture 74(4): 615-617. NAAS rating 6.11 (I071)
  4. Ram, H., Sureja, A.K., Gopala Krishnan, S., Dey, S.S. and Tomar, B.S. (2016) Diversity analysis in snowball cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis using microsatellite markers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86(10): 1299-1304. NAAS rating 6.25 (I030)
  5. Sureja, A.K., Sirohi, P.S., Patel, V.B. and Mahure, H.R. (2010) Estimation of genetic parameters in ash gourd. Indian J. Hort., 67(Special Issue):170-173. NAAS rating 6.11 (I071)
  6. Gajbhiye, R.P., Sharma, R.R., Tewari, R.N. and Sureja, A.K. (2010) Effect of inorganic and bio-fertilizers on fruit quality of tomato. Indian J. Hort. 67(Special Issue): 301-304. NAAS rating 6.11 (I071)
  7. Sureja, A.K., Sirohi,P.S., Behera, T.K. and Mohapatra, T. (2006) Molecular diversity and its relationship with hybrid performance and heterosis in ash gourd [Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.]. J. Hortl. Sci. & Biotech., 81(1): 33-38. NAAS rating 7.04 (J273)
  8. Sureja, A.K. and Sharma, R.R. (2004) Path analysis for yield and its attributes in garden pea (Pisum sativum L. sub sp. hortense Asch. And Graebn.). Indian J. Hort., 61(1): 42-45. NAAS rating 6.11 (I071)
  9. Choudhary, D.K., Sharma, R.R. and Sureja, A.K. (2004) Correlation and path analysis studies across the generations in garden pea. Indian J. Hort., 61(2): 163-167. NAAS rating 6.11 (I071)
  10. Sureja, A.K. and Sharma, R.R. (2000) Genetic variability and heritability studies in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.). Indian J. Hort., 57(3): 243-247. NAAS rating 6.11 (I071)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Varieties: Long melon (Pusa Utkarsh), round melon (Pusa Raunak)
  1. Varieties: Cucumber (Pusa Barkha, Pusa Parthenocarpic Cucumber-6, Pusa Long Green), summer squash (Pusa Pasand)
  1. Hybrids: Carrot Pusa Vasuda, sponge gourd Pusa Shrestha, cucumber Pusa Gynoecious Cucumber Hybrid-18
  1. Genetic stock: ToLCNDV resistant line DSG-6 (INGR 12013) in Sponge gourd
  1. Genetic stock: Pumpkin genotype DPU-84 with lemon yellow flower colour, Longmelon line DLM 19-2 with segmented leaf, Longmelon line DLM 24-1 with dark green fruit

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Fellow, Indian Society of Vegetable Science (2017)
  1. ICAR-IARI Merit Medal (Ph.D.), 2004
  1. CSIR Senior Research Fellowship during Ph.D at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
  1. Junior Research Fellowship of ICAR for pursuing M.Sc at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi