भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Biochemistry      (12 scientists)

Dr. Chirag Maheshwari


Field of Specialisation : Abiotic stress and Nutritional quality for crop improvement

Dr. Chirag Maheshwari


M.Sc. : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute,New Delhi-12

Ph.D : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute,New Delhi-12

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Biochemistry

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   Nil

   Ph.D :   Nil

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Maheshwari, C., Coe, R. A., Karki, S., Covshoff, S., Tapia, R., Tyagi, A., & Lin, H. C. (2021). Targeted knockdown of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase in rice mesophyll cells. Journal of plant physiology, 260, 153395.
  2. Maheshwari, C., Garg, N.K., Hassan, M. and Tyagi, A., 2021. An insight: Impact of reduced Rubisco on plant physiology and biochemistry. Indian journal of agricultural sciences, 91(1), pp.16-20.
  3. Maheshwari, C., Garg, N. K., Singh, A., & Tyagi, A. (2023). Optimization of paclobutrazol dose for mitigation of water-deficit stress in rice (Oryza Sativa L.). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 107, 104596.
  4. Maheshwari, C., Garg, N. K., Hasan, M., Meena, N. L., Singh, A., & Tyagi, A. (2022). Insight of PBZ mediated drought amelioration in crop plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 1008993.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Best poster award at international symposium on �advances in plant biotechnology and genome editing� & 42nd meeting of plant tissue culture association (india) (APBGE-2021.).
  1. Young Scientist Award (SPBB, India)