भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Water Technology Centre(WTC)      (16 scientists)

Dr Ravinder Kaur


Field of Specialisation : Soil Physics / Soil & Water Conservation

Dr Ravinder Kaur

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Division of Agricultural Physics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Ph.D : Division of Agricultural Physics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Water Science & Technology

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   8

   Ph.D :   5

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Ravinder Kaur, B.C. Panda and S.K. Srivastava (1997) One - dimensional characterization of natural surfaces using n dimensional spectral information. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 18(2), 409 416. (if: 8.493)
  1. Ravinder Kaur, Sanjeev Kumar and Gurung, H.P. (2002)A Pedo-transfer function (PTF) for estimating soil bulk density from basic soil data and its comparison with existing PTFs. Soil Research (earlier Australian J. Soil Research), 40(5), 847 - 857. (if: 7.569)
  1. Ravinder Kaur, Rajesh Srivastava, Rajeev Betne, Kamal Mishra and D. Dutta (2004) Integration of linear programming and a watershed scale hydrologic model for proposing an optimized land use plan and assessing its impact on soil conservation � A case study of Nagwan watershed in the Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand, India. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 18 (1), 73 - 98. (if: 9.545)
  1. Ravinder Kaur, Omvir Singh, R. Srinivasan, S.N. Das and Kamal Mishra (2004)Comparison of a subjective and a physical approach for identification of priority areas for soil and water management in a watershed � A case study of Nagwan watershed in Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand, India. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 9(2), 115-127.(if: 7.253)
  1. Ravinder Kaur and Rupa Rani (2006) Spatial characterization and prioritization of heavy metal contaminated soil-water resources in peri-urban areas of National Capital Territory (NCT), Delhi. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 123 (1-3), 233-247.(if: 7.959)
  1. Ravinder Kaur, Rashmi Malik & Madhumita Paul (2007) Long-term effects of various crop rotations for managing salt affected soils through a field scale decision support system a case study. Soil Use and Management, Vol. 23, 52-62 .(if: 7.958)
  1. Ravinder Kaur, Madhumita Paul & Rashmi Malik (2007) Long-term impact assessment and recommendation of alternative conjunctive water use strategies for salt affected agricultural lands through a field scale decision support system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol.129 (1-3), 257-270. .(if: 7.959)
  1. Ravinder Kaur, P.S. Minhas, P.C. Jain, P. Singh and D. S. Dubey (2009) Geo-spatial analysis of land - water resource degradation in two economically contrasting agricultural regions adjoining national capital territory (Delhi). Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, Vol. 154 (1), 65 -83.(if: 7.959)
  1. Ravinder Kaur and Sunita Rabindranathan (1999) Ground validation of an algorithm for estimating surface suspended sediment concentrations from multi-spectral reflectance data. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 27 (4), 235-251(If:6.81)
  1. Ravinder Kaur (2008) Planning length of long-term field experiments through decision support systems - A Case study. Applied Ecology & Environmental Research, 6(2), 63-78 (If: 6.72)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Developed, validated, replicated and transferred/ commercialized a novel, environment-friendly, scalable and economically remunerative wastewater treatment technology. The technology has been recommended for national level adoption & implementation
  1. Granted Patent (Patent No. 214697) for a Novel Spectral Data Analyzing Technique for Precise Natural Resource Characterization/ Discrimination. Also resulted in 2 - copyrighted spectral data analyzing software viz. Img2Info� & Ref2Info
  1. Developed and Copyrighted a Regional Resource Characterizing System for policy makers, namely ResourCeS� for assessing regional-water use, water productivity, soil-water-vegetation health and benchmarking canal irrigation performance.
  1. Developed and Copyrighted two (2) EIA tools (viz. IMPASSE� and Usar�) for proposing alternative conjunctive water use/ crop rotation plans, assessing food/ ground water vulnerability to salts and planning length of long-term field experiments.
  1. Developed several simulation models (viz. DROP) and algorithms for assessing run-off/ soil losses & proposing optimal resource mgmt. strategies for un-gauged and gauged catchments, respectively.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. ICAR- Punjabrao Deshmukh Woman Agricultural Scientist Award (2001)
  1. ICAR-Young Scientist Award (1999)
  1. ICAR-Jawaharlal Nehru Award (1992)
  1. Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute Global Fellow (2019), National Environmental Science Academy Fellow (2017), Fulbright Fellow (2009);ICAR National Fellow (2005);IHELP Fellow (2000),SEE Fellow (2018)
  1. Regional Council Member, Global Water Partnership - South Asia