भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Seed Science and Technology(SST)      (15 scientists)

Dr Shyamal Kumar Chakrabarty


Field of Specialisation : Seed Production and Plant Variety Protection

Dr Shyamal Kumar Chakrabarty

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : G.B.PUA&T,Pantnagar

Ph.D : IARI, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Seed Science and Technology

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   7

   Ph.D :   1

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Chakrabarty, Shyamal K., Aniruddha Maity, Jung Bahadur Yadav.2015. Influence of cyto-sterility sources of female line on seed quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss.) in relation to storage period - Plant Breeding doi:10.1111/pbr.12267
  2. Aniruddha Maity, Shyamal Kumar Chakrabarty, Pragati Pramanik, Ramawant Gupta, Sanjay Singh Parmar, D. K. Sharma. 2019. Response of stigma receptivity in CMS and male fertile line of Indian mustard (B. juncea) under variable thermal conditions - International Journal of Biometrology.63:142-152.
  3. U. S. Chandrashekar, Malavika Dadlani, K. Vishwanath, S. K. Chakrabarty and C. T. Manjunath Prasad.2013. Study of morpho-physiological, phonological and reproductive behaviour in protogynous lines of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.)], Euphytica 193: 277-291
  4. Chandrashekar Unnenahally Shivakumar, Ramwant Gupta, Manjunath Prasad, Cholanayakanahalli Thyagaraju, Krishnappa Vishwanath, Shyamal Kumar Chakrabarty and Malavika Dadlani 2014. Pollen�pistil interaction in protogyny and self-incompatibility system of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Coss.) - Grana, DOI:10.1080/00173134.2014.897750
  5. Nachiket Kotwaliwale, Karan Singh, Shyamal Kumar Chakrabarty, Monika A. Joshi, Abhimannyu Kalne, Madhvi Tiwari, K.K. Gangopadhyay, Nabarun Bhattacharya, Amitava Akuli, Divya Aggarwal, Gopinath Bej 2019 Machine vision for characterisation of some phenomic features of plant parts in distinguishing varieties - a review (International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 14(4):201 - 212)
  6. Chakrabarty, S.K.2008. Synchronization of flowering in parental lines for sunflower hybrid seed production under north-Indian conditions, Current Science 95:1077-1079.
  7. Chakrabarty, S. K., U. S. Chandrashekar, Manjunath Prasad, J. B. Yadav, J. N. Singh and M. Dadlani. 2011. Protogyny and self-incompatibility in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss)- a new tool for hybrid development. Indian J. Genet., 71(2) Special Issue: 170-173ent
  8. Debashis Paul, S. K. Chakrabarty, H.K. Dikshit and S. K. Jha. 2019. Hardness breaking force: an alternative method to evaluate hardseededness in mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)Seed Science and Technology 47, 2, 155-160..
  9. S.K. Chakrabarty, Monika A. Joshi, Yogendra Singh, Aniruddha Maity, Veena Vashisht and M. Dadlani.2012. Characterization and evaluation of variability in farmers varieties of rice from West Bengal.Indian J. Genet., 72: 136-142l
  10. S.K. Chakrabarty, Monika A. Joshi, Yogendra Singh and Malavika Dadlani.2012. Example varieties for DUS testing in rice (Oryza sativa)Indian J. of Agril. Sci., 82 (12): 1011-5

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Hybrid seed production technologies in rice (PRH 10), sunflower (KBSH 1 and TCSH-1), castor, Indian mustard (NRCHB-506), cauliflower (Pusa Kartik Shankar) and wheat parental lines have been standardized / refined. The problem of hard seeds in mung bean va
  1. Methods to maintain self-incompatible line of Cauliflower hybrid, Pusa Karthik Shankar has been developed using 4- 6% NaCl in an interval of four days from flower initiation till completion of flowering.
  1. Progynous and SI line of Indian mustard identified could be used to develop hybrids. The SI lines can be maintained using amino acid, growth hormone and common salt solution sprays
  1. Developed wilt resistant high yielding castor hybrids that have been released by the Central Variety Release Committee (CVRC), DAC, GOI: DCH-32, DCH-177, DCH-519
  1. Hybrids registered with PPV&FR Authority, GOI: DCH-177, DCH-519 ; Two new pistillate lines of castor registered with NBPGR

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Fellow of Indian Society of Oilseeds Research
  1. Fellow of Indian Socity of Seed Technology
  1. Bhumi Nirman Award
  1. Member Secretary, Task Force (2), PPV&FRA, Govt. of India