M.Sc. : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Ph.D : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Google Scholar
PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultual Chemicals
No. of Students Guided : - M.Sc : 3
Ph.D : 0
Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only
- Usha Kumari, Tirthankar Banerjee, Neethu Narayanan, Shubham Yadav & Neera Singh (2022) Ash and biochar mixed biomixtures to degrade co-applied atrazine and fipronil in bio-augmented biobeds. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1080/03067319.2022.2059363
- Ashish Khandelwal, Ramya Sugavanam, Balasubramanian Ramakrishnan, Anirban Dutta, Eldho Varghese, Tirthankar Banerjee, Lata Nain, Shashi Bala Singh, Neera Singh (2022) Bio polysaccharide composites mediated degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in a sandy soil using free and immobilized consortium of Kocuria rosea and Aspergillus sydowii. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-19252-5
- Ashish Khandelwal, Balasubramanian Ramakrishnan, Anirban Dutta, Eldho Varghese, Lata Nain, Tirthankar Banerjee, Neera Singh (2022) Free and immobilized microbial cultures mediated crude oil degradation and microbial diversity changes through taxonomic and functional markers in a sandy loam soil. Front. Environ. Sci. 9: 794303. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.794303. (NAAS rating 10.58)
- Shashi Bala Singh, Debdas Chand, Tirthankar Banerjee and Neera Singh (2022) Persistence and transformation of flucetosulfuron herbicide in soil as affected by biotic and abiotic factors. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. (Accepted) (NAAS rating 7.99)
- Shubham Yadav, Tirthankar Banerjee & Neera Singh (2021) Leaching behaviour of atrazine and fipronil in sugarcane trash ash mixed soils, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2021.1972101. (NAAS rating 8.83)
- Walia, S.; Banerjee, T.;Kumar, R. (2021) Biomass Yield and Soil Herbicide Residue in Transplanted Wild Marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) under High Rainfall Conditions of Western Himalaya. Agronomy, 11(11) 2119, https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11112119. (NAAS rating 9.42)
- Niranjan Kumar, Neethu Narayanan, Tirthankar Banerjee, R K Sharma, Suman Gupta (2021) Quantification of field incurred residues of Cyantraniliprole and IN-J9Z38 in cabbage/soil using QuEChERS/HPLC-PDA and dietary risk assessment. Biomedical Chromatography. 2021 Jul 5;e5213. doi: 10.1002/bmc.5213. (NAAS rating 7.90)
- Gajanan Gundewadi, Shalini Gaur Rudra, Robin Gogoi, Tirthankar Banerjee, Sanjay K.Singh, Sanjay Dhakate, Ashish Gupta (2021) Electrospun Essential oil encapsulated nanofibers for the management of anthracnose disease in Sapota. Industrial Crops and Products. Volume 170, 15 October 2021, 113727. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113727. (NAAS rating 11.65)
- Usha Kumari, Tirthankar Banerjee and Neera Singh (2021) Evaluating ash and biochar mixed biomixtures for atrazine and fipronil degradation. Environmental Technology & Innovation, Volume 23, August 2021, 101745. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2021.101745 (NAAS rating 11.26)
- Kaur R, Das TK, Banerjee T, Raj R, Singh R, Sen S (2020) Impacts of sequential herbicides and residue mulching on weeds and productivity and profitability of vegetable pea in North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Scientia Horticulturae 270: 109456. (NAAS rating 9.46)