भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

R.S. Dharwad, Karnataka      (3 scientists)

Dr Jayant Suraya Bhat


Field of Specialisation : Plant breeding, Maize Genetics and breeding

Dr Jayant Suraya Bhat

Sr. Scientist

M.Sc. : University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka

Ph.D : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Genetics (IARI), Genetics & Plant Breeding (UAS Dhawrad) and GPB (Visva Bharati)

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   5

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Bhat, J.S., B.S. Patil, K. Hariprasanna, Firoz. Hossain, M. Vignesh, G. Mukri, M.G. Mallikarjuna, R. Zunjare, S.P. Singh, S. Mukesh Shankar, Tripti Singhal, K. Venkatesh, Vikas Gupta, Mridul Chakraborti, K. Chattopadhyay, S.C. Ghagane, M.B. Hiremath, A.K.Choudhary. Genetic Enhancement of Micronutrient Content in Cereals. SABRAO J Genet. Breed. 50 (3) 373-429
  1. Bhat, J.S., 2007. Effects of moisture stress on different generations of moisture stress tolerant and susceptible lines of maize. J Bot. Soc Bengal., 61(2):109-117
  1. Tiwari, J.K., Munshi, A.D. Kumar, R., Pandey, R.N., Arora, A., Bhat, J.S. and Sureja, A.K., 2010. Effect of salt stress on cucumber: Na+K+ ratio, osmolyte concentration, phenols and chlorophyll content. Acta Physio. Plant. 32: 103-114, 2010
  1. Kole, P.C., Chakraborty, N.R and Bhat, J.S., 2008. Analysis of variability, correlation and path coefficients in induced mutants of aromatic non-basmati rice. Tropical Agril. Res Ext. 11: 60-64.
  1. Kole, P.C., Chakraborty, N.R and Bhat, J.S., 2007. Studies on accumulated micromutations in M2 and M3 generations of gamma ray irradiated prebred mutants of short grain non-basmati aromatic rice. J. Genet. & Breed., 61: 53-62.
  1. Bhat JS, Ganapati Mukri B.S. Patil, 2017. Turcicum Leaf Blight Resistance in Maize: Field Screening of New Inbreds and Hybrids. Int. Adv, Res. J. Sci. Eng. 6: 141-149

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Maize Variety-Pusa Baby Corn Hybrid-1
  1. Maize Variety - Pusa Jawahar Hybrid Maize-1
  1. Maize Variety Pusa HM9 Improved
  1. Maize Variety Pusa Vivek QPM9 Improved
  1. Pearl millet Variety- Pusa Composite 701 (MP 535)

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Best Poster award at International Conference GRISAAS, MPAUT, 2-4 December, 2017, Udaipur Rajasthan
  1. Best Paper Award in Fourth Agricultural Science Congress, Jaipur, Feb. 21-24, 1999.
  1. CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship in Life Sciences
  1. IARI- Senior Research Fellowship
  1. UAS, Dharwad Merit Scholarship during M. Sc. (Ag)