भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Extension      (15 scientists)

Dr Girijesh Singh Mahra


Field of Specialisation : Communication, Agricultural Education and Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

Dr Girijesh Singh Mahra

Scientist (Senior Scale)

M.Sc. : Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)

Ph.D : G.B.P.U.A & T, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand)

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultural Extension

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   Nil

   Ph.D :   Nil

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Mahra, G.S., Kashyap, S.K, Bhardwaj, N., Kameswari V.L.V., Singh, P., Burman, R.R. and Joshi, P. (2021) Developing Teaching Effectiveness Framework for Social Sciences in Agricultural Universities. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 91 (5): 729�733. (NAAS Rating: 6.25)
  2. Mahra, G.S., Kashyap, S.K., Singh, P., Joshi, P. and Gupta, S. (2020) Competencies and Teaching Effectiveness in Social Sciences at Indian Agricultural Universities. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (11): 2150�5 (NAAS Rating: 6.25)
  3. Mahra, G.S., Kahyap, S.K., Bhardwaj, N., Kameswari, V.L.V., Joshi, P. and G. K. Singh (2021). Assessment of Core Competencies of Livestock Extension Professionals and Students for Veterinary Extension. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 91 (2): 143�147. (NAAS Rating: 6.28)
  4. Burman, R.R., Mahra, G.S,Singh, A. K., Mallick, S., Anand, A, Mishra, G., Shekhawat, K., Somvanshi, V., Rudra, S. G., Sangwan, S., Kumar, B., Das, A.K. (2022)Critical analysis of �Pusa Samachar�: An innovative multimedia-based extension advisory model. Current Science. Accepted (NAAS Rating: 7.10)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. A model of �Agri-nutri smart village� was conceptualized under project �Enhancing nutritional security and gender empowerment�
  1. �A framework for successfully running Community Radio station� was formulated and validated
  1. A Framework for effective teaching on the basis of teachers� attributes contributing towards teaching effectiveness was formulated and validated
  1. A teaching effectiveness index was formulated and validated for Agricultural Universities in India
  1. Multimedia ICT Based Extension Model: 'Pusa Samachar' was developed and implemented.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Best paper Award (Oral) in International Extension Education Conference (IEEC-BHU 2020) on �Role of NGOs in Extension Services: opportunities & challenges� Paper: �Essential Core Competencies for effective work performance in NGO: A study of Post Graduate students at Indian Agricultural Universities�
  1. ???? ??????? ?????? ???????? ???????? (?????? ???? ???????? ???????), 2019-2020 (???? ?? ?????? ??? ??????????? ????????? ???? ????)
  1. MANAGE Best Agricultural Extension Book Award 2021 (Certificate and Cash Prize of 50,000 to all authors) Sharma, J.P., Sharma, N., Gills, R., Joshi, P., Mahra, G.S., Punitha, P. (2020). Yes, you can Launch your own Enterprise: Beginners Guide. International Books and Periodical Supply Service, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-88892-37-7
  1. First Prize at National Zonal Elocution (Zone-V) on �Transforming Agrarian Economy: Innovative Solutions through Science and Technology� organized by National Academy Of Agricultural Sciences and IARI, New Delhi Held at GBPUAT Pantnagar under XIV National
  1. MOBILIZATION-Young Scientist Award, at 10th National Seminar on "Agriculture and More: Beyond 4.0" May 26-28, 2022, organized by MOBILIZATION (Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development) at SKAUST, Kashmir.