M.Sc. : IIT Kharagpur
Google Scholar
PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Farm Machinery and Equipment
No. of Students Guided : - M.Sc : 7
Ph.D : 7
Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only
- Adarsh Kumar, Mathew Varghese, Mohan Dinesh and Puneet Mahajan. 1999. Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Low Back: A Case Control Study of Tractor Drivers in North India. Spine, 24(23), 2503-2513
- Jena S., Adarsh Kumar and J. K. Singh. 2016. Biomechanical model for energy consumption in manual load carrying. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 55, 69-76.
- Adarsh Kumar, J.K.Singh and Charanjit Singh. 2012. Prevention of chaff cutter injuries. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (ID: 674043 DOI:10.1080/17457300.2012.674043) , 20(1);59-67
- Varun Chaturvedi, Adarsh Kumar, J.K. Singh. 2012. Power Tiller: Vibration magnitudes and intervention development for vibration reduction. Applied Ergonomics. 43:891-901
- Adarsh Kumar, Gaikwad Bhaskar , J.K. Singh. 2009. Assessment of controls layout of Indian tractors. Applied Ergonomics 40:91-102
- Adarsh Kumar, J.K.Singh, Dinesh Mohan, Mathew Varghese. 2008. Farm hand tools injuries: A case study from Northern India. Safety Science 46: 54-65.
- Adarsh Kumar, Mathur N.N., Mathew Varghese, Dinesh Mohan, Singh, J.K., Punnet Mahajan. 2005. Noise Severity and Hearing impairment. A Study from Rural India. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 47(4): 341-348.
- Adarsh Kumar, Dinesh Mohan, Rajesh Patel, Mathew Varghese. 2002. Development of grain threshers based on ergonomic design criteria. Applied Ergonomics 33(5), 503-508.
- Adarsh Kumar, Mathew Varghese, Dinesh Mohan, Puneet Mahajan. 2001. Tractor Vibration Severity and Driver Health: A Study from Rural India. Journal of Argil Engineering Research 80(4), 313-328
- Adarsh Kumar, Mathew Varghese, Dinesh Mohan. 2000. Equipment related injuries in agriculture: an international perspective. Journal of Injury Prevention and Control 7(3), 175-186.
Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :
- Patent granted on 18th May 2017 for UMMB-Urea Molasses Mineral Block Machine (1988/DEL/2004)
- Patent granted on 13th August 2018 for ANIMAL FEED CRUSHER (1986/DEL/2004)
- Patent granted on 31st October 2018 for POWERED ANIMAL FEED MIXER� (1983/DEL/2004)
- Safety Devices for chaff cutter
- Manual Load carrying device
Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :
- IARI Best Teacher Award 2016
- Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) TEAM AWARD 2011
- Annual Safety Award 2003 by National Institute of Farm Safety, (NIFS) USA
- Dogra endowment Gold Medal for best scientific publication by a research scholar in IIT Delhi, year 2000-2001
- Institution of Engineers (India), Agricultural Engineering Division Gold Medal