भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Chemicals      (13 scientists)

Dr Neethu Narayanan


Field of Specialisation : Pesticide residue chemistry

Dr Neethu Narayanan

Scientist (Senior Scale)

M.Sc. : Division of Agricultural Chemicals, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Ph.D : Division of Agricultural Chemicals, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultural chemicals

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   1 (as chairperson)

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Narayanan, N., Gupta, S., Gajbhiye, V. T., & Manjaiah, K. M. (2017). Optimization of isotherm models for pesticide sorption on biopolymer-nanoclay composite by error analysis. Chemosphere, 173, 502-511.
  2. Sarkar, T., Narayanan, N., & Solanki, P. R. (2017). Polymer�Clay nanocomposite-based acetylcholine esterase biosensor for organophosphorous pesticide detection. International Journal of Environmental Research, 11(5-6), 591-601.
  3. Narayanan, N., Gupta, S., & Gajbhiye, V. T. (2020). Decontamination of pesticide industrial effluent by adsorption–coagulation–flocculation process using biopolymer-nanoorganoclay composite. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 17, 4775-4786.
  4. Narayanan, N., Mandal, A., Kaushik, P., & Singh, S. (2022). Fluorescence turn off azastilbene sensor for detection of pesticides in vegetables: An experimental and computational investigation. Microchemical Journal, 175, 107205.
  5. Kumar, N., Narayanan, N., & Gupta, S. (2019). Ultrasonication assisted extraction of chlorpyrifos from honey and brinjal using magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers followed by GLC-ECD analysis. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 135, 103-112.
  6. Banerjee, T., Gupta, S., Singh, B., & Narayanan, N. (2019). LC-MS/MS method optimization and validation for trace-level analysis of 71 crop protection chemicals in pulses. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191(11), 670.
  7. Kumar, N., Narayanan, N., & Gupta, S. (2018). Application of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for extraction of imidacloprid from eggplant and honey. Food chemistry, 255, 81-88.
  8. Khandelwal, A., Narayanan, N., Varghese, E., & Gupta, S. (2020). Linear and Nonlinear Isotherm Models and Error Analysis for the Sorption of Kresoxim-Methyl in Agricultural Soils of India. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1-8.
  9. Saha, S., Narayanan, N., Singh, N., & Gupta, S. (2022). Occurrence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in river water, ground water and agricultural soils of India. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19(11), 11459-11474.
  10. Kumari, U., Banerjee, T., Narayanan, N., Yadav, S., & Singh, N. (2022). Ash and biochar mixed biomixtures to degrade co-applied atrazine and fipronil in bio-augmented biobeds. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1-12.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Best oral presentation award at 4th APCHNE held at New Delhi during 7-10 January 2020