भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

     (1 scientists)

Dr Gyanendra Singh


Field of Specialisation : Pulse, Oilseed & Vegetable breeding and seed production

Dr Gyanendra Singh

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : CCS University, Meerut, UP

Ph.D : CCS University, Meerut, UP

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No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   02

   Ph.D :   -

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Vales M. I., Srivastava R. K., Sultana R., Singh S., Singh I., Singh G., Patil S.B & Saxena K. B (2012). Breeding for earliness in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]: Development of new determinate and non-determinate lines. Crop Science, 52(6): 2507-2516
  2. Saha S., Singh G; Mahajan V., Gupta H.S.(2009). Variability of nutritional and cooking quality in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a function of genotype. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 64:174-180.
  3. Saxena K.B., Singh G, Guta H.S., Mahajan V., Kumar R.V., Singh B, Valis M.I., Sultana R.(2010). Enhancing the livelihoods of Uttarakhand farmers by introducing pigeon pea cultivation in hilly areas. Journal of food legume. 24 (2):128-132
  4. Mishra P. K. , Bisht, S. C. Ruwari P, Joshi G. K. , Singh G., Bisht J. K., Bhatt, J.C. (2010). Bioassociative effect of cold tolerant Pseudomonas spp. And Rhizobium Leguminosarum PR1 on iron acquisition, nutrient uptake and growth of lentil (Lens culinaris L.). European Journal of Soil Biology 30: 1-9
  5. Saha S, Hedau N.K., Mahajan V., Singh G., Gupta H.S., Gahalain. A. (2009). Textural, nutritional and functional attributes in tomato genotypes for breeding better quality varieties. Journal of the Sciences of food and Agriculture
  6. Sharma R.R., Goswami A.M., Singh C.N., Chhonkar O.P., Singh Gyanendra (2201). Catecholase and cresolase activities and phenolic content in mango (Mangifera indica L.) at panicle initiation. Scientia Horticulturae, 87:147-151.
  7. Bhartiya A., Aditya J.P., Singh G., Gupta A., Agrawal P.K. and Bhatt J.C. (2012). Assessment of genetic variability of agronomic characters in indigenous and exotic collection of black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.) SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 43(1) 81-90
  8. Hedau, N.K., Singh, G., Hooda, K.S., Singh, S.R.K., Gahalain A. (2010). Foliar fertilization as a supplement on seed crop of garden pea under mid hill condition of N- W Himalayas. Indian J. Hort., 67 (SI):464-466.
  9. Hedau, N.K., Singh, G., Mahajan, V., Singh, S.R.K., Gahlain, A (2010). Seed quality and vigour in relation to nodal position and harvesting stage of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) under mid hills of North-western Himalayan. Indian J. Hort., 67 (SI): 251-253.
  10. Behera T.K., Singh Gyanendra (2002) Studies on resistance to shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) and interspecific hybrization in egg plant. Indian J. Hort., 59(1): 62-66.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Lentil: VL Masoor 129 (S.O.211 (E) 29.1.2010)small seeded lentil variety suitable for timely sown rainfed conditions of UK hills. It has shown significant yield superiority of 17.70% over best check VL Masoor 125. It showed resistance to wilt and moderate
  1. Lentil: VL 133 (S.O.2326 (E) dt. 10.10.2011) small seeded variety suitable for timely sown rainfed conditions of UK hills. It has shown significant yield superiority of 22.28% over best check VL Masoor 125; 27.12% over the PL 05 and 33.93% over the VL Mas
  1. Soybean: VL Soya 59 (S.O.2458 (E) dt.16.10.2008) a high-yielding variety suitable for cultivation in rainfed, timely sown areas of UK, J & K and H.P. It has superior quality low linolenic acid (C18:3 as 3.96), which improves oxidative stability of oil; he
  1. Horsegram: VL Gahat 15 (S.O. 454 (E) dt.11.2.2009) a high-yielding variety suitable for the Northern and Central India. It showed yield superiority of 30.34% over the best check AK 21 and 143.27% over PHG 9. It has better digestibility (86.2%).
  1. Fieldpea: VL Matar 47 (S.O.2326 (E) dt.10.10.2011 ) a high yielding variety suitable for cultivation under rainfed timely sown conditions of UK hills. It has shown significant yield superiority of 10.62% over the best check VL Matar 42. It showed resistan

Varieties (6)