भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Economics      (14 scientists)

Dr (Mrs.) Alka Singh


Field of Specialisation : Science & Technology Policy, Technology Evaluation and Impact Assessment, Agricultural Development and Policy issues, Labour Employment & gender studies in Agriculture sector, Public and Private Investments in Agriculture and allied sectors,

Dr (Mrs.) Alka Singh

Head and Professor

M.Sc. : MSc (Rural Banking & Agricultural Economics), G.B.Pant Univ of Agril & Tech, Pantnagar

Ph.D : PhD (Agtricultural Economics), .B.Pant Univ of Agril & Tech, Pantnagar

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultural Economics

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   12

   Ph.D :   9

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Sayla Khandoker, Alka Singh and S. K. Srivastava (2022). Leveraging farm production diversity for dietary diversity: evidence from national level panel data. Agricultural and Food Economics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40100-022-00221-y
  2. Ankhila R H, Alka Singh, D R Singh, Prabhakar Kumar And Bhargavi B (2022). Trends and determinants of total factor productivity in Rice (Oryza sativa) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(4): 464-468.
  3. Giridhar, B.J., Praveen, K.V. & Singh, A. Estimating the Effect of Bt Cotton on Input Expenditure and Yield: An Indian Perspective. National Acadey Science Letters. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-022-01102-0
  4. Praveen K. V., Alka Singh, Girish K. Jha, P. Kumar, Kingsly I. T. and Aditya K. S. (2021). What drives the use of organic fertilizers? Evidence from rice farmers in Indo-Gangetic Plains, India. Sustainability, 13, 9546. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179546
  5. Praveen K. V., Alka Singh, Pramod Kumar, G. K. Jha, Kingsly and Aditya K. S. (2021). Indian fertilizer subsidy conundrum: Tracking the recent developments. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(4): 608-12.
  6. Praveen K. V., Alka Singh, Aditya K. S. (2021). Exploring the global research trends in biofertilizers: a bibliometric approach. 3 Biotech 11, 304. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-021-02794-9)
  7. Suresh Kumar, D. R. Singh, Alka Singh, Naveen Prakash Singh and G. K. Jha (2020). Does Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practice Enhance Productivity and Reduce Risk Exposure? Empirical Evidence from Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT), India, Sustainability, 12, doi:10.3390/su12176965, 1-16
  8. KV Praveen, Alka Singh, Pramod Kumar, Girish K Jha, I Kingsly (2020). Advancing with fertilizers in Indian agriculture: trends, challenges and research priorities. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 33: 49-60
  9. Mondal, Biswajit, Alka singh, S.D.Singh, B.S.Kalra, P.Samal, M.K.Sinha, D.Ramajayam and Suresh Kumar (2018). Augmentation of Water Resources Potential and Cropping Intensification Through Watershed Programs. Water Environment Research 83- 91.
  10. Mondal, B., Alka Singh, Sekar, I.,Sinha,M.K., Suresh Kumar and Ramajayam, D. (2015).Institutional arrangements for watershed development programmes in Bundelkhand Region of Madhya Pradesh: An exploratory study. International Journal of Water Resources Development 32 (2): 219-231.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Played a leadership role in building and Improvisation of public expenditure/investment database for agricultural sector impacting agricultural growth; and identified areas of under-investments & priority setting region wise & also Established impact pathways of public investments to raise agricultural growth
  1. Strengthened studies related to public and private R&D investments & extension, capacities and research portfolio of Indian NARS
  1. Assessed Farm level adoption and impact of agricultural technologies, government input support & welfare schemes, policy reforms with robust methodologies
  1. Validation of empirical models for quantification of reduced pesticidal risks to different components of the environment due to the adoption of alternative pest control technologies

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Recipient of ICAR Award Bharatratna Dr C Subramanian Award of Outstanding Teachers, 2017IARI Best Teacher Award, 2011
  1. Member, Board of Management (BOM), Research Advisory Council (RAC), Academic Council, ICAR-IARI, Member, Institute Management Committee (IMC), ICAR-NIPB
  1. Visiting Fellow, International Food Policy and Research Institute, USA, 2011, JICA Fellow, Japan-Southwest Asia Programme, 2001
  1. N A Majumdar Award for Best Research Paper, 2015, Core Committee member, IARI-CAAST, NAHEP, Nodal Officer, Gender Advancement in Transforming Institutions (GATI), ICAR-IARI
  1. Recipient of ICAR Senior Research Fellowship during the Doctoral programmeRecipient of Andhra Bank Fellowship during Masters� programme Recipient of Bronze Medal during Graduate programme at Univ. of Agril. &Tech, Pantnagar