भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Floriculture & Landscaping      (11 scientists)

Dr Markandey Singh

Field of Specialisation : Improvement of cut flowers and production technology of commercially important flower crops

Dr Markandey Singh

Head, Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Agra University, Agra Uttar Pradesh

Ph.D : Agra University, Agra Uttar Pradesh

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Division of Floriculture & Landscape Architecture

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   2

   Ph.D :   1

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Devi, Kiran, Madhu Sharma, MK Singh* and PS Ahuja (2011) In vitro cormlet production and growth evaluation ni green house conditions in Saffron (Crocus-sativusL. )- A commercially important crop. Engineering inLife Science, 11 (2) 11:189-194. (Page No.131- 13G )
  1. Virbomma, Shanmugam, Nandinakanoujia, Markandey Singh, Sukhjindersingh and Ramdeen prasad (2011). Biocontrol of vascular wilt and corm rot gladiolous caused by Fusarium oxyporum f. sp. Gladioli using plant growth promoting rhizobactrial mixture. Crop Protection,30:1-7.
  1. Mahajan,Arpaana, M. K. Singh*, Sanjay Kumar, R. Prasad and P. S. Ahuja (2012). Effect of n vivo and in vitro seed germination and performance Journal f Horticulture, 69 (1):136- 139.
  1. Shanmugam, V., H. Thakur and M Singh (2015) First report of Root Rot caused by Fusarium Salani on Calla Lily (Zantedeschia ellitiona) from India. Plant Disease Vol. 99 (9): p 1283.
  1. Singh, M.K., Sanjay Kumar, Raja Ram and R. Prasad (2016). Effect of size of bulb, growing conditions and depth of planting on flower and bulb production of Asiatic hybrid Lily (Lilium spp.) cv. Brunello. Indian Jourmal of Agriculture Sciences Vol. 86 (3): 391-399.
  1. Singh, M.K., S.S. Sindhu and A. S. Dhama (2016) Varietal performance evaluation and impact of different level of harvesting of flower shoot on bulb production of LA hybrid lily lily in Northern plain conditions. Indian Journal of Agriculture Sciences Vol. 86 (8): 118-21.
  1. Singh MK (2006) performance of alstromeria cultivars under polyhouse conditions. Indian J. Of Hort. 63(2) 195-98.
  1. Singh MK, Raja Ram and Prasad R (2006) Effect of thinning of vegetative shoots on cut flower production of 'Serena' alstroemeria (Alstroemeriahybrids) under polyhouse conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences73 (3): 181-182.
  1. Asmita,S.S. Sindhu and M.K. Singh (2017) In vivo bulblet multiplication in LA Lilium hybrids through scaling technique. Indian Journal of Horticulture74 (4) 568-73
  1. Ritu Jain, MK Singh, KishanSwaroop, T Janakiram, M V Reddy, RohitPinder and Prabhat Kumar (2018) Optimization of spacing and nitrogen dose for growth and flowering of Statice (Limoniumsinuatum Mill.)" . Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences88 (7) 1108-14

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Rose varieties: Himalayan Wonder, Himalayan Glory & Pusa Mahak
  1. Production technology of Lilium as cut flower and bulb production
  1. Production technology of Lisianthus as new cut flower in India
  1. Production technology of Alstroemeria as new cut flower in India
  1. Protected production technology of Roses

Varieties (2)

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Award for Rural Development in Himachal Pradesh, awarded by Rotary Club, Palampur,2005
  1. Fellowship provided by DST Govt of India to visit Scientific Institutions� in Taiwan
  1. Member of Institute Management Committee (IMC), ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru
  1. Merit Fellowship award of Agra University Agra for Ph. D. programme
  1. Fellow of Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture (ISOH), New Delhi,