भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

R.S. Wellington, Tamil Nadu      (7 scientists)

Dr M. Sivaswamy


Field of Specialisation : Wheat improvement for yield & biotic stress resistance particularly rusts

Dr M. Sivaswamy

Head, Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore

Ph.D : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : As co-guide in thematic areas in wheat improvement

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   Ten

   Ph.D :   Five

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Naeela Qureshi, Harbans Bariana, Vikas Venu Kumran, Sivasamy Muruga,Kerrie L. Forrest, Mathew J. Hayden, Urmil Bansal* (2018). A new leaf rust resistance gene Lr79 mapped in chromosome 3BL from the durum wheat landrace Aus26582. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG) pp 1�8, NAAS ratings: 10.53
  1. Sivasamy.M, M. Aparna, Jagdish Kumar, V.K Vikas and R.Nisha (2013) Phenotypic and molecular confirmation of durable adult plant leaf rust resistance (APR) genes-Lr34+, Lr46+ and Lr67+ linked to leaf tip necrosis (LTN) in select registered Indian wheat (T. aestivum) genetic stocks Cereal Research Communication. online 10.1556/CRC.2013 0054 NAAS. 6.85
  1. Kanti Kiran, Hukam C Rawal, Himanshu Dubey, Rajdeep Jaswal, Devanna B.N, Deepak, Kumar Gupta Subhash C Bhardwaj, P Prasad, Dharam Pal, Parveen Chhuneja, P.Balasubramanian, J Kumar, M Swami, Amolkumar U Solanke, Kishor Gaikwad, Nagendra. K Singh, Tilak Raj Sharma* (2016). Draft genome of the wheat rust pathogen (Puccinia triticina) unravels genome-wide structural variations during evolution. Genome Biology and Evolution 8(9): 2702-2721, NAAS 9.42
  1. Deepender Kumar, Animesh Kumar, Vinod Chhokar, O.P. Gangwar , S.C. Bhardwaj, M Sivasamy, S.V. Sai Prasad ,Prakasha, T.L. Hanif Khan, Rajender Singh, Pradeep Sharma, Sonia Sheoran, M.A. Iquebal, Sarika Jaiswal, U.B. Angadi, Anil Rai, G.P. Singh, Dinesh Kumar and Ratan Tiwari(2020). Genome-wide association studies in diverse spring wheat association panel for Stripe, Stem and Leaf rust resistance. Frontiers of Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00748. NAAS Score.11.75
  1. Bhojaraja K.Naik, Vinod*, J.B.Sharma, M.Sivasamy, K.V.Prabhu, R.S.Tomar and S.M.S.Tomar (2015). Molecular mapping and validation of microsatellite markers linked to the Secale cereal-derived leaf rust reistance gene Lr45 in wheat. Mol. Breeding 35:61, NAAS: 8.59
  1. Philomin Juliana*, Jesica Rutkoski, Jesse Poland, Ravi Singh, Sivasamy Murugasamy, Senthil Natesan, Hugues Barbier and Mark Sorrells (2015). Genome wide association mapping for Leaf Tip Necrosis and Pseudo Black Chaff in relation to durable rust resistance in wheat. The Plant Genome 8(2):1-12, NAAS: 10.09
  1. Manjunatha Channappa, Sapna Sharma, DeepikaKulshreshtha, Kartar Singh, Subhash C. Bhardwaj, SivasamyMurugasamy et.al (2021). Transcriptome profiling and differential gene expression analysis provides insights into Lr24‑based resistance in wheat against Pucciniatriticina. 3 Biotech (2021) 11:455.https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-021-02972-9 NAAS:8.41
  1. Tomar.S.M.S*, M.K.Menon, Vinod, M.Sivasamy and B.Singh (2007). Genetic Analysis of Triticum compactum L. var. amlissifolium Zhuk. Producing Curved grains(2007). Crop. Sci. 47:188-192, NAAS ratings: 8.32
  1. VKVikas, Sundeep Kumar, Sunil Archak, RK Tyagi, Jagdish Kumar, Sherry Jacob, M Sivasamy, et.al (2020). Screening of 19,460 Genotypes of Wheat Species for Resistance to Powdery Mildew and Identification of Potential Candidate using FIGS Approach.. Crop Science. DOI: 10.1002/csc2.20196: NAAS: 8.32
  1. Anju M Singh, Ph.D; Anjali Rai; K Raghunandan; …M Sivasamy (2019). Marker‑assisted transfer of PinaD1a gene to develop soft grain wheat Cultivars” Biotech 3 (2019) 9:183 doi.org/10.1007/s13205-019-1717-5 NAAS: 8.41

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Associated in developing and releasing total of 44 varieties including thirty-six bread wheat, four durum wheat, two each in dicoccum wheat & barley, one in oats
  1. Patented with PPVFRA: HW 2004, HW 2045, COW(W)1 and HW 1085 and COW2, COW3, HW 1098 applied for patent
  1. Involved in identification of new leaf rust resistance gene Lr79, APR genes for leaf rust, new sources of resistance to rust and spot blotch diseases & patented gene of Triticum compactum L. var. amlissifoliumZhuk. producing Curved grains
  1. Registered Twenty two (22) New rust resistant wheat genetic stocks with NBPGR and 27(twenty seven) ribosomal RNA gene and internal transcribed spacer sequences of T.aestivum, Hordium vulgare, Elymus and Secale cereale NCBI, USA
  1. Played vital role in largest characterization and evaluation of >22,000 wheat accessions conserved at NBPGR, New Delhi, and part of the team in Standardization of Pollen germination medium for wheat, brinjal, rye and triticale

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fellow of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi and SAWBR IIWBR karnal
  1. Nanaji Deshmukh ICAR award for outstanding inter-disciplinary team research in agricultural and allied sciences
  1. Gene Stewardship team award by Borlaug Global Rust Initiatives(BGRI, Cornell University, USA
  1. Dr M V Rao Memorial Award-for outstanding contribution in the field of wheat breeding by Society for Advancement of Wheat and Barley Research(SAWBAR), Karnal
  1. Awarded with 44 Silver plaque/memento/citations/certificate of appreciations for release of 44 AICW&BIP CVRC notified wheat varieties by IIWBR(DWR), Karnal/IARI/TNAU from 1998-2021