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Agronomy      (24 scientists)

Dr T. K. Das


Field of Specialisation : Weed Management; Conservation Agriculture

Dr T. K. Das

Professor, Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : IARI, New Delhi

Ph.D : IARI, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agronomy

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   11

   Ph.D :   13

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Das, T.K.*, Paul, A. K. and Yaduraju, N. T. 2014. Density-effect and economic threshold of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) in soybean. Journal of Pest Science. 87(1): 211-220. NAAS 11.13
  2. Dodamani, B. M. and Das, T.K.*2013. Density and nitrogen effects on interference and economic threshold of common lambsquarters in wheat. Journal of Pest Science. 86: 611-619. NAAS 11.13
  3. Baghel, J. K., Das, T. K.*, Pankaj, Mukherjee, I., Nath, C. P., Bhattacharyya, R., Ghosh, S. and Raj, R. 2020. Impacts of conservation agriculture and herbicides on weeds, nematodes, herbicide residue and productivity in direct-seeded rice. Soil and Tillage Research. 201:104634. NAAS 10.68
  4. Bhattacharyya, R., Bhatia, A., Das, T. K*., Lata S., Kumar, A., Tomer, R., Singh, G., Kumar, S., and Biswas, A.K. 2018. Aggregateassociated N and global warming potential of conservation agriculture-based cropping of maize-wheat system in the north-western IndoGangetic Plains. Soil and Tillage Research. 182:66-77. NAAS 10.68
  5. Bhattacharyya, R., Das, T. K.*, Das, S., Dey, A., Patra, A.K., Agnihotri, R., Ghosh, A. and Sharma, A.R. 2019 Four years of conservation agriculture affects topsoil aggregate-associated 15nitrogen but not 15nitrogen use efficiency by wheat in a semi-arid climate. Geoderma. 337: 333-340. NAAS 10.34
  6. Das, T.K., Nath, C.P., Das, S.,Biswas,S., Bhattacharyya R., Sudhishri, S., Raj, R., Singh, B., Kakralia, S.K., Rathi, N., Sharma, A.R., Dwivedi, B.S., Biswas, A.K. and Chaudhari, S.K. 2020. Conservation Agriculture in rice-mustard cropping system for five years: Impacts on crop productivity, profitability, water-use efficiency, and soil properties. Field Crops Research. 250:107781. NAAS 9.87
  7. Das, T.K., Saharawat, Y.S., Bhattacharyya, R., Sudhishri, S., Bandyopadhyay, K. K.*, Sharma, A.R. and Jat, M. L. 2018. Conservation agriculture effects on crop and water productivity, profitability and soil organic carbon accumulation under a maize-wheat cropping system in the North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Field Crops Research .215:222-231. NAAS 9.87
  8. Susha, V.S., Das, T.K.*, Nath, C.P., Pandey, R., Paul, S. and Ghosh, S. 2018. Impacts of tillage and herbicide mixture on weed interference, agronomic productivity and profitability of a maize wheat system in the North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Field Crops Research. 219:180-191. NAAS 9.87
  9. Das, T.K., Bhattacharyya, R.*, Sudhishri, S., Sharma, A.R., Saharawat, Y.S., Bandyopadhyay, K. K., Sepat, S., Bana, R. S., Aggarwal, P., Sharma, R. K., Bhatia, A., Singh, G., Kar, A., Singh Billu, Singh P., Pathak, H., Vyas, A.K. and Jat, M.L. 2014. Conservation agriculture in an irrigated cotton-wheat system of the western Indo-Gangetic Plains: crop & water productivity and economic profitability. Field Crops Research. 158: 24-33. NAAS 9.87
  10. Das, T.K., Bhattacharyya, R.*, Sharma, A. R., Das, S., Saad, A. A., and Pathak, H. 2013. Impacts of conservation agriculture on total soil organic carbon retention potential under an irrigated agro-ecosystem of the western Indo-Gangetic Plains. European Journal of Agronomy. 51: 3442. NAAS 9.38

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Conservation agriculture (CA)-based double zero-till (ZT) residue-laden broad bed planted cotton-wheat cropping system as as alternative to conventional transplanted rice-wheat system
  1. Management of herbicide resistant/cross-resistant Phalaris minor in wheat crop
  1. Integrated weed including Cyperus rotundus management in soybean wheat cropping system
  1. Conservation agriculture (CA)-based triple zero-till (ZT) rice - wheat mung bean system as an alternative to conventional transplanted rice-wheat system
  1. Integrated management of invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus in Sorghum crop

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. NAAS Fellowship (2019); ICAR Bharat Ratna Dr C Subramaniam Award (2019)
  1. Hooker Award of IARI (2012-13); Best Teacher Award of IARI (2016)
  1. Gold Medal (2015, 2016) of Indian Society of Agronomy (ISA) New Delhi and Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) Jabalpur MP; Outstanding Scientist Award (2017), Society for Bioresource and Stress Management, Kolkata
  1. Fellowship (2009, 2010, 2011) of ISA, ISWS and Society of Plant Protection Sciences (SPPS) New Delhi; Best Book of Weed Science Award (2010); PP Singhal Memorial Award (2014-15)
  1. Meritorious Scientist Award (2001); Associate Professor (2001-05), Alemaya University Ethiopia; AAAS Jr.Scientist Award (1998), Indian Society for Plant Physiology; Young Scientist Bursasry (1997)