भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Dr Awtar Singh


Field of Specialisation : Plant Breeding: Crop Improvement in Citrus and Litchi

Dr Awtar Singh

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana

Ph.D : CCS Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, H

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Horticulture Fruit Science

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   4

   Ph.D :   --

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Awtar Singh, Vijayakumari, N. and Dass, H. C. 1996. Radio-sensitivity for seed and budwood of Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 66 (10): 597-598. (NAAS rating 6.25)
  1. Awtar Singh, Srivastava, A. K., Dass, H. C. and Vijayakumari, N. 1997. Screening of germplasm of citrus rootstocks for salinity tolerance. Indian Journal of Horticulture 54 (4): 283-287. (NAAS rating 6.11)
  1. Awtar Singh and Dass, H. C. 1999. Pre-bearing performance of Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata) on indigenous and exotic rootstocks. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 69 (1): 52-54. (NAAS rating 6.25)
  1. Awtar Singh, Saini, M.L. and Behl, R.K. 2004. Seed germination and seedling growth of citrus (Citrus species) rootstocks under different salinity regimes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 74 (5): 246-248. (NAAS rating 6.25)
  1. Awtar Singh, Saini, M.L. and Behl, R.K. 2004. In vitro screening of citrus rootstocks for salt tolerance. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 64 (1): 54-57. (NAAS rating 6.47)
  1. Awtar Singh and Vishal Nath 2012. Variability in fruit physico-chemical characters of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.): an index for selection of improved clones for processing and value addition. Indian J. Genet. 72(2): 143-147. (NAAS rating 6.47)
  1. Awtar Singh and Vishal Nath 2015. Variability in fruit physico-chemical characteristics of litchi (Litchi chinensis) in Tripura and Asom. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85(2): 261-265. (NAAS rating 6.25)
  1. Kuldeep Singh, O.P. Awasthi, Awtar Singh, Reena Prusty and Prachi Yadav. 2021. Irradiation effect on leaf sclerophylly, gas exchange and stomata in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (12): 1737�41. (NAAS score: 6.37)
  1. Bajpai, A., Muthukumar, M., Awtar Singh, Vishal Nath and Ravishankar, H. 2016. Narrow genetic base of Indian litchi (Litchi chinensis) cultivars based on molecular markers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86 (4): 448-455. (NAAS rating 6.25)
  1. Madhubala Thakre, R. Asrey, Awtar Singh, M. Ray, S K Jha, P. Kumar, S. Saha, K. Sharma, A. Awasthi, A.K. Goswami and A Nagaraja. 2020. Genetic diversity study of guava (Psidium guajava) for pink pulp and soft seededness. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90(6): 1149-54. (NAAS rating 6.21)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Standardization of Shoot tip grafting in Nagpur mandarin
  1. Identification of Seedless clone N4 of Nagpur mandarin
  1. Development of litchi varieties Gandaki Sampada (IC-0615593), Gandaki Lalima (IC-0615585) and Gandaki Yogita (IC-0615598).
  1. Identification of 16 seedling clones/genetic stocks of mango and 13 of pummelo from farmers fields.
  1. Development of BA 29 genetic stock of litchi

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Honorary Fellow, Society for Horticultural Research and Development, Ghaziabad