भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Dr K.M. Manjaiah


Field of Specialisation : Soil Science-Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Microbiology: Soil Clay mineralogy and radionuclide behavior in soil plant system.

Dr K.M. Manjaiah

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad

Ph.D : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   6

   Ph.D :   8

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Raj Mukhopadhyay, K.M.Manjaiah S.C.Datta and BinoySarkar 2019 Comparison of properties and aquatic arsenic removal potentials of organically modified smectite adsorbents. Journal of hazardous Materials 377, 124-131
  1. Kirti Saurabh, Manjaiah K. M., Samar Chandra Datta, Ahammed Shabeer Thekkumpurath and Rajesh Kumar 2019. Nanoclay polymer composites loaded with urea and nitrification inhibitors for controlling nitrification in soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (4), 478�491
  1. Kumararaja, P., K. M. Manjaiah, S.C. Datta, T.P. Ahammed Shabeer and Binoy Sarkar 2018. Chitosan-g-poly(acrylic acid)-bentonite composite: a potential immobilizing agent of heavy metals in soil. Cellulose. 25 (7): 3985-3999
  1. Ramesh, T., K.M. Manjaiah, Abinandan Sudharsanamb, Arunachalam Ayyanadarc, Rajasekar Karunanithid, Nishant Anandrao Deshmukhe, Ngachan Shishom Vanao 2018. Evaluating organic carbon fractions, temperature sensitivity and artificial neural network modeling of CO2 efflux in soils: Impact of land use change in subtropical India. Ecological Indicators. 93, 129-141
  1. Raj Mukhopadhyay, Manjaiah K.M., S.C. Datta, R.K. Yadav, Binoy Sarkar 2017. Inorganically modified clay minerals: preparation, characterization, and arsenic immobilization in contaminated water and soil. Applied Clay Science 147, 1-10.
  1. Ganeshamurthy AN, Manjaiah KM and Rao AS (1998). Mobilization of nutrients in tropical soils through worm casting: availability of micronutrients. Soil Biol. Biochem. 30(13): 1839-1840
  1. Sandeep, S., K.M.Manjaiah, Mayadevi, M.R. and Singh, A.K. 2016. Monitoring temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition under maize - wheat cropping systems in semi arid India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188(8): 451
  1. Sonalika Sahoo, K.M.Manjaiah, S.C.Datta, Ahmed Shabeer, T.P. and Jitendra Kumar 2014. Kinetics of metribuzin release from bentonite- polymer composites in water. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 49, 591600
  1. Sreenivasa Chari, M., Manjaiah, K.M., Sachdev, P. and Sachdev, M.S. (2012) 134Cs transfer factors to Green gram and Soybean as influenced by waste mica. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 104: 46-54
  1. Manjaiah KM and Dhyan Singh (2001). Soil organic matter and biological properties after 26 years of maize-wheat-cowpea cropping as affected by manure and fertilization in a cambisol in semiarid region of India. Agriculture. Ecosystems Environ. 86(2): 155-162.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Radiocesium behavior in soil-plant system
  1. Clay-organic complexes stability and carbon dynamics in soil
  1. Clay-biopolymer composites for enhancing N use efficiency
  1. Modified clays for remediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals
  1. Collaborator in Four Quality maize varieties: (i)Pusa Vivek QPM 9 Improved, (ii)Pusa HM 4 Improved,(iii) Pusa HM 8 Improved and (iv)Pusa HM 9 Improved

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Fellow of The Clay Minerals Society of India (2013)
  1. Fellow of the Indian Society for Nuclear Techniques in Agriculture and Biology (2009)
  1. Fellow of the Indian Society of Soil Science (2016)
  1. Regional Coordinator (North Zone), National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board, ICAR
  1. BOYSCAST Fellowship of DST