भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agronomy      (24 scientists)

Dr Prabhu Govindasamy


Field of Specialisation : Weed biology, crop-weed interaction, and weed management

Dr Prabhu Govindasamy

Scientist (Sr. Scale)

M.Sc. : University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka

Ph.D : Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agronomy

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Govindasamy P, Sarangi D, Provin T, Hons F and Bagavathiannan M. 2021. Thirty-Six Years of No-Tillage Regime Altered Weed Population Dynamics in Soybean (Glycine max L.). Agronomy Journal. 113:2926-2937. (NAAS 8.24)
  2. Govindasamy P, Mowrer J, Rajan N, Provin T, Hons F and Bagavathiannan, M. 2021. Soil carbon dynamics is improved under long-term (36 years) no-till sorghum production in a sub-tropical environment. Soil use and management. 37:37-48. (NAAS 8.95)
  3. Govindasamy P, Singh V, Palsaniya DR, Srinivasan R, Chaudhary M, Kantwa SR. 2020. Herbicides application effect on weed control, soil health parameters and yield of Egyptian clover [Trifolium alexandrinum L.]. Crop Protection 139: 105389. (NAAS 8.57)
  4. Govindasamy P, Sarangi D, Provin T, Hons F, and Bagavathiannan M. 2020. No-Tillage Altered Weed Species Dynamics in a Long-Term (36-Years) Grain Sorghum Experiment in Southeast Texas. Weed Science 68:476-484. (NAAS 8.71)
  5. Govindasamy P, Mowrer J, Rajan N, Provin T, Hons F and Bagavathiannan M. 2021. Influence of long-term (36 years) tillage practices on soil physical properties in a grain sorghum experiment in Southeast Texas. Archives Agronomy and Soil Science 67:234-244. (NAAS 9.09)
  6. Hanamant M. Halli, Prabhu Govindasamy*, Mukesh Chaudhary, Srinivasan R, Mahendra Prasad, Wasnik VK, Yadav V K, Singh AK, Sunil Kumar, Vijay D, and Pathak HS. 2022. Range grasses to improve soil properties, carbon sustainability, and fodder security in degraded lands of semi-arid regions. Science of the total environment. 851 (2): 158211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158211. (NAAS 16.75)
  7. Sunil Kumar *, Palsaniya DR, Kiran Kumar T, Misra AK, Shahid Ahmad, Sarker A, Louhaichi M, Hassan S, Liguori G, Ghosh PK, Govindasamy P, Mahawer SK, Bhargavi HA. 2020. Morphological variability, genetic diversity, survival, and performance of Opuntia ficus-indica L. in a semi-arid region of India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. pp 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/03650340.2022.2031998. (NAAS 9.09)
  8. Avijit Ghosh, Mahanta S.K., Manna M.C., Sultan Singh, Ranjan Bhattacharrya, Tyagi V.C., Singh J.B., Ram S.N., Srinivasan R., Singh A.K., Ajita Gupta, Prabhu G., Rokde S.N. 2021. Long-term grazing mediates soil organic carbon dynamics by reorienting enzyme activities and elemental stoichiometry in semi-arid tropical inceptisol. Journal of soil science and Plant Nutrition. pp 1-18 https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-021-00742-3. (NAAS 9.87)
  9. Halli, H.M., Angadi, S., Kumar, A., Govindasamy, P., Madar, R., Baskar V, D.C., Elansary, H.O., Tamam, N., Abdelbacki, A.M. and Abdelmohsen, S.A., 2021. Assessment of Planting Method and Deficit Irrigation Impacts on Physio-Morphology, Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Maize (Zea mays L.) on Vertisols of Semi-Arid Tropics. Plants, 10(6), p.1094. (NAAS 9.94)
  10. Prabhu Govindasamy, Sonu Kumar Mahawer, Jason Mowrer, Muthukumar Bagavathiannan, Mahendra Prasad, Srinivasan Ramakrishnan, Hanamant M Halli, Sunil Kumar, and Amresh Chandra. 2022. Comparison of Low-cost Methods for Soil Water Holding Capacity. Communications in soil science and plant analysis. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2022.2112216. (NAAS 7.33)

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. A Soil Core Sampler Assembly (Submitted final application on 20 November, 2021), application number 202011051769.
  1. A Soil Core Sampler Assembly with split core (Submitted application on 7 January, 2022), application number 202211000949.
  1. Mini-rhizotron for in-situ measurement of roots
  1. Cactus as an alternate fodder crop for dry areas
  1. Selective herbicide for Fodder Sorghum, Cowpea, Bajra Napier Hybrid and Egyptian Clove

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. 2018 Gerald O. Mott Award for Meritorious Graduate Student in Crop Science, Crop Science Society of America
  1. Outstanding graduate student award, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University (2018).
  1. Indian Council of Agricultural Research-International Fellowship from the government of India to pursue Ph.D.program at Texas A&M University (2014).
  1. Awarded INSPIRE Fellowship for the highest rank in M.Sc. Agronomy program, by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India (2010).
  1. Awarded Gold medal for the highest rank in M.Sc. Agronomy at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, India (2010).