भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Environment Science      (16 scientists)

Dr Niveta Jain


Field of Specialisation : Monitoring, mitigation and modelling of greenhouse gases, Nr losses, Life cycle and footprint assessment , crop residue burning, climate change

Dr Niveta Jain

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Meerut University, U.P

Ph.D : Delhi University, Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Environment Science

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   8

   Ph.D :   2

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Jain N, Arora P., Tomer R., Mishra S. V., Bhatia A., Pathak H., Chakraborty D., Kumar V., Dubey D.S., Harit R.C., and Singh J.P. (2016) Greenhouse gases emission from soils under major crops in northwest India� Science of the Total Environment 542, 551�561
  1. Jain N, Bhatia A., and Pathak H., (2014) Emission of air pollutants from crop residue burning in India
  1. Jain N., Dubey R., Dubey D. S., Singh J., Khanna M., Pathak H., and Bhatia A., (2014) Mitigation of greenhouse gas emission with system of rice intensification in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Paddy Water and Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10333-013-0390-2.
  1. Jain N., Pathak, H, Mitra S., Bhatia, A. (2004) Emission of methane from rice fields- a review. J Scientific and Industrial Research, 63:101-115
  1. Bhatia A., Jain N., Pathak H., (2013) Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from Indian rice paddies, agricultural soils and crop residue burning in 2007. Greenhouse Gas Sci Technol, 1�16; DOI: 10.1002/ghg.
  1. Jain N., Johnson T. A., Kumar A., Mishra S.V., Gupta N., (2015) Biosorption of Cd (II) on Jatropha Fruit Coat And Seed Coat , Environ Mont Assess, 187:411.
  1. Jain N., Bhatia, A., Kaushik, R., Pathak, H , Kumar S, Joshi, H. C. (2005) "Impact of post methanation distillery effluent irrigation on groundwater quality", to Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , 110: 243�255.
  1. Johnson T.A., Jain N., Joshi H. C., (2008) Agricultural and Agro-processing wastes as low cost adsorbents for metal removal from wastewater: A review, JSIR 67(9), 647-658.
  1. Jain, N., Joshi, H.C., Dutta, S.C., Pathak, H., Kumar S., (2008) Biosorption of copper from waste-water using jatropha seed coat, JSIR, , 67(2), 154-160.
  1. Pathak H., Jain N., Bhatia A., Patel J., Aggarwal P.K., (2010) Carbon footprints of Indian food items, Agriculture Ecosystem and environment, 139: 66�73.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Development of emission factor for nitrous oxide from cropped soils ( Cereals, vegetables, oilseeds and Pulses)
  1. Methodology for greenhouse gases, ammonia and other air pollutant emission inventory from agriculture sector
  1. Development of emission factor for greenhouse gases emission from composting of municipal solid waste, and crop biomass
  1. Synthetic and plant based nitrification inhibitors and coated fertilisers for reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilized soils
  1. Water saving technologies in rice for greenhouse gases mitigation

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Editorial board Member, Emission Factor Database,International Panel on Climate Change (2018-2023) and Expert Review Team Member of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  1. Expert Reviewer, International Panel on Climate Change, Working Group III , Sixth Assessment Report
  1. Expert Member, MoEFCC, GoI, for greenhouse gas inventory (agriculture sector) for IPCC Reports and National Communication & biennial updates to UNFCCC under SNC, BUR and TNC
  1. Society for Conservation of Nature (SCON) Recognition Award for Outstanding Contribution in Environmental Science (2016) from Society for Conservation of Nature, New Delhi.
  1. Dr Rajendra Prasad Puruskar for 2014 for Technical books in Hindi �Paryavaran, Jalvayu Parivartan Avam Krishi� (Authors- S. Prasad, A. Bhatia and N. Jain)