भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Physics      (12 scientists)

Dr Joydeep Mukherjee


Field of Specialisation : Micrometeorology, Agricultural Meteorology, Microwave remote sensing

Dr Joydeep Mukherjee

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Ph.D : ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agriculrural Physics

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   8

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Mukherjee J and C V S Sastri (2003) PAR distribution and Light Use Efficiency (LUE) in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Crop Canopy. Journal of Agrometeorlogy 5(2): 62-67 .
  1. Mukherjee J and C V S Sastri (2004) Fruit yield predicting model of tomato using spectral and Hyperspectral indices. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 32(3): 301-306.
  1. Mukherjee Joydeep, Lakhwinder Singh, Gurjot Singh, Santanu Kumar Bal, Harpreet Singh and Probhjyot Kaur (2010) Comparative evaluation of WOFOST and ORYZA 2000 crop models in simulating growth and development of two different rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars in North Western semi arid climate of India. Journal of Agrometeorology. 13 (2): 86-91.
  1. Joydeep Mukherjee, G. Singh, S.K. Bal (2014). Radiation use efficiency and instantaneous photosynthesis at different growth stages of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in semi-arid ecosystem of Central Punjab, India. Journal of Agrometeorology. 16(1): 69-77.
  1. Mukherjee Joydeep, S.K.Bal, Gurjot Singh, Harpreet Singh and Prabhjyot Kaur Sidhu. (2012) Surface energy fluxes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under irrigated ecosystem. Journal of Agrometeorology. 14(1): 16-20.
  1. Yadav, Brijesh, Mukherjee, Joydeep*, Sehgal, V.K., Das, D.K. and Krishnan, P. (2017). Effect of dimming of global radiation on morphology and yield of wheat crop in Delhi. Journal of Agrometeorology. 19(4): 323-327.
  1. R.Kaur, R.K.Mahey and Mukherjee J*. (2010) Study of the optimum time span for distinguishing Avena ludoviciana from wheat crop based on their Spectral reflectance characteristics. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 38 (2):25-34.
  1. Singh, Ram N., Mukherjee*, Joydeep, Sehgal, V.K., Bhatia, Arti, Krishnan, P., das, Deb Kumar, Kumar, Vinod, Harit, Ramesh. (2017) Effect of elevated ozone, carbon dioxide and their interaction on growth, biomass and water use efficiency of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Agrometeorology. 19(4): 301-305.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Web based decision support system for Late blight disease of potato and Cotton crop
  1. Weed prescription map (GIS) for Ludhiana district for Rice and Wheat
  1. Computation of Energy-water balance parameters for Punjab from satellite data
  1. Climate change and sustainability using crop growth simulation modelling
  1. Effect of reduced solar radiation on growth and yield of wheat

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Act as an expert member in expert committee meeting (WMO) on Review of Curriculum in Ag. Meteorology in 2007.
  1. Best Scientist award by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation in 2017.
  1. Young Scientist Award in National Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences Astha Foundation in 2015.
  1. Best Research Paper award published in Journal of Agrometeorology during the years 2011 and 2012 for the paper Comparative evaluation of WOFOST and ORYZA 2000 models in simulating growth and development of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Punjab
  1. Best oral paper presentation award in 2010, 2014,2015, 2018 and 2020.