भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Biochemistry      (12 scientists)

Dr. Sneh Narwal


Field of Specialisation : Nutritional Quality of Cereals

Dr. Sneh Narwal

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : NDRI, Karnal

Ph.D : IARI, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Biochemistry

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   2

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Kumar D, Narwal S, Venkatesh K, Verma, RPS, Singh GP (2022) Grain beta-glucan as selection criteria for wort beta-glucan in malt barley improvement. Journal of Cereal Science, 107: 103519.
  1. Kumar D, Sharma AK, Narwal S, Sheoran S, Verma RPS, Singh GP (2022) Utilization of Grain Physical and Biochemical Traits to Predict Malting Quality of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under Sub-Tropical Climate. Foods, 11: 3403.
  1. Dhaka AS, Dikshit HK, Mishra GP, Tontang MT, Meena NL, Kumar RR, Ramesh SV, Narwal S, Aski M, Thimmegowda V et al (2023) Evaluation of Growth Conditions, Antioxidant Potential, and Sensory Attributes of Six Diverse Microgreens Species. Agriculture, 13: 676.
  1. Gaur A, Jindal Y, Singh V, Tiwari R, Kumar D, Kaushik D, Singh J, Narwal S, Jaiswal S, Iquebal MA, Angadi UB, Singh G, Rai A, Singh GP and Sheoran S (2022) GWAS to Identify Novel QTNs for WSCs Accumulation in Wheat Peduncle Under Different Water Regimes. Front. Plant Sci. 13:825687. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.825687
  1. Om Prakash Gupta, Vanita Pandey, Ritu Saini, Tushar Khandale, Ajeet Choudhary, Vipin Kumar Malik, Sneh Narwal, Sewa Ram, Gyanendra Pratap Singh (2021). Comparative physiological, biochemical and transcriptomic analysis of hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum L.) roots and shoots identifies potential pathways and their molecular regulatory network during Fe and Zn starvation. Genomics 113: 3357�3372.
  1. Om Prakash Gupta, Vanita Pandey, Ritu Saini, Sneh Narwal, Vipin Kumar Malik, Tushar Khandale, Sewa Ram, Gyanendra Pratap Singh (2020) Identifying transcripts associated with efficient transport and accumulation of Fe and Zn in hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum L.). Journal of Biotechnology, 316: 46-55.
  1. Sewa Ram, Rajni Devi, Ram Baran Singh, Sneh Narwal, Bhudeva Singh, Gyanendra Pratap Singh. 2019. Identification of codominant marker linked with Glu-D1 double null and its utilization in improving wheat for biscuit making quality. Journal of Cereal Science 90 (2019) 102853.
  1. Sneh Narwal, Dinesh Kumar, Sonia Sheoran, RPS Verma and RK Gupta. (2017). Hulless barley as a promising source to improve the nutritional quality of wheat products. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(9) : 2638 � 2644.
  1. Sneh Narwal, Dinesh Kumar, R.P.S. Verma. (2016). Effect of genotype, environment and malting on the antioxidant activity and phenolic content of Indian barley. Journal Food Biochemistry, 40: 91-99.
  1. Sneh Narwal, Vidisha Thakur, Sonia Sheoran, Shashi Dahiya, Sunita Jaswal and R.K. Gupta. (2014). Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of Indian wheat varieties. J Plant Biochem Biotechnol. 23 (1): 11-17.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Barley Genetic Stock for high antioxidant activity (Kasota, BCU5762) as PI; Barley Genetic Stock for high grain beta glucan content (DWR 30), Co-PI; Barley Genetic Stock for Combination of high thousand grain weight and high protein. (BK 1127), Co-PI
  1. Barley Genetic Stock with a combination of low grain beta-glucan and desirable TGW (INGR21205) as Co-PI; Barley Genetic Stock with a combination of low grain beta-glucan and higher grain protein content (INGR21204) as Co-P; Barley Genetic Stock with high hectolitre weight coupled with higher protein content (INGR22013) as Co-PI
  1. Wheat Genetic Stock for high protein content (INGR19011), Co-PI; Wheat Genetic Stock Registered for high phytase activity IIWBR Phy1 (INGR19054) as Co-PI; Wheat Genetic Stock for Glu-D1 double null trait (INGR21194) as Co-PI
  1. Barley Genetic Stock for DWRBG 8 (INGR22075, BCU 8028) as Co-PI (Hulless barley with a combination of high grain beta-glucan (7.0%) and protein, (16.6%)

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Best Poster award for �Development of barley beta-glucan enriched functional foods with multiple health Benefits� at 1st International Symposium on �Cereals for Food Security and Climate Resilience� organized during 18-20 January, 2022 � Online mode by IIWBR, Karnal.
  1. Fellow of the Society for Advancement of wheat and barley research, IIWBR, Karnal (2019).
  1. Best Poster award for topic "Exploring Indian wheat genotypes for less Celiac disease toxic epitopes" at 4th IGM held at CSK HPKV, Palampur from 14 -16th Feb. 2019.