भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

R.S. Karnal, Haryana      (8 scientists)

Dr Ashwani Kumar


Field of Specialisation : Seed Technology

Dr Ashwani Kumar

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Ph.D : CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Seed Technology

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   Nil

   Ph.D :   Nil

Talukder Z.A., Chhabra R., Basu S., Gain N., Mishra S.J., Kumar A., Zunjare R., Muthusamy V. and Hossain F (2024). Waxy maize rich in amylopectin possesses higher seed-germination, vigour, and enzymatic activities in traditional maize, Journal of Applied Genetics, 00 (NAAS rating: 8.40)

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Ashwani Kumar, R.K. Chowdury, R.L. Kapoor and O.S. Dahiya (1995). Identification of pearl millet hybrids and their parental lines using seed and Seedling characters, chemical tests and gel electrophoresis. Seed Sci. & Technol., 23: 21-32. (NAAS Rating 6.51)
  2. Ashwani Kumar, R.K. Chowdury and O.S.Dahiya (1995). Pollen viability and Stigma receptivity in relation to meteorological parameters in pearlmillet. Seed Sci. & Technology, 23: 147-156. (NAAS Rating 6.51)
  3. Ashwani Kumar; R.K. Chowdury and Onkar Singh (1997). Studies on the planting Isolation and ratio of parental lines to optimize the hybrid seed yield of pearlmillet. Seed Sci. & Technology, 25: 479-483. (NAAS Rating 6.51)
  4. Ashwani Kumar and V.K. Pandita (2015). Effect of integrated nutrient management on seed yield and quality in cowpea. Legume Research 39 (3): 448-452. (NAAS Rating 6.34)
  5. Ashwani Kumar and V.K. Pandita (2015). Effect of integrated nutrient management on seed yield and quality in okra. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 85(8): 1092-6. (NAAS Rating 6.25)
  6. Ashwani Kumar and Anuja Gupta (2017). Post harvest management of Karnal Bunt (Tilletia indica) in wheat by mechanical seed processing. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87(8): 1030-4 (NAAS Rating 6.25)
  7. Ashwani Kumar and Anuja Gupta (2018). Management of paddy bunt (Tilletia barclayana) through mechanical seed processing. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88(1): 132-7. (NAAS Rating 6.25)
  8. Ashwani Kumar, Anuja Gupta, SS Atwal and VK Maheshwari (2016). Post harvest management of designated diseases - wheat and paddy bunts under changing climatic scenario. Indian Phytopathology 69 (4s): 275-279. (Naas Rating 5.90)
  9. Gupta Anuja and Ashwani Kumar (2016). Management of Pathogens and Pests to Maintain Seed Quality during Storage for Sustainable Agriculture. Journal of Grain Storage Research, Inaugural Issue, Indian Journal of Entomology 78 (Special issue) April 2016: 64-78. (Naas Rating 5.89)
  10. Ashwani Kumar, Anil Khippal, Ram Niwas Yadav and H. Prashanth Babu (2013). Wheat seed quality under conservation agriculture system. Seed Research 41(2): 90-94.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Management of Karnal bunt through mechanical seed processing.
  1. Management of paddy bunt through mechanical seed processing.
  1. Seed productivity and quality of okra and cowpea under INM
  1. Associated in Development of Spongegourd hybrid Pusa Shrestha (DSGH 9) released for Delhi State.
  1. Associated in Development of Longmelon variety Pusa Utkarsh (DLM-27) released for Delhi State.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. ICAR-IARI Regional Station, Karnal received Centre of Excellence Award in recognition of best performance in Breeder Seed Production under AICRP-NSP (Crops) for the year 2014-15. Seed processing and packing was my responsibility.
  1. ICAR-IARI Regional Station, Karnal received Centre of Excellence Award in recognition of best performance in Breeder Seed Production under AICRP-NSP (Crops) for the year 2014-15.
  1. Fellowship of The Indian Society of Forage Research (Regd. No. 41/1974-75) Hisar on Sept. 24, 2016.
  1. UNDP fellowship in Ph D (Seed Technology)
  1. Gold Medalist in B.Sc.(Hons.)Ag. and M.Sc.(Plant Breeding)