भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

R.S. Pune, Maharashtra      (4 scientists)

Dr Savarni Tripathi


Field of Specialisation : Plant Virology

Dr Savarni Tripathi

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Ph.D : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Google Scholar

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. K Chandrashekar, Ashutosh Rao, Raj Verma, Savarni Tripathi (2020) Aleurothrixus trachoides (Back) can transmit begomovirus from Duranta to potato, tomato and capsicum. Journal of Biosciences. 45: 36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12038-020-0012-2
  2. Asawari Gorane, Raj Verma, Archana Naik, Tukaram Nikam, Avinash Ade, Gagan Mahapatro, Savarni Tripathi (2019). Characterization of a severe isolate of papaya ringspot virus from papaya in western India. Journal of Plant Pathology 1019 (4): 1203-1209. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42161-019-00340-4
  3. Raj Verma, Savarni Tripathi, Asawari T Gorane, Archana A Naik, Tukaram D Nikam, Avinash A Ade, and Gagan Kumar Mahapatro (2019) First Report of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Bell Pepper, Capsicum annum L., in India. Plant Disease 103(10): 2700. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-19-0740-PDN.
  4. S. Tripathi, V. Thorat, R. Verma, Y. Shouche, and A. Yadav (2017). First Report of Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris (subgroup 16SrI-X) Associated with Bottle Gourd Virescence and Phyllody Disease in India. Plant Disease 101 (11):1949-1949. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-17-0368-PDN
  5. Savarni Tripathi, Jon Suzuki, Stephen A. Ferreira et al. (2011). Nutritional composition of Rainbow papaya, the first commercialized fruit crop. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24:140-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2010.07.003
  6. Gustavo Fermin, Ronal keith, Jon Suzuki et al (2011). Allergenicity assessment of the Papaya ringspot virus coat protein expressed in transgenic papaya. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 59: 1006-10012. https://doi.org/10.1021/jf201194r
  7. Savarni Tripathi, Jon Suzuki, Stephen A. Ferreira and Dennis Gonsalves (2008). Pathogen profile of Papaya ringspot virus: characteristics, pathogenicity, sequence variability and control. Molecular Plant Pathology 9 (3) 269-280. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1364-3703.2008.00467.x
  8. Ming R, Hou S, Feng Y. et al. (2008). The draft genome of the transgenic tropical fruit tree papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus). Nature 452 (April 24): 991-996. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature06856
  9. Savarni Tripathi, Huey-Jiunn Bau, Li-Fang Chen, and Shyi-Dong Yeh (2004). The ability of Papaya ringspot virus strains overcoming the transgenic resistance of papaya conferred by the coat protein gene is not correlated with higher degrees of sequence divergence from the transgene. European Journal of Plant Pathology 110: 871-882. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-004-0607-8
  10. Savarni Tripathi and Anupam Varma (2003). Identification of sources of resistance in Lycopersicon species to Tomato leaf curl geminivirus (ToLCV) by agroinoculation. Euphytica 129: 43-52. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021582417062

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Integrated management strategies for viral diseases in tomato, muskmelon, capsicum / chilli and Papaya
  1. Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) tolerant papaya lines Pune Selection-1 (PS-1)
  1. Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) tolerant papaya line Pune Selection-3 (PS-3)
  1. PRSV-disease scoring system in papaya
  1. First complete genome of a severe PRSV isolate from papaya in western India

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Member of the Accreditation Panel for the Certification of Tissue Culture Production Facility & Accredited Test laboratory under National Certification Scheme for Tissue Cultured Plants by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
  1. National Resource Person for National Training on Environmental Biosafety Issues Associated with Genetically Engineered Crops held on December 3-16, 2013 at ICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow , India.
  1. Guest lecturer for conducting intensive lectures and practical for International Education Program of Curator on Genetic Resources organized by Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan sponsored by Ministry of Education, Government of Japan. Sept 22 to Oct
  1. Associate Editor of Indian Phytopathology
  1. BHU Merit Gold Medal at Master degree program in Plant Pathology.