भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Environment Science      (16 scientists)

Dr Ranjan Bhattacharyya


Field of Specialisation : Carbon sequestration and conservation agriculture

Dr Ranjan Bhattacharyya

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Ph.D : University of Wolverhampton, UK

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   4

   Ph.D :   -

Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. Bhattacharyya, R.*, Ghosh, A., Zhang, Y., Dalal, R.C., Kopittke, P., Jones, A., Menzes, N.W. (2020). Land use affects temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition in macroaggregates but not in bulk soils in subtropical Oxisols of Queensland, Australia. Soil & Tillage Research. 198, 104566. NAAS Rating 10.67
  1. Bhattacharyya, R.*, Chandra, S., Singh, R.D., Kundu, S. Srivastva, A.K., and Gupta, H. S. (2007) Long-term farmyard manure application effects on soil properties in a silty clay loam soil under irrigated wheat-soybean rotation. Soil & Tillage Research, 94, 386-396. NAAS Rating: 10.67
  1. Bhattacharyya, R*., Das, T.K., Das, S., Dey, A., Patra, A.K., Agnihotri, R., Ghosh, A. and Sharma, A.R. (2018). Four years of conservation agriculture affects topsoil aggregate-associated 15nitrogen but not the 15nitrogen use efficiency by wheat in a semi-arid climate. Geoderma, 337, 333-340. NAAS Rating 10.34
  1. Bhattacharyya, R.*, Ved Prakash, Kundu, S., Ghosh, B.N., Srivastva, A.K., and Gupta, H.S. (2006) Potassium balance as influenced by farmyard manure application under continuous soybean-wheat cropping system in a Typic Haplaquept. Geoderma, 137, 155-160; NAAS Rating: 10.34
  1. Bhattacharyya, R*., Fullen, M.A., Booth, C.A., Black, A. and Townrow, D. (2013) Using palm-mat geotextiles for soil conservation: II. Effects on in situ soil particle size distribution and nutrient concentration. Catena, 101, 143-156. NAAS Rating 10.33
  1. Bhattacharyya, R.*, Zheng Yi, Li Yongmei, Tang, Li, Panomtarachichigul, M. Peukrai, S., Dao Chau Thu, Tran Huu Cuong, Truong Thi Toan, Jankauskas, B., Jankauskiene, G., Fullen, M.A., M. Subedi and Booth, C.A. (2012). Effects of biological geotextiles on aboveground biomass production in selected agro-ecosystems. Field Crops Research, 126, 23-36. NAAS Rating 10.31
  1. Bhattacharyya, R.*, Ved-Prakash, Kundu, S., and Gupta, H.S. (2006) Effect of tillage and crop rotations on pore size distribution and soil hydraulic conductivity in sandy clay loam soil of the Indian Himalayas. Soil & Tillage Research, 82, 129-140; NAAS Rating: 10.67
  1. Bhattacharyya, R.*, Kundu, S., Pandey, S., Singh, K.P., and Gupta, H.S. (2008) Tillage and irrigation effects on crop yields and soil properties under rice-wheat system of the Indian Himalayas. Agricultural Water Management, 95, 993-1002; NAAS Rating; 10.02
  1. Bhattacharyya, R.*, Fullen, M.A., Davies, K., and Booth, C.A. (2009) Utilizing palm leaf geotextile mats to conserve loamy sand soil in the United Kingdom. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 130, 50-58; NAAS Rating: 10.24
  1. Bhattacharyya, R.*, Ved-Prakash, Kundu, S., Srivastva, A.K., and Gupta, H.S. (2009) Soil aggregation and organic matter in a sandy clay loam soil of the Indian Himalayas under different tillage and crop regimes. Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment, 132, 126-134. NAAS Rating 10.24

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Standardized (for the first time in the Himalayas) tillage and residue management practices under rainfed and irrigated agro-ecosystems of the Indian Himalayas.
  1. Assessed the potential of Indian Himalayan soils for carbon sequestration (after developing methodology for quantitative estimation of carbon sequestration in agro-ecosystem) through adoption of conservation tillage, diversified cropping, location specifi
  1. Evaluated (for the first time ever) the effectiveness of using biological geotextiles (Borassus and Buriti mats) for soil conservation and observed that plots under buffer strips of Borassus mats (area coverage = 10%) were as effective as completely cover
  1. Developed novel conservation agriculture in the Indo-Gangetic Plains for carbon and nitrogen accumulation and crop productivity improvement
  1. Concept: � Residue retention had better soil aggregation and nitrogen storage than residue incorporation.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Received the best team award (2007-2008) on �Impacts of improved management practices on carbon sequestration potential and sustainability of arable lands in the North West Himalayas� by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. I was the Te
  1. Bagged the �Asian Scientist Award of the Year 2009� by World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC).
  1. Received the B.C. Dev Memorial Award 2011-2012 by the Indian Science Congress Association for contribution on Soil/Physical Chemistry.
  1. Received the Fellowship award by West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology in December 2016.
  1. Awarded as a Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), India with effect from 01/01/2014.