भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

R.S. Wellington, Tamil Nadu      (7 scientists)

Dr C. Uma Maheshwari


Field of Specialisation : Plant Pathology

Dr C. Uma Maheshwari

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Ph.D : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

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Publications (Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only) :

  1. RagavendranAbbai, Veera Ranjani Rajagopalan, Jagadeesh Selvam, Nallathambi, Himanshu Dubey, Saranya Selvaraj, B.C.Varalakshmi, Sankari Mohan, Jagadish kumar, Uma Maheswari, Raveendran muthurajan, Senthil Natesan, Balasubramanian ponnuswami, SivasamyMurugasamy, Gon Sup Kim, Tilak Raj Sharma ( 2016). Proteomic analysis of compatible and incompatible interaction of wheat with Puccinia triticina Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 96; 36-46
  1. Singh, B. C., S. Kalha , V. K. Razdan, and C. Uma Maheswari. (2011) First report of Rust on Osmorhiza longistylis caused by Puccinia Pimpinellae in India. Plant Disease 95 :1482
  1. Nagaraja, A., K. Usha, Bhupinder Singh, S. K. Singh and C.UmaMaheswari. 2011 Effect of temperature and relative humidity on growth and sporulation of Fusarium mangiferae under in vitro conditions. Indian Journal of Horticulture 36-38
  1. Nallathambi,P., C. Umamaheswari and B.B.L. Thakore, 2009. Post harvest management of ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk) fruit rot (Alternaria alternata Fr. Keissier) using Trichoderma species, fungicides and combinations. Crop Protec. 28: 525-532.
  1. Nallathambi,P., C.Umamaheswari and T.A.More.2009. Phenolics and phenol oxidizing enzymes activity for screening ber (Ziziphus mauritiana) germplasm against powdery mildew (Oidium erysiphoides). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 79(10):838-840.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Morphological and molecular characterization of species in the genus Chaetomium for taxonomic revision.
  1. Cataloguing of fungi at HCIO: Catalogued for five thousand diseased fungal specimens comprising 413 genera and1423 species of different groups of fungi with more than 1250 host species and published.
  1. Race profiling and molecular characterization of stem rust of wheat pertained to Southern hill zone of India. Characterization of powdery mildew of wheat in India.
  1. Twelve genera of fungi with different species that includes pathogenic and biocontrol fungi from wheat and other Graminaceous hosts in Nilgiri hills have been isolated, identified based on morphotaxonomy, molecularly characterized and conserved. Biocontro
  1. Screening of wheat breeding lines (> 5000 / year) for stem rust resistance in off season summer nursery programme and also under AICWIP programme

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Smt.Guman Devi Verma Memorial Best woman scientist award conferred by ISMPP
  1. Best Poster presentation award for the research work on Biocontrol potential of Acremonium sp. against cereal rust fungi was conferred by Indian Phytophathological Society - 2018.
  1. Best oral presentation award for the research work on Biosystematics and Documentation of Fungal Micro-flora of Wheat and Other Graminaceous Hosts in Southern Hills of India was conferred by Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, 2019.