भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Dr Mahesh Chand Meena


Field of Specialisation : Soil Science-Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management

Dr Mahesh Chand Meena

Sr. Scientist

M.Sc. : Gujarat Agricultural University

Ph.D : Anand Agricultural University

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   14

   Ph.D :   11

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Golui D, Datta SP, Dwivedi BS, Meena MC and Trivedi VK (2020) Prediction of free metal ion activity in contaminated soils using WHAM VII, baker soil test and solubility model. Chemosphere 243, 125408
  2. Ghosh A, Bhattacharyya R, Meena MC, Dwivedi BS, Geeta-Singh, Agnihorti R and Sharma C (2018) Long-term fertilization effects on soil organic carbon sequestration in an Inceptisol. Soil & Tillage Research 177, 134-144.
  3. Das D, Dwivedi BS, Datta SP, Datta SC, Meena MC, Agarwal BK, Shahi DK, Singh M, Chakraborty D and Seema-Jaggi (2019) Potassium supplying capacity of a red soil from eastern India after forty-two years of continuous cropping and fertilization. Geoderma 341, 76-92
  4. Mandal N, Dwivedi BS, Meena MC, Dhyan-Singh, Datta SP, Tomar RK, Sharma BM (2013) Effect of induced defoliation in pigeonpea, farmyard manure and sulphitation pressmud on soil organic carbon fractions, mineral nitrogen and crop yields in a pigeonpea-wheat cropping system. Field Crops Research 154, 178-187.
  5. Barman M, Datta SP, Rattan RK and Meena MC (2020) Critical limits of deficiency of nickel in intensively cultivated alluvial soils. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20, 284-292.
  6. Choudhary Mukesh, Rana KS, Meena MC, Bana RS, Jakhar P, Ghasal PC and Verma RK (2019) Changes in physico-chemical and biological properties of soil under conservation agriculture based pearl millet mustard cropping system in rainfed semi-arid region. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (7), 911-927.
  7. Raghavendra M, Singh YV, Meena MC, Gaind S, Das TK and Verma RK (2020) Potassium and crop residue management options for augmenting growth, productivity and crop-soil quality aspects in zero till maize-wheat rotation. CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water 48, 1900316.
  8. Meena R, Datta SP, Golui D, Dwivedi BS and Meena MC (2016) Long term impact of sewage irrigation on soil properties and assessing risk in relation to transfer of metals to human food chain. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 14269-14283
  9. Mishra R, Datta SP, Annapurna K, Meena MC, Dwivedi BS, Golui D and Bandyopadhayay KK (2019) Enhancing the effectiveness of zinc, cadmium, and lead phytoextraction in polluted soils by using amendments and microorganisms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 1722417235
  10. Ghosh A, Bhattacharyya R, Dwivedi BS, Meena MC, Agarwal BK, Mahapatra P, Shahi DK, Salwani R and Agnihorti R (2016) Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition as affected by long-term fertilization under a soybean based cropping system in a sub-tropical Alfisol. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233, 202-213.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Device for crop yield enhancer [Patent filed nos. 1608/DEL/2015] [PCT No. IB 2016/053174]
  1. Induced defoliation in extra-short duration pigeonpea for enhancing soil health
  1. Nutrient management protocols for conservation agriculture
  1. � Protocols for zinc and/iron-enriched organic manures as source of zinc and/iron
  1. Protocols for risk assessment of metal-contaminated soils

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Fellow, Society for Rapeseed Mustard Research (2019)
  1. Shri B Lakshminarayana Memorial Award, ICAR-IARI (2019)
  1. S.N. Ranade Memorial Award (2017) for Excellence in Micronutrient Research
  1. Dr P.R. Verma Young Scientist Award, SRMR (2017) for Site-specific Nutrient Management
  1. ISSS-The Golden Jubilee Commemoration Young Scientist Award (2015)