भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Economics      (14 scientists)

Mr Chiranjit Mazumder


Field of Specialisation : Forecasting And Modeling, Econometrics

Mr Chiranjit Mazumder


M.Sc. : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultural Statistics

Ghose, B., Pandit, P., Mazumder, C., Sinha, K., & Sahu, P. K. (2024). (2024). Comparative Study of EMD based Modelling Techniques for Improved Agricultural Price Forecasting. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 78(1), 53-62. , Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 78(1), 53-62. (NAAS rating: 5.25)
Ghose, B., Pandit, P., Mazumder, C., Sinha, K., & Sahu, P. K. (2024). (2024). Comparative Study of EMD based Modelling Techniques for Improved Agricultural Price Forecasting. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 78(1), 53-62. , Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 78(1), 53-62. (NAAS rating: 5.25)

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Jha, G. K., Mazumder, C., Kumari, J. and Singh, J. Nonlinear Principal Component Based Fuzzy Clustering: A Case Study of Lentil Genotypes. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (2014), 74(2), 189.
  2. Mazumder, C., Jha, G. K., Parsad, R., Bharadwaj, A. and Kumari, J. Principal Component based Fuzzy c-means Algorithm for Clustering Lentil Germplasm. Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (2015), 69(3), 307-314.
  3. Murmu, D. K., Das, B., Yonzone, R., Mazumder, C. and Das, A. Assessment of genetic diversity of green and ripe chilli under the Alluvial zone of West Bengal. Research in Environment and Life Science (2017), 10(2), 54-57.
  4. Yonzone, R., Murmu, D. K., Das, B. and Mazumder, C. Screening of chilli genotypes against the leaf curl and anthracnose disease under field condition (2017). Green Farming, 8 (6), 1368-1371.
  5. Aditya, K. S., Praveen, K. V., Ahamed, B. Z. and Mazumder, C. Quantifying the role of disembodied technologies in enhancing farm income: A case of the dibbling method of red gram cultivation in Kalburgi district of northern Karnataka. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics (2018), 73 (3), 269-280.
  6. Imran, K., Renjini, V. R., Jagriti, Rohit., Nitish., Chiranjit, M., Bhagyalakshmi, K., and Venkatesan, P. Participatory rural appraisal approach for the identification of the problem and development of village agricultural development plan of Saalaivembu village. Multilogic in Sciencee(2018), 8 (C), 103-109.

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Junior Research Fellowship (2010)
  1. Rajib Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST (2014)