M.Sc. : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Ph.D : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Google Scholar
PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Genetics and Plant Breeding
No. of Students Guided : - M.Sc : 6
Ph.D : 4 pursuing
Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only
- Katral A, Hossain F, Gopinath I, Chand G, Mehta BK, Kamboj MC, Zunjare RU, Yadava DK and Muthusamy V* (2023) Genetic dissection of embryo size and weight related traits for enhancement of kernel oil in maize. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 197: 107668 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2023.107668 (IF: 5.437) (NAAS: P119/11.44)
- Gopinath I, Muthusamy V*, Katral A, Zunjare RU, Madhavan J, Yathish KR, Sekhar JC and Hossain F (2023) Meta-QTL analysis and identification of candidate genes governing popping quality attributes in maize. South African Journal of Botany https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2023.06.032 (IF: 3.111) (NAAS: S066/9.11)
- Katral A, Muthusamy V*, Zunjare RU, Chhabra R, Maman S, Yadava DK and Hossain F (2022) Allelic variation in Zmfatb gene defines variability for fatty acids composition among diverse maize genotypes. Frontiers in Nutrition 9:845255https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.845255 (IF: 6.590) (NAAS: F090a/12.59)
- Ragi S, Muthusamy V*, Zunjare RU, Bhatt V, Katral A, Abhijith KP, Chand G, Mishra SJ, Sekhar JC, Yadava DK and Hossain F (2022) Genetic variation for grain phytate and molecular characterization of low phytic acid-2 (lpa2) gene-based maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds. Plant Breeding 141:212–222 https://doi.org/10.1111/pbr.13006 (IF: 2.536) (NAAS: P098/8.54)
- Ragi S, Muthusamy V*, Zunjare RU, Bhatt V, Katral A, Abhijith KP, Kasana R, Gain N, Sekhar JC, Yadava DK and Hossain F (2021) Genetic and molecular characterization of subtropically adapted low phytate genotypes for utilization in mineral biofortification of maize (Zea mays L.). Crop and Pasture Science https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21104 (IF: 2.249) (NAAS: C168/8.25)
- Dutta S, Muthusamy V*, Hossain F, Baveja A, Chhabra R, Jha SK, Yadava DK and Zunjare RU (2020) Analysis of genetic variability for retention of kernel carotenoids in sub-tropically adapted biofortified maize under different storage conditions. Journal of Cereal Science 93: 102987 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2020.102987 (IF: 4.075) (NAAS: J135/10.08)
- Dutta S, Muthusamy V*, Chhabra R, Baveja A, Zunjare RU, Mondal TK, Yadava DK and Hossain F (2020) Low expression of carotenoids cleavage dioxygenase 1 (ccd1) gene improves the retention of provitamin-A in maize grains during storage. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 296:141-153 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-020-01734-1 (IF: 2.980) (NAAS: M081/8.98)
- Dutta S, Muthusamy V*, Hossain F, Baveja A, Abhijith KP, Saha S, Zunjare RU and Yadava DK (2020) Effect of storage periodof provitamin-A carotenoids in biofortified maize hybrids. International Journal of Food Science and Technologyhttps://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.14785 (IF: 3.44) (NAAS: I249/9.61)
- Abhijith KP, Muthusamy V*, Chhabra R, Dosad S, Bhatt V, Chand G, Jaiswal SK, Zunjare RU, Vasudev S, Yadava DK and Hossain F (2020) Development and validation of breeder-friendly gene based markers for lpa1 1 and lpa2 1 genes conferring low phytic acid in maize kernel. 3Biotech 10:121 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-020-2113-x (IF: 2.893) (NAAS: B134/8.89)
- Pal S,Zunjare RU, Muthusamy V*, Duo H, Gowda MM, Bhowmick PK, Kasana R, Bhatt V and Hossain F (2020) Influence of T-, C- and S- cytoplasms on male sterility and their utilisation in baby corn hybrid breeding. Euphytica 216:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-020-02682-y (IF: 2.185) (NAAS: E116/8.19)
Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :
- Biofortified Maize Hybrids (rich in QPM + provitamin-A): Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-3, Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-2, Pusa Biofortified Maize Hybrid-1, Pusa Vivek QPM-9 Improved, Pusa HQPM1 Improved, Pusa HQPM5 Improved and Pusa HQPM7 Improved
- Sweet Corn Hybrids: Pusa Super Sweet Corn-1 and Pusa Super Sweet Corn-2
- Baby Corn Hybrids: Pusa HM4 Male Sterile Baby Corn (Shishu) and ABSH4-2
- Popcorn: APCH2 and APCH3
- Fodder Maize: AFH7
Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :
- Young Scientist Award by three national science academies INSA (2022), NASI (2021) and NAAS (2022)
- NAAS-Associateship (2022) and ISGPB-Fellow (2020)
- Srinivasa Ramanujam Award for Young Scientist (2021) - Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding; Pran Vohra Award by Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata (2019)
- Maize-Asia Youth Innovators Award for development of biofortified provitamin-A rich QPM maize hybrids by CIMMYT, CGIAR Research program on Maize and YPARD (2018)
- ICAR-Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences (2014) & IARI-Merit Medal for Outstanding Academic performance in the PhD programme (2013)