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PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Environmental Science
No. of Students Guided : - M.Sc : 5
Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only
- Shravani Sanyal, Bidisha Chakrabarti*, Radha Prasanna, Arti Bhatia, Soora N Kumar, Tapan J Purakayastha, Ritika Joshi, Abhilasha Sharma (2022) Influence of cyanobacterial inoculants, elevated carbon dioxide, and temperature on plant and soil nitrogen in soybean. J Basic Microbiol. 2022;1–13. https://doi.org/10.1002/jobm.202200046 (NAAS rating: 8.28)
- B Chakrabarti*, A Bhatia, P Pramanik, SD Singh, RS Jatav, N Das Saha, A Raj, R Joshi, V Kumar (2021) Changes in thermal requirements, growth and yield of wheat under the elevated temperature. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (3): 435–439. (NAAS rating: 6.37)
- Partha Pratim Maity, B Chakrabarti*, TJ Purakayastha, A Bhatia, Namita Das Saha, RS Jatav, A Sharma, A Bhowmik, V Kumar, D Chakraborty (2020) Do elevated CO2 and temperature affect organic nitrogen fractions and enzyme activities in soil under rice crop? Soil Research. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR19270 (NAAS rating: 7.99)
- B Chakrabarti*, SD Singh, A Bhatia, V Kumar, RC Harit (2020) Yield and Nitrogen Uptake in Wheat and Chickpea Grown Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide Level. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. 43, 109-113. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-019-00816- (NAAS rating: 6.79)
- Sumit Kumar Dey, B Chakrabarti*, TJ Purakayastha, Radha Prasanna, R Mittal, SD Singh, H Pathak (2019) Interplay of phosphorus doses, cyanobacterial inoculation, and elevated carbon dioxide on yield and phosphorus dynamics in cowpea. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 191(4), 223. (NAAS rating: 8.51)
- Sumit Kumar Dey, Bidisha Chakrabarti*, Radha Prasanna, Devesh Pratap, Shiv Dhar Singh, Tapan Jyoti Purakayastha, Himanshu Pathak (2017) Elevated carbon dioxide level along with phosphorus application and cyanobacterial inoculation enhances nitrogen fixation and uptake in cowpea crop. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 63(13) 1927-1937. (NAAS rating: 9.09)
- B Chakrabarti*, SD Singh, S Naresh Kumar, Pramod K Aggarwal, Himanshu Pathak, S Nagarajan (2012) Low-cost facility for assessing impact of carbon dioxide on crops. Current Science. 102(7), 1035-1040. (NAAS rating: 6.76)
- Bidisha Chakrabarti*, Pramod K Aggarwal, SD Singh, S Nagarajan, Himanshu Pathak (2010) Impact of high temperature on pollen germination and spikelet sterility in rice: comparison between basmati and non-basmati varieties. Crop and Pasture Science. 61(5), 363-368. (NAAS rating: 8.29)
- B Banerjee*, PK Aggarwal, H Pathak, AK Singh, A Chaudhary (2006) Dynamics of organic carbon and microbial biomass in alluvial soil with tillage and amendments in rice-wheat systems. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 119(1-3), 173-189. (NAAS rating: 8.51)
- B Banerjee, H Pathak, P Aggarwal (2002) Effects of dicyandiamide, farmyard manure and irrigation on crop yields and ammonia volatilization from an alluvial soil under a rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system. Biology and Fertility of Soils 36(3) 207-214. (NAAS rating: 12.43)
Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :
- Associate Editor of Agronomy Journal, American Society of Agronomy.