भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute |
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Mechanism of Plant-Nematode Interaction, INM in rice and wheat under RWCS
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Nematode Biosystematics, Nematode Management
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Integrated management of cereal cyst nematode on wheat and barley, host resistance in wheat against nematode
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Molecular basis of nematode-plant interaction and resistance
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Management of Nematodes with Environment- friendly Methods
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Fungal Biocontrol, Integrated Nematode Management, Extension activities, worked in AICRP (Nematodes) on many aspects.
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Biosystematics of soil and plant nematodes; Management of plant parasitic nematodes, Entomopathogenic Nematodes; Ecological characterization of nematodes and diagnostic services
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Nematode Biosystematics and Management
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Nematode Genomics, Nematode Molecular taxonomy, Entomopathogenic Nematodes, Molecular Genetics of Nematode and bacteria
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Field Application of Entomopathogenic Nematodes, Nematode Management
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Molecular basis of plant-nematode interactions; use of bacterial toxins for pest management
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Nematode Biosystematics, Nematode Management
Division: Nematology
Specialisation: Entomopathogenic Nematode Taxonomy