भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Admission of Students

The Institute at present admits students to the Post Graduate School under five separate streams as indicated below:
  • Information Bulletin (2019-20)
  • Information Bulletin for ICAR AIEEA (PG)-2020
  • Information Bulletin for ICAR AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D)-2020
  • Open competition
  • Faculty Upgradation Scheme (FUS)
  • Departmental stream(Scientific & Technical)
  • I.C.A.R. in-service nominees
  • International Students Click Here
The admission policies and procedures have been prescribed by the Academic Council keeping in view the distinct needs and requirements of candidates coming from each stream. The details of these policies and procedures are as follows:

System of Admission

(i) M.Sc./M.Tech. degree courses : Entrance examination for admission to M.Sc./M.Tech. degree courses at IARI are undertaken by the Education Division of ICAR and on the basis of merit, the ICAR finalizes the admission for M.Sc./M.Tech. degree courses in 26 disciplines at IARI.
(ii)Ph.D. degree courses : Admission to the Ph.D. courses in 26 disciplines shall be made on the basis of the performance of candidates in the written entrance examination (80% weightage) + academic score (10% weightage) + interview (10% weightage). The entrance examination will consist of one paper of three parts : Part I (General Agriculture) and Part II & III (Subject Paper) and academic score shall be calculated on the basis of the percentage of marks obtained in various examinations from matric (X standard) onwards.

Advertisement for Ph.D. admission

An advertisement shall be taken out in the newspapers and the website of IARI (http:/ /www.iari.res.in) every year around the first/second week of March inviting applications for admission. The last date for receipt of applications shall generally be the last week of April every year or a date as may be specified from time to time.
The applications from employees of Universities (including institutions deemed to be Universities), Central or State Govt. departments/ Undertakings, Statutory Organisations and other Public Institutions, shall be entertained up to the last date prescribed for receipt of marks sheets (vide Para 6.9.7 of P.G. Calendar) provided the application is complete in all respects and has been submitted to the applicant employer before the last date prescribed for receipt of applications, and has been forwarded by such employer officially.


(i) The last date of receipt of applications from candidates from Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, State/Union territories in the North-Eastern Region, Ladakh Division of J& K State, Sikkim, Pangi Sub-division of Chamba, Lahaul & Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh shall generally be 15 days later than those from all other parts of the country.
(ii) Only the applications/mark sheets etc., received by post in the first-morning dak in the Post Graduate School Office on a working day immediately following the last date prescribed for receipt of such applications/mark sheets will be entertained in relaxation of the prescribed last date as a matter of grace.

Number of Seats

The number of seats earmarked for an academic year for admission to the various disciplines/specializations for M.Sc./M.Tech. and Ph.D., shall be decided each year by the Academic Council. The number of seats shall be published in the Information Bulletin for the concerned year.

Reservations for Scheduled Castes/ Tribes and Physically Handicapped

i) Fifteen percent of the total number of seats is reserved for Scheduled Caste and seven-and-a-half percent for Scheduled Tribe candidates subject to their being otherwise suitable. The reservation stated above is interchangeable i.e. if the sufficient number of candidates are not available to fill up the seats reserved for Scheduled Tribe candidates, these can be filled up from among suitable Scheduled Caste candidates and vice versa. However, in the event of there being no eligible suitable Scheduled Castes candidates in the earmarked discipline, to fill up the mentioned number of seats, such unfilled seats shall be transferred to other disciplines, where eligible suitable Scheduled Castes candidates are available for filling these seats. An identical procedure as above will be followed in the case of Scheduled Tribes reservations also. After these two exercises, if any seat(s) still remain(s) unfilled in the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes categories respectively, such unfilled Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes seat(s) shall be transferred to Scheduled Tribes/Scheduled Castes category and filled up by the available eligible candidate(s) in the concerned category. Under no circumstances, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes seats shall be transferable from M.Sc./M.Tech. to Ph.D. programme and vice-versa. The Scheduled Castes/ Tribes candidates who are selected for admission on the basis of merit may not be counted against the reserved quota and there is no maximum limit on the admission of the candidates belonging to the two categories.
ii) Eighteen percent of the total number of seats are reserved for other backward classes candidates subject to their being otherwise suitable as per the norms of ICAR/Govt. of India. If any seat(s) remain(s) unfilled, the unfilled OBC seat(s) shall be transferred to General Category.
iii) Three percent of the total number of seats in each scheme of admission open to Indian nationals is reserved for Physically Handicapped candidates subject to their being otherwise suitable as per the norms of ICAR/Govt. of India. However, in the event of there being no eligible suitable PH candidates in the earmarked discipline, to fill up the mentioned number of seats, such unfilled seats shall be transferred to other disciplines, where eligible suitable PH candidates are available for filling these seats.


The eligibility requirements and other allied matters relating to admission to the Post Graduate School shall be decided by the Academic Council from time to time. The eligibility requirements are subject to change. Normally these are considered and approved by the Academic Council while finalizing the admission policy prior to conducting the entrance examination for each academic session. The details are given in the Information Bulletin while inviting applications for each academic session.

For M.Sc./M.Tech. Courses:

As prescribed by the ICAR

For Ph.D. Courses:

(a) Only those candidates who had their Bachelor's Degree Programmes under 10+2+4 OR 10+2+3 OR 10+1+4 system (OR awarded B.Sc. degree under 10+2+2 system prior to 1985) OR B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) 6 years programme under 10+6 system and fulfill the qualifications as prescribed in this bulletin are eligible to apply for admission
(b) For UR/OBC candidates: At least 60% marks OR an overall grade point average (OGPA) of 7.00 out of10.00 OR 3.50 out of 5.00 OR 2.8 out of 4.00 OR 2.21 out of 3.00 in M.Sc./M.Sc. (Ag.)/M.Tech./M.E.
For SC/ST/PC candidates: At least 55% marks OR OGPAof 6.50 out of 10.00 OR 3.25 out of 5.00 OR 2.6 out of4.00 OR 1.95 out of 3.00 in M.Sc./M.Sc. (Ag.)/M.Tech./M.E.





Bachelor's Degree in

M.Sc./M.Sc.(Ag.)/M.Tech./M.E. in

Agricultural Chemicals

Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry

Agricultural Chemicals / Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry / Environmental Science / Chemistry

Agricultural Economics

Agriculture / Dairy Science / Veterinary Science / Animal Husbandry / Fisheries

Agricultural Economics / Dairy Economics/ Livestock Economics/ Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation/ Fisheries Economics

Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural Engineering / B.Tech / B.E.

Agricultural Engineering / Dairy Engineering  / Water Science and Technology ; M.Sc. in Dairy Engineering are eligible for Ph.D. in Agricultural Processing and Structures (Pre-requisite; B.Sc. / B.Tech. / B.E. in Agricultural Engineering)

Agricultural Extension

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Dairy Science / Veterinary Science / Animal Husbandry Fisheries

Agricultural Extension / Extension Education / Dairy Extension / Fisheries Extension / Livestock Extension / Home Science Extension / Agril. Extension and Communication / Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension

Agricultural Physics

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture

Agricultural Physics / Agricultural Chemistry / Soil Science / Agricultural Meteorology / Meteorology / Agricultural Engineering / Engineering / Physics / Bio-physics / Water Science and Technology/ Geo-informatics/Remote Sensing

Agricultural Statistics

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Agroforestry / Sericulture / Agricultural Marketing

Agricultural Statistics / Statistics / Mathematical Statics / Bio-Statistics



Agronomy / Water Science and Technology/Water Management


B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture

Biochemistry / Agricultural Biochemistry / Agricultural Chemistry / Molecular Biology and / OR Biotechnology / Biophysics / Relevant discipline of Life Sciences / Chemistry with Organic Chemistry as a special subject/ Plant  Physiology


B.Sc. in any discipline of Science

M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Bioinformatics / Molecular Biology or Biotechnology / Computer Science / Computer Application / Agricultural Sciences / Life Sciences and equivalent post graduate degree in science.

Computer Application

Agriculture / Computer Science / Agricultural Engineering, B.Sc. (Hort.), Veterinary Science, Home Science, B.Sc.(Forestry) or B.Sc. with Maths / Statistics / Physics / Biology

M.Sc. / MCA / M.Tech. / M.E. in Computer Science / Computer Application/ Computer Engineering / Computer Science Engineering / Information Technology / M.Tech. Agricultural Engineering / M.Tech. in Post Harvest Technology


B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Agroforestry / Sericulture

Entomology / Agricultural Entomology / Zoology or Plant Protection with Entomology as specialization / Relevant Life Sciences

Environmental Sciences

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Agricultural Engineering

Environmental Sciences / Physical Sciences / Biological Sciences / Chemistry / any branch of Agricultural Sciences / Life Sciences/Chemical Sciences / Relevant Life Sciences

Food Science & Post Harvest Technology

Agriculture / Horticulture / Food Science / Food Science and Technology / B.Tech. / B.E. in Agricultural Engineering / Food Engineering / Biochemical Engineering / Chemical Engineering

  1. For Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops: Horticulture / Post Harvest Technology / Food Science & Technology
  2. For Post Harvest Engineering and Technology: Agricultural Processing and Structures / Food Engineering / Post Harvest Engineering / Biochemical Engineering

Genetics & Plant Breeding

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry

Genetics and / OR Plant Breeding / Plant Genetic Resources / any other branch of Biological  Sciences with Genetics and / OR Plant Breeding as a subject


Graduation in Agriculture/Horticulture


Floriculture and landscape architecture


Horticulture or Agriculture with major in Floriculture/Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops/Genetics and/OR Plant Breeding/Plant Genetic Resources/Plant Physiology/Crop Physiology with specialisation in Floriculture

Fruit science


Horticulture or Agriculture with major in Fruit Science/ Pomology/Genetics and/OR Plant Breeding/Plant Genetic Resources/Plant Physiology with specialisation in any of above discipline of Fruit Science/Physiology/Water Science and Technology

Vegetable science


Horticulture or Agriculture with major in Olericulture/ Vegetable Science/Vegetable Breeding/ Genetics and/OR Plant Breeding/Plant Genetic Resources with specialization in Vegetable Science


B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Microbiology / Horticulture

Microbiology / Agricultural Microbiology / Soil Science and / OR Agricultural Chemistry / Genetics / Botany / Agricultural Botany / Molecular Biology and / OR Biotechnology / Relevant Life Sciences / Biochemistry with Microbiology as a special subject/ Environmental Microbiology/ Industrial Microbiology

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Sericulture / Biotechnology

Molecular Biology and / OR Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Agricultural Biochemistry / Botany / Agricultural. Botany / Genetics and / OR Plant Breeding / Relevant Life Sciences / Microbiology / Agricultural Microbiology / Plant Genetic Resources/Bioinformatics


B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry

Nematology / Entomology / Zoology / Botany / Mycology and / OR Plant Pathology / Relevant Life Sciences / Molecular Biology and / OR Biotechnology / Plant Protection / Helminthology / Agricultural Entomology / Agricultural Microbiology

Plant Genetic Resources

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry

Plant Genetic Resources / Genetics / Plant Breeding / Agricultural Botany / Horticulture / Plant Biotechnology / Seed Science & Technology / Plant Physiology / any other branch of Biological Sciences with specialization in these subjects and/or Plant Taxonomy / Economic Botany/Biotechnology

Plant Pathology

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry

Mycology and/OR Plant Pathology / Botany / Agricultural Botany / Molecular Biology and/OR Biotechnology / Genetics / Microbiology / Seed Science and Technology / Biochemistry / Plant Genetic Resources / Plant Protection / Relevant Life Sciences with Mycology and Plant Pathology as specialization/Bioinformatics

Plant Physiology

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture

Plant Physiology / Crop Physiology / Botany / Agricultural Botany / Biochemistry / Relevant Life Sciences / Molecular Biology and/OR Biotechnology / Plant Genetic Resources/Bio Science/Plant Science

Seed Science and Technology

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry

Seed Science and Technology / Genetics and/OR Plant Breeding / Plant Physiology / Crop Physiology / Mycology and/OR Plant Pathology / Entomology / Nematology / Botany / Agricultural Botany / Plant Genetic Resources

Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

B.Sc. or B.Sc. in Agriculture / Horticulture

Soil Science and/OR Agricultural Chemistry / Chemistry / Agricultural Physics with specialization in Soil Physics / Environmental Sciences with specialization in Soil Science/Agricultural Microbiology with specialization in Soil Science

Water Science and Technology

Agriculture / Horticulture / Agricultural Engineering / B.Tech. / B.E. (Agril. Engineering)

Water Science and Technology / Agricultural Physics / Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics (with Physical Sciences at Bachelors Degree Level) / M.Tech. in Agril. Engineering / Civil Engineering

A good knowledge of English is essential.
All non-agricultural graduates will have to complete prescribed course in Introductory Agriculture of 36 credits before they are permitted to take regular courses and to qualify for the degree. The candidates, who do not possess B.Sc. (Agriculture), B.Sc. (Horticulture) or B.Sc./B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering shall have to Introductory Agriculture of 36 credits in the first year of the three year programme of M.Sc./M.Tech. Similarly the candidates, who have not been exposed to subjects of Agriculture in their Master degree programme shall have to take prescribed courses on Introductory Agriculture of 36 credits in the first year during their Ph.D. programme.

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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