भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

ICAR-IARI Scientists

Vegetable Science 18 Scientist(s)


Dr B. S. Tomar
Head, Professor and Principal Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Seed Science & Technology


Dr Anil Khar
Principal Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Breeding, Biotechnology (Onion, Garlic)


Dr Zakir Hussain
Principal Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Tomato)


Dr Ramesh Kumar Yadav
Principal Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Okra)


Dr Amish K. Sureja
Principal Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Carrot, Pumpkin)


Dr Manisha Mangal
Principal Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Agricultural Biotechnology


Dr Jeetendra Kumar Ranjan
Sr. Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding


Dr Harshwardhan Choudhary
Sr. Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Muskmelon)


Dr Arpita Srivastava

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Chilli)


Dr S. S. Dey

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Genetic improvement of cucumber and cauliflower


Dr Sabina Islam

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Onion)


Dr Shrawan Singh
Sr. Scientist

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Science (Cauliflower and Tropical Broccoli)


Dr Partha Saha

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Cauliflower and Brinjal)


Sh. Muthukumar Palanisamy

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable breeding (Cauliflower and Tomato)


Dr Brij Bihari Sharma

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Cauliflower and garden pea)

Dr Gograj Singh Jat

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable breeding (bitter gourd & tomato)


Dr (Mrs.) Suman Lata

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Agricultural Biotechnology, Functional genomics, Transgenics


Mr Jogendra Singh

Division: Vegetable Science

Specialisation: Vegetable breeding (Cucumber & Muskmelon)

ICAR-IARI Scientists