भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Pusa Krishi is working on three different parts of the circle of innovation i.e., IP Management, Technology Commercialization and Agribusiness Incubation. The short summary of the milestones achieved, followed by the detailed description is given below:

  • The unit manages the intellectual property of ICAR-IARI and its fourteen zonal institutes thus filed 131 patents and 53 PPVFR Applications.
  • During the last ten years, the Unit has successfully commercialized 318 agricultural technologies, ranging from crop varieties, bio-fertilizers, post-harvest technologies, agri-chemicals, farm implements and diagnostic tools to 605agro-based companies.
  • STFR meter has been commercialized to 14 companies in various parts of the country
  • Wheat variety HD 3086 has been commercialized to 202 companies with revenue generation of more than one crore INR. This variety has increased the yield of wheat and overcome the problem of yellow rust in North India.
  • Pusa Krishi is supported by ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Department of Science & Technology, BIRAC and Ministry of MSME.
  • The incubator has run 15 incubation programs and incubated 266 startups since its inception catering all the domains of agriculture. It provides technical mentoring, technology validation, business handholding, IP Support, Marketing and networking opportunities and fund facilitation to its startups.
  • Ninety Four (94) startups had been funded under various programs with a total value of INR 7.97 Crores.


Operational Achievements of Incubation Programs (UPJA, ARISE, MAITRI)

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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