भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
| हिन्दी | || || |
Division of Agricultural Chemicals was created in 1966 when Government of India was in the process of formulating pesticide policy and enacting Insecticide Act. Since then, the Division has generated substantial knowledge and information on agrochemicals in general and crop protection chemicals in particular, for reference and use by the national system. Currently in the golden jubilee year of its existence, Division has proved a trendsetter in planning and execution of basic and applied research of national importance in multifarious domains of development, formulation and safety aspects of agrochemicals viz. pesticides and pesticide adjuvants, superabsorbent hydrogels and composites, nitrification inhibitors, hybridizing agents, nutraceuticals, plant growth regulators, smart agro-inputs delivery systems, nano products, new analytical methods for pesticide residues, etc.
Credited with nearly 30 industrial licenses of different technologies, Division’s work on synthetic pine oil, pesticide synergists, neem pesticides (crop protection), hydrogels and allied products (natural resource management) and nutraceuticals (human health) has won it wide national and international acclaim. Division has generated a rich wealth of leads on synthetic and natural molecules with wide activity spectrum. Several bench scale knowhow(s) at hand are under validation.
All India Network Project on Pesticide Residues (formerly called AICRP on Pesticide Residues) was created based on the leads generated by the Division. Society of Pesticide Science India founded by Division in 1987 is housed in its premises and publishes Pesticide Research Journal since last 28 years. The first ever NABL accredited Pesticide Referral Laboratory on Pesticide Residues was established in the Division to provide support to the country in international trade in agricultural produce and train human resource of excellence.
Division has generated significant quantum of intellectual property (more than 50 national / international patents) in addition to quality research publications of high impact factor. The impact of scientific contributions is reflected through recognitions including Fellowships of the national academies (INSA, NAAS), prestigious awards by ICAR, NAAS, NRDC, ICFRE, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Societies and research funding from national and international agencies.
Division has been registered as a source of environmental information in the International Directory of Source of the United Nations. Divisional laboratories are well equipped with advanced instruments and various type of services offered besides research and teaching. From 1989, division has been granted the status of an independent teaching discipline, and IARI has started conferring M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Chemicals.!@#$%^&*(*&^%$#
Development of agrochemicals from natural and synthetic resources
Agrochemical formulation, research and development
Safety evaluation of plant protection schedules on agricultural crops
Develop human resource of excellence